Denying the divinity of George Floyd

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
Should people be allowed to do it? Is it racism or religious bigotry if you do? The place where he died is now sacred ground. It is a place where the sick are healed, the crippled walk and the deaf hear. Only racist whites would deny him divinity.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

Of course it's really all about the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats plot to remove Trump. Who is funding #BLM?
Indeed, the sanctification of this career criminal is spectacular. This faithful family man was arrest in the resence of his girlfriend Courtney Ross. was arrested for the federal offense of passing counterfeit $20.00 bills.

Should people be allowed to do it? Is it racism or religious bigotry if you do? The place where he died is now sacred ground. It is a place where the sick are healed, the crippled walk and the deaf hear. Only racist whites would deny him divinity.
The moron was a meth head home invader... it's good he's taking a dirt nap

By the way left loons, if you can't breath you can't keep saying you can't breath.

Science ya know
Should people be allowed to do it? Is it racism or religious bigotry if you do? The place where he died is now sacred ground. It is a place where the sick are healed, the crippled walk and the deaf hear. Only racist whites would deny him divinity.
I sincerely believe that there are many who do.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

It's you idiot left loons making it about BLM and the dead criminal.

Cripes you're fcking stupid
My goodness, you're blind.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

It's you idiot left loons making it about BLM and the dead criminal.

Cripes you're fcking stupid
My goodness, you're blind.

Good grief, child. Last March you screeched the markets were done, toast, etc....what you know I can fit in a thimble.


I bought PLUG at 2.39 in March on the dip....25k shares.... what's it worth today, little man?

Absolutely nobody buys your BS and you absolutely intimidate nobody. Get over yourself.

And get the fuck over the "old Mac learned and showed them up"..... moron
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

It's you idiot left loons making it about BLM and the dead criminal.

Cripes you're fcking stupid
My goodness, you're blind.

Good grief, child. Last March you screeched the markets were done, toast, etc....what you know I can fit in a thimble.


I bought PLUG at 2.39 in March on the dip....25k shares.... what's it worth today, little man?

Absolutely nobody buys your BS and you absolutely intimidate nobody. Get over yourself.

And get the fuck over the "old Mac learned and showed them up"..... moron
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

It's you idiot left loons making it about BLM and the dead criminal.

Cripes you're fcking stupid
My goodness, you're blind.

Good grief, child. Last March you screeched the markets were done, toast, etc....what you know I can fit in a thimble.


I bought PLUG at 2.39 in March on the dip....25k shares.... what's it worth today, little man?

Absolutely nobody buys your BS and you absolutely intimidate nobody. Get over yourself.

And get the fuck over the "old Mac learned and showed them up"..... moron

A lame meme doesn't prove anything.

Again, what you pretend to know I can put in a thimble, your own comments from last March are easily read.

Oh gasp!!!! "Old Mac" is getting cornered

Now run along and pretend to the very few who buy your BS.

Your boy was a worthless meth head... that's just a fact.

You think yourself clever... I'm much more clever....."old Mac"...
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.
Republicans want to make everything about Floyd?!!! Are you fucking crazy? You losers have been burning down cities for weeks over that piece of shit.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

Who said everything is about the home invader?

Not everything, but some part is. If you don't want to participate in that "some", go back to your 10 different BLM threads. Everything is about Burn, Loot, Murder.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.
Republicans want to make everything about Floyd?!!! Are you fucking crazy? You losers have been burning down cities for weeks over that piece of shit.

Yeah, it was the republicans again who race baited the story beyond all belief.

Usually when Mac is angry, he is angry about what his side did, but can't admit it and has to project.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.

It's you idiot left loons making it about BLM and the dead criminal.

Cripes you're fcking stupid
My goodness, you're blind.

Good grief, child. Last March you screeched the markets were done, toast, etc....what you know I can fit in a thimble.


I bought PLUG at 2.39 in March on the dip....25k shares.... what's it worth today, little man?

Absolutely nobody buys your BS and you absolutely intimidate nobody. Get over yourself.

And get the fuck over the "old Mac learned and showed them up"..... moron

Doesn't Mac work in finance?

All of us were screaming to buy stocks during the dip and made a fortune. How much did Mac make?
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.
Republicans want to make everything about Floyd?!!! Are you fucking crazy? You losers have been burning down cities for weeks over that piece of shit.

Yeah, it was the republicans again who race baited the story beyond all belief.

Usually when Mac is angry, he is angry about what his side did, but can't admit it and has to project.

Old Mac is flummoxed he's getting pounded

Floyd was a worthless meth head, home invader that eventually got his just rewards

No loss to society at all.
As much as Trumpsters want to make everything about George Floyd or BLM, they are tiny role players in a profoundly bigger picture.

And I suspect most Americans know that. Fortunately.
Republicans want to make everything about Floyd?!!! Are you fucking crazy? You losers have been burning down cities for weeks over that piece of shit.

Yeah, it was the republicans again who race baited the story beyond all belief.

Usually when Mac is angry, he is angry about what his side did, but can't admit it and has to project.

Old Mac is flummoxed he's getting pounded

Floyd was a worthless meth head, home invader that eventually got his just rewards

No loss to society at all.

Well, it was still murder I would say, but certainly not one of our best getting murdered.

Although even that is not clear, I read he had twice the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. We will learn more...

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