DeSantis & Elon Musk don't appreciate Biden et al... Musk: "Our kids aren't fodder for the government"


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Yeh, all this BS about how children belong to everyone! Damned Marxists!

The government is everything to these dumbasses. It's a god because they have no God (& it's human nature to create one in case one doesn't have one...).

In the case of bidim, he ditched God a long time ago.. At one time he was "Catholic" but then he started promoting murder of the unborn, mutilation of children's genitalia and faggotry... (not to mention the lawlessness of having just any freak enter our country from just any old damned other country (ally to the US or not).. which is still illegal but these a-holes don't care about the law... )
Duh. They’re fodder for Republican electoral politics like God intended!

Yeh, all this BS about how children belong to everyone! Damned Marxists!

The government is everything to these dumbasses. It's a god because they have no God (& it's human nature to create one in case one doesn't have one...).

In the case of bidim, he ditched God a long time ago.. At one time he was "Catholic" but then he started promoting murder of the unborn, mutilation of children's genitalia and faggotry... (not to mention the lawlessness of having just any freak enter our country from just any old damned other country (ally to the US or not).. which is still illegal but these a-holes don't care about the law... )
Coming up next, shocking revelation that yankee fans don’t like the Red Sox.
defending deep state and tyranny

it must be awful being y'all....

what miserable lives you must live
They are coming for our children. They are sick.



This is alarming.

Tweet from the White House is here...


My kids are not your kids!

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