Dennis Hastert faces new restrictions on porn, contact with minors...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
On supervised release, Hastert faces new restrictions on porn, contact with minors

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered tightened restrictions on former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, including barring him from possessing pornography, using sex chat lines or having any contact with minors except in the presence of an adult who is aware of his sexual abuse of boys decades ago.

The order from U.S. District Judge Thomas Durkin came a day after the probation department submitted a report in court under seal.

Although the reasons for the tightened restrictions were not spelled out, Hastert has been undergoing a court-ordered sex offender evaluation — including any "psychological and physiological" testing deemed necessary — to expose any undisclosed wrongdoing and gauge whether he's a danger to society.

I agree with most of this decision, but isn't restricting a person from looking at porn considered cruel and inhumane treatment? :dunno:
Is National Geographic considered porn? I used to like to look at it as a kid to look at the naked Pygmies.
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Come to think of it, I believe National Geographic would have pictures of naked Pygmy children also.
He's also not allowed to use "sex related telephone numbers". Holy shit. Does Hastert have a time machine that goes back to 1990? I'm not sure that restriction is necessary.
He's also not allowed to use "sex related telephone numbers". Holy shit. Does Hastert have a time machine that goes back to 1990? I'm not sure that restriction is necessary.
(Try that number at your own risk..... I just made it up).
Instead of time inside, he needed extensive mental health care(.)
Actually, I'm not sure any of these restrictions are necessary. He doesn't look like he could overpower a ten year old, let alone get aroused by anything.
Actually, I'm not sure any of these restrictions are necessary. He doesn't look like he could overpower a ten year old, let alone get aroused by anything.

He could offer a ten year old liquor or pills, and could over power a 5 year old. Where is this coming from? His crimes must have been worse than known.

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