Dems- ‘Divisive, Divisive, Divisive’....aren’t they pushing/supporting all the divisive actions and policies?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc
Identity politics divides people into groups, and so is divisive by very design.

What precious few people realize is that this is almost the very antithesis of actual liberalism in this regard, because this form of tribalism is the very sort of primitive and unevolved way at looking at humanity that liberalism seeks to replace by creating egalitarian societies, instead.
This seems like an appropriate place for this.
I know this is kryptonite to Dems.
Such a true American patriot.
Standing up for all Americans.
I can only hope we get another great president after Trump's next term.
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc
Got anything knew or just rehashing the same old fraudulent message over and over?
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc
Got anything knew or just rehashing the same old fraudulent message over and over?

Which has been “rehashed” message or Orange Man Bad?
Are you keeping track of the umber of OMB threads as well?
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc
Got anything knew or just rehashing the same old fraudulent message over and over?

Which has been “rehashed” message or Orange Man Bad?
Are you keeping track of the umber of OMB threads as well?

I'd say they are neck and neck between the Orange Blob Mob and the Free Shit Miscreants.
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc
the Dems/blacks are the HATERS and racists--plain and simple
..NOT Mr Trump
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc

Except for raising taxes on the rich people and big corps, most people are against those other things that the democrats are for, so they have to continually come up with reasons to convince Americans to hate Trump. They tried like hell for 4 years to find something, ANYTHING to hang him with but came up empty so they resort to making up shit. They can't really sell their platform, therefore they gotta make Trump look bad and they don't care if it's true what they tell us or not. Anyone with half a brain can easily see it's the democrats who are actually divisive, but with the media, academia, and hollywood on their side they can pretty much say anything.
Dems are liars and dishonest. They frequently accuse others of doing EXACTLY what they themselves are doing. With the fake news carrying their water and 100% in the tank for them, never calling them out on this double standard they spew this hypocrisy with near immunity.
We hear it constantly..don’t we?
“Donald Trump is the most divisive president of all time.”
Is it because he refuses to roll over and take it up the ass from the Left?
Is it because he’s too committed to fighting for good, real...CORE Americans?

Phuck the rhetoric...what about policy...who pushes and or supports one divisive action or policy after another?
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people
Etc etc

Except for raising taxes on the rich people and big corps, most people are against those other things that the democrats are for, so they have to continually come up with reasons to convince Americans to hate Trump. They tried like hell for 4 years to find something, ANYTHING to hang him with but came up empty so they resort to making up shit. They can't really sell their platform, therefore they gotta make Trump look bad and they don't care if it's true what they tell us or not. Anyone with half a brain can easily see it's the democrats who are actually divisive, but with the media, academia, and hollywood on their side they can pretty much say anything.
....not only did they try to find something, they MADE things up--like he's a RACIST!!! /etc
Dems are liars and dishonest. They frequently accuse others of doing EXACTLY what they themselves are doing. With the fake news carrying their water and 100% in the tank for them, never calling them out on this double standard they spew this hypocrisy with near immunity.
..when all else failed--they went to the R word!!!!!
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
I'm curious Mac, do you believe Dems are pushing and supporting "DIVISIVE" polices and actions?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
I'm curious Mac, do you believe Dems are pushing and supporting "DIVISIVE" polices and actions?
Yes, of course.
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
I'm curious Mac, do you believe Dems are pushing and supporting "DIVISIVE" polices and actions?
Yes, of course.

But that's not worse than Trump's 'demeanor'?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
I'm curious Mac, do you believe Dems are pushing and supporting "DIVISIVE" polices and actions?
Yes, of course.

But that's not worse than Trump's 'demeanor'?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.

You should know all about assets and liabilities.
Does it scare you to think that some human beings are assets to their nation and some are liabilities?
"Good, real, core" Americans don't count any more than any other Americans.

Too bad. Sorry.
I'm curious Mac, do you believe Dems are pushing and supporting "DIVISIVE" polices and actions?
Yes, of course.

But that's not worse than Trump's 'demeanor'?

And you wonder why you're not taken seriously?
Trump SPEAK is worse and more divisive than the entire Dem Party pushing and supporting the following...
Whitey is “systemically” racist
Black Lives Matter
Defund the police
Discontent for law and order
Free shit for illegal aliens
Higher taxes / penalties for our best most productive citizens
Trampling on our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Tearing down statues without the consent of the people

Are you sure that's the position you want to put on record?

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