Dennis Kucinich for President


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich represents my district, and I have come to really admire him. He's currently running for re-election to the House and I support him. I challenge anyone here to say they like and admire their representative more'n I do mine.

I think he'd make a terrific President in 2012. Please look him over and tell me what you think of the idea.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich

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Dennis Kucinich is a smart guy and it's always good for voices like his to be heard. But same as I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks the answer to everything is to 'bomb, bomb, bomb iran', I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks nothing is ever worth fighting and dying for.

My rep rocks, btw.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich represents my district, and I have come to really admire him. He's currently running for re-election to the House and I support him. I challenge anyone here to say they like and admire their representative more'n I do mine.

I think he'd make a terrific President in 2012. Please look him over and tell me what you think of the idea.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein, (attributed)
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

You cannot be serious, you are surely native to Cleaveland Huh? :eusa_doh:

No, I have not grown up here. I've been here a few years now, though.

What's your issue with Dennis Kucinich, PixieStix? Was he a bad mayor?

Yes, indeed, he was a bad mayor, as most mayors have been in cleveland

My issue with him, is that he is an absolute lunatic
My wife of 34 years is from Cleveland.
Madeline, please give us something other than his own web site to give us an objective analysis of him.
The man lived with his friend Shirley McClaine for a while. That woman is a ham sandwich short of a picnic lunch.
The man signed a letter of solidarity with Hugo Chavez, the thug dictator of Venuzuela.
However, I admire him as he is a man of his convictions. I will not support his candidacy.
Dennis Kucinich is a smart guy and it's always good for voices like his to be heard. But same as I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks the answer to everything is to 'bomb, bomb, bomb iran', I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks nothing is ever worth fighting and dying for.

My rep rocks, btw.

Who's your Representative Jillian?

We need to find and support talent in the lower ranks and get some future Presidental candidates groomed. This country deserves better candidates than it's been getting. We will never have the effect we want if we wait till after the Presidential primaries; it'll be grass roots activism that changes things.

I didn't know Kucinich supporting a US War on Iran, Jillian. Are you sure? He seems very knowledgable about the Middle East to me...I don't see him calling for US aggression against Iran.

Dennis Kucinich: Iran Had a Democracy, We Helped Destroy It (speech)
Rep. Dennis Kucinich represents my district, and I have come to really admire him. He's currently running for re-election to the House and I support him. I challenge anyone here to say they like and admire their representative more'n I do mine.

I think he'd make a terrific President in 2012. Please look him over and tell me what you think of the idea.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich


I didn't agree with a lot of his positions in the 2008 primaries so I say bad he has too much alien baggage to be taken serious.
My wife of 34 years is from Cleveland.
Madeline, please give us something other than his own web site to give us an objective analysis of him.
The man lived with his friend Shirley McClaine for a while. That woman is a ham sandwich short of a picnic lunch.
The man signed a letter of solidarity with Hugo Chavez, the thug dictator of Venuzuela.
However, I admire him as he is a man of his convictions. I will not support his candidacy.

To be honest I don't know a whole lot about his early career or personal life, Gadaway. I'm not sure any man would have to accept Shirley McClaine's goofy channeling nonsense to be her lover -- that is one beautiful, exciting woman. But in any event, Kucinich is married now (presumably to a different woman).

When did Kucinich sign a letter of solidarity with Chavez? Not lately I would hope. Ugh, in 2004. That is disturbing.

Solidarity Letter To President Hugo Chavez--Venezuela Information Office


Well, no one is perfect. As a representative he hasn't got a whole lot of direct impact on foreign affairs, and he's been right on the issues I care about.

God damn it -- I want a candidate!
Rep. Dennis Kucinich represents my district, and I have come to really admire him.

That says as much about you as it does about him! :lol:

He's currently running for re-election to the House and I support him. I challenge anyone here to say they like and admire their representative more'n I do mine.
Why would anyone give a fuck, your as dumb as a box of rocks!

I think he'd make a terrific President in 2012. Please look him over and tell me what you think of the idea.
He wouldn't even make a good PTA president.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich represents my district, and I have come to really admire him. He's currently running for re-election to the House and I support him. I challenge anyone here to say they like and admire their representative more'n I do mine.

I think he'd make a terrific President in 2012. Please look him over and tell me what you think of the idea.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich


I didn't agree with a lot of his positions in the 2008 primaries so I say bad he has too much alien baggage to be taken serious.

Aliens? As in UFOs?

OpEdNews - Article: Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson & UFOs: The 'other' Alien Question in the 2008 Presidential Election

O for Fuck's sake, LOL. No wonder PixieStix can't stand him. Eeeewwwww.


Okay, who's got someone else to suggest?
Dennis Kucinich is a smart guy and it's always good for voices like his to be heard. But same as I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks the answer to everything is to 'bomb, bomb, bomb iran', I wouldn't vote for someone who thinks nothing is ever worth fighting and dying for.

My rep rocks, btw.

Who's your Representative Jillian?

We need to find and support talent in the lower ranks and get some future Presidental candidates groomed. This country deserves better candidates than it's been getting. We will never have the effect we want if we wait till after the Presidential primaries; it'll be grass roots activism that changes things.

I didn't know Kucinich supporting a US War on Iran, Jillian. Are you sure? He seems very knowledgable about the Middle East to me...I don't see him calling for US aggression against Iran.

Dennis Kucinich: Iran Had a Democracy, We Helped Destroy It (speech)

She was saying the opposite you mental midget. Kunich is Chamberlian. He wouldn't have even fought WW II, probably not even the Civil War. Dumbo is truly a Dumbo, as are you! :lol:
Who's your Representative Jillian?

We need to find and support talent in the lower ranks and get some future Presidental candidates groomed. This country deserves better candidates than it's been getting. We will never have the effect we want if we wait till after the Presidential primaries; it'll be grass roots activism that changes things.

I didn't know Kucinich supporting a US War on Iran, Jillian. Are you sure? He seems very knowledgable about the Middle East to me...I don't see him calling for US aggression against Iran.

Dennis Kucinich: Iran Had a Democracy, We Helped Destroy It (speech)

I don't believe kucinich would have fought ANY war. I opposed Iraq, but I don't believe he'd have even gone into WWII. I respect people who believe in peace no matter what. I just don't always believe that ends up with the right result and sometimes ugly stuff has to happen to do the right thing.
She is saying groom him for 2012! LOL, do you realize the D's have the incumbent President?

I'm not sure she knows how idoitic her suggestion that Obama will not represent the D's in 2012 really is! :eusa_whistle:
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