Dershowitz just offered to represent Jews, pro bono, in suing the antisemitic organizations that have violated their rights

He just announced this on Hannity a few minutes ago, and I will post a link as soon as one is available.

His point was that the anti-Jew terrorist organizations funding this will get off the hook because NY will just release the arrested protestors in an hour - but a lawsuit will not let the matter drop. These organizations have funded the violation of civil rights of Jews, and this is not 1933 Germany.

Link to come….
Good for them. That old pedophile will fight for them as hard as he did Epstein and Trump.
Why does it take a law suit to punish neo-Nazis who violate the rights of American citizens? Where the hell is the Biden administration?
Where are ANY of the NY Democrats? What about Schumer? Jeffries? Nadler?

They are all in hiding, afraid to offend antisemitic Muslims.
So you’re defending the antisemitic organizations funding the Jew-hate they’re spreading on campus? THAT is your concern?
I believe this will absolutely be the Democrats' Achilles' Heel.
I hope so. Dershowitz can contact that cute Jewish boy from UCLA who was blocked from going to class by the Palestinians. He is smart, well-mannered, disciplined, and would be an excellent client. This way, Dershowitz can peel back the layers of the onion and find out just how much in bed Democrats are with the anti-American Muslims.
When all else fails, blame it on Soros. The guy is close to 90, who will they blame when he is dead? It will surely be a Jew, bet on it.

Remember Charlottesville.

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