1. Today Sanders gave a ringing endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President.
2. One week from today, the GOP convention begins what is sure to be a very entertaining (if u r DEM) train wreck. Never Trump vs. Trump vs. Trump. (I listed Trump twice because he's his own worst enemy)
3. By the end of the GOP convention, the party will have succeeded in further dividing itself and distancing itself from the majority of swing voters, moderates, and all minorities.
4. DNC Convention will be a loveliest of positivity and progressive (forward-looking) ideas. The will promise a world they can never deliver, but even a watered down version of the platform will help the country tremendously. The public option absolutely has to happen, sorry Med students, you won't be as rich as your fathers.
5. August - GOP will try to salvage things by appealing to their base with the same anti-science, supply side, religious extremism bullshit. Because the base will show up to vote for anyone, no matter how unqualified, see Palin V.P. 2008) HINT: The base won't win you jack, you need the middle.
6. October - Donald will self-destruct in ways not even I can imagine as the very real prospect of losing the election will cause what psychologists call a Narcissistic Break, a very destructive psychotic breakdown of sorts that may lead to him getting arrested and/or hospitalized.
8. November. Hillary wins in an epic landslide. GOP loses Senate for sure and possibly house majority.
9. Question: Will the GOP be humbled enough to return to their roots of fiscal conservatism (which sometimes means raising taxes as Reagan and Bush I did) or will they cling to the same anti-science, supply side, religious extremism that brought about their destruction?
10. Epilogue - if Trump does manage to win 3-4 states, the U.S. should sanction them in some way.
2. One week from today, the GOP convention begins what is sure to be a very entertaining (if u r DEM) train wreck. Never Trump vs. Trump vs. Trump. (I listed Trump twice because he's his own worst enemy)
3. By the end of the GOP convention, the party will have succeeded in further dividing itself and distancing itself from the majority of swing voters, moderates, and all minorities.
4. DNC Convention will be a loveliest of positivity and progressive (forward-looking) ideas. The will promise a world they can never deliver, but even a watered down version of the platform will help the country tremendously. The public option absolutely has to happen, sorry Med students, you won't be as rich as your fathers.
5. August - GOP will try to salvage things by appealing to their base with the same anti-science, supply side, religious extremism bullshit. Because the base will show up to vote for anyone, no matter how unqualified, see Palin V.P. 2008) HINT: The base won't win you jack, you need the middle.
6. October - Donald will self-destruct in ways not even I can imagine as the very real prospect of losing the election will cause what psychologists call a Narcissistic Break, a very destructive psychotic breakdown of sorts that may lead to him getting arrested and/or hospitalized.
8. November. Hillary wins in an epic landslide. GOP loses Senate for sure and possibly house majority.
9. Question: Will the GOP be humbled enough to return to their roots of fiscal conservatism (which sometimes means raising taxes as Reagan and Bush I did) or will they cling to the same anti-science, supply side, religious extremism that brought about their destruction?
10. Epilogue - if Trump does manage to win 3-4 states, the U.S. should sanction them in some way.