Dems riding the bizarre wave of wokeness...what happens when the 'hip to be woke' fad fades away


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
You have to believe legit fathers all over the country are disowning their children for joining the Woke Army, unwise kids have to start regretting their alignment.....Like the mullet, perms and bell-bottom jeans this fad will fade, when it does what will Dems concoct next? Could they have beat Donald Trump without the Hip To Be Woke Fad?
And now where her fucking your shit up and taking your football and your country from you cuck.

What are your accomplishments cuck boy? So far as I can tell, your generation of Whites is going to be the one to lose the country to minorities and immigrants. Lol.
Haha…I’m pretty sure we all know this “pretend dark people are America’s greatest asset” bullshit has no staying power as it is rooted in lies and deceit. This backwards bizarro bullshit isn’t sustainable….you are exactly what you are and all sane people know it.
Haha…I’m pretty sure we all know this “pretend dark people are America’s greatest asset” bullshit has no staying power as it is rooted in lies and deceit. This backwards bizarro bullshit isn’t sustainable….you are exactly what you are and all sane people know it.
That's why all the available data shows your children have embraced multiculturalism and mixed individuals are the fastest growing demographic while you pure Whites are in decline. Lol. Enjoy that fantasy world cuck. We'll enjoy reality and football while you pout in the corner.
Haha…I’m pretty sure we all know this “pretend dark people are America’s greatest asset” bullshit has no staying power as it is rooted in lies and deceit. This backwards bizarro bullshit isn’t sustainable….you are exactly what you are and all sane people know it.
Well..,and the industries have to rely on the woke masses to support them financially. And they don’t.
That's why all the available data shows your children have embraced multiculturalism and mixed individuals are the fastest growing demographic while you pure Whites are in decline. Lol. Enjoy that fantasy world cuck. We'll enjoy reality and football while you pout in the corner.
I think what you really mean is as Americas demography changes degredation and societal decay is accelerated…right?
You know, “following the science“ and all.
See, ignorant fools, those who don’t positively contribute can’t give two-fucks about the trajectory America is on, they are myopic thinkers and frankly they fit better within a shithole society…they can’t wait for America to become one big Mexifornia / Chicago.
Well..,and the industries have to rely on the woke masses to support them financially. And they don’t.
Get woke and go broke is taking its toll for sure…the clock is ticking and everybody paying attention knows it.
Get woke and go broke is taking its toll for sure…the clock is ticking and everybody paying attention knows it.
Someday ( hopefully)these industries will learn the woke crowd just wants to destroy things. Not support them.
You really think being part of one extreme is better than being part of the other extreme? both demanding there way is the only way?
Mostly it will be hilarious to watch them descend upon each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. Sooner or later they will blame each other as the reason all that was promised never came to fruition.
I think what you really mean is as Americas demography changes degredation and societal decay is accelerated…right?
You know, “following the science“ and all.
What decay would that be? Me and mine are doing great.
See, ignorant fools, those who don’t positively contribute can’t give two-fucks about the trajectory America is on, they are myopic thinkers and frankly they fit better within a shithole society…they can’t wait for America to become one big Mexifornia / Chicago.
I'm a small business owner, most of the other people in my family are Doctors and Healthcare professionals. I'm pretty sure we all contribute more than you do cuck. After all the type of person who thinks America is in decline is probably a broke, layabout. I'm guessing you named yourself for accuracy. Lol.
This thread triggers me.

Hate speech is VIOLENCE!

Well, here we are…wokeness is losing its appeal FAST and Democrats are shitting themselves as they know WOKE is what has propelled the party as of late.
We all know they can’t win on policy….SO, what’s in the pipeline, what will they concoct in lieu of policy?
Um, yes... get this.

Big business has decided your racism and homophobia is no longer something they want to pander to. This is why you guys have already lost to culture wars. Big Business has decided that they no longer need you.
Hahaha…negative, we’re just seeing an unsustainable fad…no fad led by George Crackhead Floyd has any staying power.
Only you woke white guilt whackos can continue to pretend blacks are Americas greatest asset while reality happens outside of libtardia.

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