Dems hated Bolton Now they love him

Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?
He's not the hero of the day???

He has first hand knowledge of the impeachment accusations.... and allegedly, is willing to honor a subpoena.

I personally would not be shocked if he did a little weaseling and gives both sides some red meat with his testimony.... he makes his living off of the right wing world and funds with a PAC right wing politicians, so he and his testimony could go either way?:dunno:

people are excited in the sense that we FINALLY have a first hand witness in the admin at the time of the conspiracy, that is willing to testify and defy the do not testify order by Trump.

This isn't about him.

It's about how you Pelosi asskissers will abide anyone who can help your case....even when you were screeching about what a liar he was several years ago.

You bitched about him the whole time he worked for Trump.

But now.....................

Even though YOU would not call him, he represents your only chance to delay the inevitable aquittale.

You are all over it.

Fucking hypocrites.
First, its not "our case".
Its Trump's abuse of power.
Bolton is a witness to this, it doesnt mean we "love" him.
He needs to testify, otherwise the senate trial is pointless without witnesses.
Even John Kelly believes him.
Are you against a fair trial?
Why didn't YOUR House Clowns call him to testify during their investigation? They claim to have an 'overwhelming' case without him.
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

You want to impeach a sitting President of the United States because someone said he said he wanted to do something that he didn't actually do?
What kind of a justice system do you want to live in? One that doesn't require proof? One that convicts you based on what others said your motive for doing something was?
Seriously? You obviously did not watch the house managers present their case. You are living in an information darkness, a blackout, not Sun light.
I have watched every second of the hearings and the trial. The House managers don't have a case for removal. Bill Clinton was not removed for lying to a Federal Grand Jury. That's a crime. If Bill Clinton wasn't removed for lying to a Federal Grand Jury, then democrats have no case.
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

You want to impeach a sitting President of the United States because someone said he said he wanted to do something that he didn't actually do?
What kind of a justice system do you want to live in? One that doesn't require proof? One that convicts you based on what others said your motive for doing something was?
Seriously? You obviously did not watch the house managers present their case. You are living in an information darkness, a blackout, not Sun light.

Sorry, my mind is not poisoned by preconception.
I am NOT in favor of reversing an election by the people because a President's motive for doing something wasn't good - and in the end he didn't do it.
Ukraine got the funds, before the due date.

If we are going to lower the bar to that extent, then every President from this day forward will be impeached.

You people are completely insane. Your hate for this President has mind fucked you.
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
The problem with your assessment is the democrats aren't in love with Bolton. They are asking for his testimony. He has information that is vital to this case.
Where did I say the Democrats "are in love with Bolton"?

Jeez, this place. We just make stuff up. Poof, there's another one.

The Democrats think Bolton has testimony that may help them in November, and they plan to hype whatever he says into the freaking stratosphere in that effort. Just as the Republicans would do if they were in the same political position.

I think we all know that. At least, at some level, way down deep. If we're intellectually honest. If that's even POSSIBLE any more.

That's the title of this thread. And you are asserting that the democrats are demanding Bolton testify for partisan gain. The democrats think Bolton has testimony that supports their case for removal. This situation is not about partisan one upmanship. The reality here is that it has become this way because republicans refuse to honor their responsibility in order to hold on to the white house. By all constitutional measures trump should have been gone before the mueller report was finished due to his violation of laws pertaining to obstruction of justice, witness tampering and witness intimidation. This man is a criminal and these proceedings are not about the 2016 election or the next one.

Your assessment is simply wrong. Intellectual honesty say there is one right and one wrong in matters such as this. It also takes into account reaction to and consequences of wrong behavior. One side here is trying to get rid of a crooked president. The other side is fighting to keep a crook in power. They are not the same thing.
Why didn't your House Clowns call Bolton to testify during their investigation?

Get over your Mueller NOTHINGBURGER. You idiots lost bigly on that one.
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
First hand? It's my understanding that Bolton wasn't in on the call....Do you have something that says he was?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
The call was BUT 30 minutes of a several months long, conspiracy. It's not even a tenth of the issue at hand... So Bolton, Mulveyney, Pompeo, Duffy and Giuliani are first hand witnesses that are needed to get to the first hand facts....

Why didn't YOUR House Clowns call all those guys during their investigation?
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

What has been reported.... a hack at the NYTs with no source.:21:
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?
He's not the hero of the day???

He has first hand knowledge of the impeachment accusations.... and allegedly, is willing to honor a subpoena.

I personally would not be shocked if he did a little weaseling and gives both sides some red meat with his testimony.... he makes his living off of the right wing world and funds with a PAC right wing politicians, so he and his testimony could go either way?:dunno:

people are excited in the sense that we FINALLY have a first hand witness in the admin at the time of the conspiracy, that is willing to testify and defy the do not testify order by Trump.
"we FINALLY have a first hand witness"???????????????????????

Glad to admit you clowns have been lying your ass off about all the "first hand witnesses" you claim the House Clowns called.:21::21::21:
Sondland was told by the President of the tit for tat, so he was first hand, the others were directed by first hand direct reports to the President, the tit for tat needed to release the military aid or coveted DC Whitehouse meeting.

But the good Lord in the Bible states you need TWO WITNESSES to discern the TRUTH of an accusation, so Bolton would be, if the reporting accusations of his book are correct, the second first hand witness. I'd like to hear from other first hand witnesses too, and not stop with Bolton.... this is the most important vote of the Senator's careers, facts and evidence and truth, is important for them to make this vote.... the more, the better.
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?
He's not the hero of the day???

He has first hand knowledge of the impeachment accusations.... and allegedly, is willing to honor a subpoena.

I personally would not be shocked if he did a little weaseling and gives both sides some red meat with his testimony.... he makes his living off of the right wing world and funds with a PAC right wing politicians, so he and his testimony could go either way?:dunno:

people are excited in the sense that we FINALLY have a first hand witness in the admin at the time of the conspiracy, that is willing to testify and defy the do not testify order by Trump.
"we FINALLY have a first hand witness"???????????????????????

Glad to admit you clowns have been lying your ass off about all the "first hand witnesses" you claim the House Clowns called.:21::21::21:
Sondland was told by the President of the tit for tat, so he was first hand, the others were directed by first hand direct reports to the President, the tit for tat needed to release the military aid or coveted DC Whitehouse meeting.

But the good Lord in the Bible states you need TWO WITNESSES to discern the TRUTH of an accusation, so Bolton would be, if the reporting accusations of his book are correct, the second first hand witness. I'd like to hear from other first hand witnesses too, and not stop with Bolton.... this is the most important vote of the Senator's careers, facts and evidence and truth, is important for them to make this vote.... the more, the better.

Once again you glaze right over the ENTIRE POINT.
The point is you should not even THINK about impeaching a President over motives he might have had to do something, that he didn't actually do.
WTF is wrong with you? You realize what kind of precedent that sets???
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

Who needs a theory.

He has every right to investigate corruption.

Please tell us just how discreet your moron lapdogs Pelosi and Schiff were with this investigation.
By using his own campaign lawyer and accused felons awaiting trial to investigate an American citizen, overseas, and get a foreign gvt to make an announcement about his opponent???

Says who, that he has this authority? SAYS NO ONE!! :rolleyes:
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

Who needs a theory.

He has every right to investigate corruption.

Please tell us just how discreet your moron lapdogs Pelosi and Schiff were with this investigation.
By using his own campaign lawyer and accused felons awaiting trial to investigate an American citizen, overseas, and get a foreign gvt to make an announcement about his opponent???

Says who, that he has this authority? SAYS NO ONE!! :rolleyes:

Once again, you miss the point. You seem to do that quite often.
What kind of justice system do you want to have?
One that convicts people for saying they want to do something?
Yes or no.
Second question...
Do you understand the precedent this sets? Do you really believe that Obama knew nothing about the myriad of investigations into Trump BEFORE he was elected???
Do you?
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

Who needs a theory.

He has every right to investigate corruption.

Please tell us just how discreet your moron lapdogs Pelosi and Schiff were with this investigation.
By using his own campaign lawyer and accused felons awaiting trial to investigate an American citizen, overseas, and get a foreign gvt to make an announcement about his opponent???

Says who, that he has this authority? SAYS NO ONE!! :rolleyes:

Except it is only your interpretation of events.

This after three years of looking for an excuse to impeach him.

Maybe if you had kept your oversized mouths shut, this might carry some weight.

As it is, you simply come across as a herd of baboons.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

Who needs a theory.

He has every right to investigate corruption.

Please tell us just how discreet your moron lapdogs Pelosi and Schiff were with this investigation.
By using his own campaign lawyer and accused felons awaiting trial to investigate an American citizen, overseas, and get a foreign gvt to make an announcement about his opponent???

Says who, that he has this authority? SAYS NO ONE!! :rolleyes:

Once again, you miss the point. You seem to do that quite often.
What kind of justice system do you want to have?
One that convicts people for saying they want to do something?
Yes or no.
Second question...
Do you understand the precedent this sets? Do you really believe that Obama knew nothing about the myriad of investigations into Trump BEFORE he was elected???
Do you?

Stop wasting your breath.

She's got her lips locked onto Adam Schiff's gay dick.
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......

Replying to thread title, primarily. Here are my 2c.

Dems hated Bolton for years, and suddenly they can't stop kissing his ass right now. On the other side, completely opposite happened with Reps.

From everything that Bolton is known in past, I was not fun of his, but he always strike me as patriot, no BS guy, and war monger. I believe most of people thought of him the same.

I don't know was he fired, or he quits from position of adviser, not sure about that. But when you turn around and start reading leaks of excerpts, but not quotes, in New York Times of all places, of "kiss and tell" book, making himself available for Senate trial, that to me looks like publicity stunt to promote his book.

He is saying "now" that he's troubled by the things President said back in May, and if he was so troubled, why he waited to say something until September? I mean, if President did anything criminal, or impeachable, or something that he was against it, why he didn't quit right away?

Having said that, knowing that his political career in Trump's administration is done, I don't think that Dems or Reps turned on Bolton, but that Bolton changed by his own conduct, and took a turn because he was offered something in return.
If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....

He can write in his book whatever he wants. Do you believe everything he wrote is absolute truth?
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.
Why did Zelensky say no QPQ? Is he lying too?

Don't you know? Everybody, but Democrats, are liars.
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
The problem with your assessment is the democrats aren't in love with Bolton. They are asking for his testimony. He has information that is vital to this case.

How do you know that information Bolton has is vital to the case?
It is quite hilarious.
The left media in particular, they have railed on and on about Bolton for the past 5 years.
And to a degree, they were right. He loves the grandeur. He loved getting in front of cameras and say some shit to stir things up. He did it on Fox 1000 times.
The left didn't believe a word he said.... until now.
He was a jerk, an extreme neocon Zionist, in all his stances, a hater of Democrats, a FundRaiser for Republicans with his own PAC.... but I never considered him as a chronic liar, just somebody totally messed up in his beliefs and nasty, rude.

But even if he was a liar out in public, when under Oath, it's a whole different ballgame.

He's a lawyer, can lose his licence for lying under oath, and there are another 5 or so first hand witnesses that could bring him down, if he lies under oath.

He's also a huge contemporary notes taker, a diary of every action taken, or conversation of the day.... one reason he can write non fiction books, and churn out this one so quickly.

Contemporaneous notes are admissible in trials, and considered to be factual in a general sense.

He can't enjoy the money he's going to make from his book, by sitting in jail for perjury.... Nor wants to go out of this world with his beloved Republicans, hating him....

I'm leaning towards him telling the truth, with his contemporaneous notes to back him up, but would not be surprised if he tries to appease his R friends as well....

So, we will see.

Thanks... but no.
I have seen Burton giving his opinions and "facts" many times... the guy is the King of conjecture and a borderline conspiracy theorist.
You guys ranted about how Trump was "going to start WW III" buy killing one guy, FFS if Bolton had his way we would be in WW VII by now. Look at old videos of him basically ranting on about how we need to attack this country and that country... how we should choke the world economically etc. etc.
He has flawed thinking, and arrives to conclusions by emotion way more than facts.
You understand he HAS NO FACTS. He merely stated he believes Trump wanted to do this or that.
You can't impeach a President based on what you think his motives were.
What has been reported is he spoke directly with the President and the President told him that the military aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression would be held back by him, until the Ukraine President Velensky made A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN that they were opening criminal investigations in to Burisma/Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Why a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT????? Can you give me your theory?

You want to impeach a sitting President of the United States because someone said he said he wanted to do something that he didn't actually do?
What kind of a justice system do you want to live in? One that doesn't require proof? One that convicts you based on what others said your motive for doing something was?
Seriously? You obviously did not watch the house managers present their case. You are living in an information darkness, a blackout, not Sun light.

House managers didn't have a case. All they have is product of butthurt imagination.

Did Democrats had a case when more than 100 of them voted to impeach the President before the Zelensky phone call? Did they have a case two years ago when 58 Democrats voted to impeach the President over comments he made about NFL players kneeling during national anthem. Did they have the case 95 Democrats voted to impeach the President over comments he made about "The squad"?

You're the loudest one in this thread, and one of the most deranged.

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