The College Board did the Right Thing, re: AP African-American Studies class for Florida High Schools

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
A US high school curriculum on African-American history has been revised after conservative critics complained it amounted to "woke indoctrination".

Florida Republicans argued that a draft version of the new advanced-level course lacked educational value.
The US College Board released the official syllabus on Wednesday removing some of the disputed subject matter.
The National Black Justice Coalition, a civil rights organisation, called the revisions "disturbing".

The administration of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis - a Republican hotly tipped for the 2024 White House race - announced last month that the draft version of the new Advanced Placement (AP) course would not be taught in the state's high schools.

Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr called the syllabus "woke indoctrination masquerading as education".

The College Board pared back discussion of intersectionality and removed altogether sections entitled "the Movement for Black Lives" and "Black Struggle in the 21st Century".

Following objections from Florida, the organisation also expunged left-wing black authors Kimberlé Crenshaw, bell hooks and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Sections on Black Lives Matter and slavery reparations have been removed from the exam and are now optional projects, while a new section on "Black Conservatism" has been added.


I get that this is a college-level course, and in college you have professors whose teaching is very heavily influenced by their personal political opinions. I really have no issue with that, and if I did, I'd be protesting something not likely to change. College students are nominal adults, and as long as non-liberal/Democrat/Woke/Progressive professors are not punished or excluded, I don't mind that most of the professors are left-leaning, I really don't.

The smarter college students will spend most of their time in the accounting, engineering, architecture and other classes in which the job title is in the name of the major and will just roll their eyes at the silliness of the affirmative-action hires teaching the core courses in Literature, History, and Government. The student-loan-as-welfare kids majoring in _________ studies won't be much dumber after seven years than they started out, so no harm, no foul.

Hight school is different. Kids are impressionable. Yes, it is a college-level course, but it is in high school. It would be a damn shame for some smart black young female student in high school, who has productive future in the land of opportunity would be told that she has no future becuase of her identity.

So the college board made the appropriate adjustment. That is how democracy is supposed to work.

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