Dems' Electric Bus Dreams Go Up in Flames, Entire Fleet Taken Off Road Amid Massive Failure

EVs are not at least as safe as their ICE counterparts. But they had to go through a teething period much like the ICE did at the turn of the 20th century.
I'm sorry but this is absolutely incorrect. ICE vehicles suffer fires at rates dozens and dozens of times higher than EVs. ICE vehicles are FAR, FAR, FAR more likely to experience fires.
I'm sorry but this is absolutely incorrect. ICE vehicles suffer fires at rates dozens and dozens of times higher than EVs. ICE vehicles are FAR, FAR, FAR more likely to experience fires.

Since they have started to work on preventing fires on the EV, you are correct. I am talking about the learning curve. The Model T went through the same problem. When you put your fuel tank just over your engine (no gas pump, it was gravity fed) the fires were more likely when you developed a leak in your fuel line where it dripped on the ignition. That was corrected in the Model A.
This was a battery-operated bus. There are no "radiators" in the lithium batteries. In fact, the bus wasn't even in use. The batteries internally shorted out from the looks of it, which means the batteries are UNSAFE. Can you imagine if that bus had been under load and blew up into flames? You cannot escape that kind of explosive fire ball.

A bus load of kids? In traffic?

The left are, wind and electric cars may never be ready for actual use, and yet they will force us into them because it isn't about cheap, plentiful, reliable is about limiting energy to reduce population size to more manageble levels by the elite....
Connecticut Transit has a total of 12 electric buses. The fire, which took place in their maintenance yard, was the first bus fire Ct Transit has suffered. The buses were purchased at the first of the year. The remaining buses have been taken offline pending the outcome of the investigation of the cause of the fire. Electric buses have significant advantages over diesel powered units in terms of energy consumption, pollution and operating costs. There has been NO move away from them and more and more communities are purchasing electric vehicles for mass transit and utility vehicles.

As has been pointed out here repeatedly and supported by multiple studies, petroleum fueled vehicles suffer fires at orders of magnitude greater rates than EVs.

But not range or cold weather use.......

As has been pointed out here repeatedly and supported by multiple studies, petroleum fueled vehicles suffer fires at orders of magnitude greater rates than EVs.

there are a lot more of them used every single day.......just wait till the EVs are on the road in all weather, every day...
I'm sorry but this is absolutely incorrect. ICE vehicles suffer fires at rates dozens and dozens of times higher than EVs. ICE vehicles are FAR, FAR, FAR more likely to experience fires.

Thats only because EV's are new and haven't been in existence since 1903.

EV's are more DEADLY when they burn, as the battery and all those toxic, deadly chemicals burn completely and leave a deadly resin on the ground, poisoning the ground and anything under it.

Gas engines burn until the fuel is cut off, drowned, or burned off. The the rest of the vehicle can be extinguished.

EV fires burn HOTTER because of the batteries chemicals. The entire vehicle is burned to a toxic ash.
The fire spews deadly smoke and chemicals into the air.

Anybody breathing in the smoke from a gas engine fire can recover. Anybody breathing in the smoke of an EV fire will die.

Gas and oil are not as toxic and deadly as EV chemical fires. The environment can easily recover from the output and residues of gas and oil fires, usually 50-100 years. The environment takes three times longer or more, to recover from deadly, toxic EV residues in the environment.....more like a Chernobyl type destruction on a smaller scale.

And just as Chernobyl wasn't regarded as a deadly environmental threat until the "accident" happened...........nobody is taking into consideration the deadly toxicity of what burnt EV's leave behind..........until it's too late.

Hybrid vehicles are considered the worst, as they are a threat from both sides of the scale, and pretty much bombs on wheels.
Thats only because EV's are new and haven't been in existence since 1903.

EV's are more DEADLY when they burn, as the battery and all those toxic, deadly chemicals burn completely and leave a deadly resin on the ground, poisoning the ground and anything under it.

Gas engines burn until the fuel is cut off, drowned, or burned off. The the rest of the vehicle can be extinguished.

EV fires burn HOTTER because of the batteries chemicals. The entire vehicle is burned to a toxic ash.
The fire spews deadly smoke and chemicals into the air.

Anybody breathing in the smoke from a gas engine fire can recover. Anybody breathing in the smoke of an EV fire will die.

Gas and oil are not as toxic and deadly as EV chemical fires. The environment can easily recover from the output and residues of gas and oil fires, usually 50-100 years. The environment takes three times longer or more, to recover from deadly, toxic EV residues in the environment.....more like a Chernobyl type destruction on a smaller scale.

And just as Chernobyl wasn't regarded as a deadly environmental threat until the "accident" happened...........nobody is taking into consideration the deadly toxicity of what burnt EV's leave behind..........until it's too late.

Hybrid vehicles are considered the worst, as they are a threat from both sides of the scale, and pretty much bombs on wheels.

Not once did the hay burner in my Hoss ever birst into flame.
It's like a scene right out of the movie, "Speed" which everyone and their brother has seen.
Now it's plastered all over the papers and all over social media....exploding buses :omg:

Not a good look if you're a big EV fact, kinda a nut sack kick.
Soon you are gonna see flaming US post office trucks rolling down your block:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

That should go over real well!

I needs me a bag of marshmallows and a stick!!!

I'm sorry but this is absolutely incorrect. ICE vehicles suffer fires at rates dozens and dozens of times higher than EVs. ICE vehicles are FAR, FAR, FAR more likely to experience fires.

Oh boy.........

You have no ability to think on the all progressives, of course! :up:

Only a progressive would think the well publicized explosion of an EV bus is a win/win for those pushing EV's
........d0y. Frankly, its mental case thinking.

2% of the cars on the road are EV's........because Americans think they are laughable.'re not a serious person.
Now Jaguar is imploding. It seems all of the battery designs are flawed. Not one producer of these new generation battery packs has fixed this problem.

Now every ICE manufacturer on the planet is imploding. None of this changes the FACT that many TIMES as high a proportion of ICE vehicles suffer fires than do EVs. That you keep ignoring that FACT only shows your either your blatant dishonesty or your blithering ignorance. And what was the topic of your doctoral thesis Billy Boy?
Now every ICE manufacturer on the planet is imploding. None of this changes the FACT that many TIMES as high a proportion of ICE vehicles suffer fires than do EVs. That you keep ignoring that FACT only shows your either your blatant dishonesty or your blithering ignorance. And what was the topic of your doctoral thesis Billy Boy?


But where is the evidence that EV's are anything more than a fringe market? Growth rates don't count because they are not measured against anything except themselves........which is ghey.

About 600,000 EV units will be sold in the US in 2022.....

Topic: Electric vehicles in the United States

ICE vehicles..........almost 16 million!!! :oops8:

Now every ICE manufacturer on the planet is imploding. None of this changes the FACT that many TIMES as high a proportion of ICE vehicles suffer fires than do EVs. That you keep ignoring that FACT only shows your either your blatant dishonesty or your blithering ignorance. And what was the topic of your doctoral thesis Billy Boy?
NO they are not... Electric vehicles are about to implode due to the internal problems of Lithium-Ion batteries and their inability to store energy safely. Now GM has stopped production on several of their designs because of safety issues. The word LEMON comes to mind or Boat Anchor....
And the hits just keep on coming...

Blowing up in use, Blowing up sitting in the Garage, Blowing up sitting at charging stations, just blowing up for no frickin reason...

Yes, let's scurry the world for events like this for all time.;
We don't hear about all the gasoline fires because they are so common. But you keep bringing up the bizarre.
Yes, let's scurry the world for events like this for all time.;
We don't hear about all the gasoline fires because they are so common. But you keep bringing up the bizarre.
Because if we compared the number of fuels fed cars vs the battery ones burning up the fuel ones are less than 0.03% of the cars and the battery driven ones is nearing 3.1%... your comparison is bunk... IF you get to do the EV busses that is almost 5.3%.. Over a 5% chance of the EV blowing up with you in it... and a ZERO% chance of a gasoline car blowing up.... Got to love it...
Remember those electric BMWs that caught on fire all over a cargo ship? Last summer or fall, I think it was. It was the batteries.

And Samsung! ALLLLLL of their stuff blows up and catches on fire, not just the little phones, but even their washing machines. Not a brand I buy now --------

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