Democrats will lose at least 21 seats in Senate should "collapse" any day now.

Just like RomneyCare collapsed in Massachussetts.

Oh wait.


Its already happening, fool. come out from under your rock and look around you. obamacare is a huge failure. YOU and your kind thought obamacare would mean FREE medical for you--------------LOL, obama shoved it up your ass and you don't even realize it. :cuckoo:

Right. The law hasn't even gone into full effect, and you have it failing :lol: Good one.

And other than a few misinformed people, who thinks the ACA means free health care?

It seems like somebody is shoving a hand up your ass and moving your mouth for you.

come on man, pay attention, listen to the interviews with people on the streets. The obama voters believe that they will get free medical because obama will take the money from the evil rich to pay for it. Yes, they are wrong, but thats what they believe.

But tell me why a healthcare bill should have a real estate sales tax in it. The ACA bill is full of crap that has nothing to do with healthcare. Why do you support such a corrupt piece of legislation that was passed on a strictly partisan vote in the middle of the night before anyone had time to read it?
No, "The obama voters {don't} believe that they will get free medical because obama will take the money from the evil rich to pay for it."

That's merely your lie.
History has taught us that making predictions is futile. By all logic and historical data, Obama should have been slaughtered in the 2012 election. No president in U.S. history had ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7% - Obama had never had unemployment below 8%.

Nobody here (conservative or idiot liberal) is psychic. Everyone should stop "predicting" and start educating themselves on government, the issues, and the candidates (conservatives especially carry this burden as the liberals refuse to do any of this and prefer utopian ideology over facts).

Says the guy who calls everyone who disagrees with him a "communist" and lives in his own fantasy world....

No president in U.S. history had ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%

Not true. The unemployment rate was 16.9% in 1936 and 14.6% in 1940. FDR still got re-elected by landslides.

Reagan also got re-elected with an unemployment rate of 7.5%

United States Unemployment Rate 1920?2010 |

But I will agree with you on the point. The GOP should have won this year. so why didn't it?

Because they've lost touch with working people and spend too much time appealling to religious fanatics.

If you want to make a comparison, I compare it to the afforementioned 1984 election. Unemployment was still high and lots of people talked about Reagan as a one-term president.

But the problem was, Walter Mondale spent so much time in the primaries appealling to the Democratic interest groups- the feminists, the labor union leadership (not the rank and file), the anti-war crowd- that they lost the people in the middle.
No, "The obama voters {don't} believe that they will get free medical because obama will take the money from the evil rich to pay for it."

That's merely your lie.

Uhhh, sure. they are all lining up to pay higher premiums and tax penalties for mediocre care--------------sure they are.

Once again, I'm still waiting for you to explain how ObamaCare had anyeffect on those of us lucky enough to have insurance, other than our insurance companies have less ability to rip us off.
No, "The obama voters {don't} believe that they will get free medical because obama will take the money from the evil rich to pay for it."

That's merely your lie.

Uhhh, sure. they are all lining up to pay higher premiums and tax penalties for mediocre care--------------sure they are.

Which does not negate your lie.

what I said is true. Many obama voters believe that they will get free medical care under obamacare. I guess your position is that they believe this because they are ignorant--and on that we agree.
Uhhh, sure. they are all lining up to pay higher premiums and tax penalties for mediocre care--------------sure they are.

Which does not negate your lie.

what I said is true. Many obama voters believe that they will get free medical care under obamacare. I guess your position is that they believe this because they are ignorant--and on that we agree.

That is your opinion, yes. I agree that the far right and libertarians are as ignorant as many on the far left: driven by subjective nonsense and name calling.

Which leads to the fact that the working left of center to right of center chose BHO over WMR because the Center could not trust Republicans, again.

Why? We reached out to the freaks instead of sincerely to women and minorities.
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No, "The obama voters {don't} believe that they will get free medical because obama will take the money from the evil rich to pay for it."

That's merely your lie.

Uhhh, sure. they are all lining up to pay higher premiums and tax penalties for mediocre care--------------sure they are.

Once again, I'm still waiting for you to explain how ObamaCare had anyeffect on those of us lucky enough to have insurance, other than our insurance companies have less ability to rip us off.

premiums are going up, that cannot be denied. But I do agree that the parts of the bill that require coverage for pre-existing conditions and no life time maximum are good.

But lets face it, the ultimate goal is one payer system run by the govt. when insurance companies stop making a profit they will drop out and everyone will have to use the govt option-----then we get what the UK has------crappy medical care, long waits, and no innovation in treatments.

the profit motive drives medical research, take that away and research drys up
Uhhh, sure. they are all lining up to pay higher premiums and tax penalties for mediocre care--------------sure they are.

Which does not negate your lie.

what I said is true. Many obama voters believe that they will get free medical care under obamacare. I guess your position is that they believe this because they are ignorant--and on that we agree.

How many? How many believe it? None of the Obama voters here do. I've yet to meet an Obama voter that believed that, and in my line of work, I meet a lot of voters. So, how many?
The fact remains, despite Redfish's unsubstantiated claims otherwise, the British live longer, are more healthy, and pay far less.

So the French.

And so on and so on.
Which does not negate your lie.

what I said is true. Many obama voters believe that they will get free medical care under obamacare. I guess your position is that they believe this because they are ignorant--and on that we agree.

That is your opinion, yes. I agree that the far right and libertarians are as ignorant as many on the far left: driven by subjective nonsense and name calling.

Which leads to the fact that the working left of center to right of center chose BHO over WMR because the Center could not trust Republicans, again.

Why? We reached out to the freaks instead of sincerely to women and minorities.

I see it differently, obama got a second term because of a biased media and a poor GOP campaign that refused to attack obama on his marxism and economic incompetence. Add the racial factor and he was just about unbeatable.

Sadly, the country deserves what it voted for.
But tell me why a healthcare bill should have a real estate sales tax in it. The ACA bill is full of crap that has nothing to do with healthcare.

Probably because it was influenced and virtually written by lobbyists. But that's the way it works in DC. Change the system. You'll hear no arguments from me against that.

Why do you support such a corrupt piece of legislation that was passed on a strictly partisan vote in the middle of the night before anyone had time to read it?

I support health care for all. I support single payer or at least a public option. But that's not what I got; so, I'll take what I can get.

But claiming that nobody read it? Give it a break already. Every member of Congress had an opportunity to read the bill. If they didn't, then they are either lazy or stubborn. Passed along party lines? Blame Republicans for that one. They decided in Nov 2008 that they would oppose anything that Obama supports.
The fact remains, despite Redfish's unsubstantiated claims otherwise, the British live longer, are more healthy, and pay far less.

So the French.

And so on and so on.

got anything to validate that claim? and if its true how much is due to the US diet, overweight kids, and lack of exercise? The people that I know in the UK and Canada hate their socialized medicine and have to pay extra for private plans in order to get decent care. Is that what you want for us?
what I said is true. Many obama voters believe that they will get free medical care under obamacare. I guess your position is that they believe this because they are ignorant--and on that we agree.

That is your opinion, yes. I agree that the far right and libertarians are as ignorant as many on the far left: driven by subjective nonsense and name calling.

Which leads to the fact that the working left of center to right of center chose BHO over WMR because the Center could not trust Republicans, again.

Why? We reached out to the freaks instead of sincerely to women and minorities.

I see it differently, obama got a second term because of a biased media and a poor GOP campaign that refused to attack obama on his marxism and economic incompetence. Add the racial factor and he was just about unbeatable.

Sadly, the country deserves what it voted for.

I see you'll never learn a lesson. Blame it on the media and the blacks. Because that worked out so well for you the last time :thup:

The GOP did their best to paint Obama as a "socialist" or something other than "them". Prominent Republicans shouted from the rooftops that Obama is a socialist/communist/name your boogieman. The public didn't buy it.

Romney had every opportunity to sell himself on the media circuit. He did his best. He failed.

Stop making excuses, and move on. As long as people like you have the reigns of the GOP, you'll continue to lose.
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But tell me why a healthcare bill should have a real estate sales tax in it. The ACA bill is full of crap that has nothing to do with healthcare.

Probably because it was influenced and virtually written by lobbyists. But that's the way it works in DC. Change the system. You'll hear no arguments from me against that.

Why do you support such a corrupt piece of legislation that was passed on a strictly partisan vote in the middle of the night before anyone had time to read it?

I support health care for all. I support single payer or at least a public option. But that's not what I got; so, I'll take what I can get.

But claiming that nobody read it? Give it a break already. Every member of Congress had an opportunity to read the bill. If they didn't, then they are either lazy or stubborn. Passed along party lines? Blame Republicans for that one. They decided in Nov 2008 that they would oppose anything that Obama supports.

the final bill was not available until just before the vote in the middle of the night on Christmas eve. NO ONE read it before is was passed, NO ONE!

Even the botoxed bitch Pelosi said we had to pass it to find out what was in it---that was about the only thing she ever said that was true.

No GOP amendments were allowed to the bill, no open discussion on the floor of either house was permitted.

This bill was partisan corruption at its worst.
That is your opinion, yes. I agree that the far right and libertarians are as ignorant as many on the far left: driven by subjective nonsense and name calling.

Which leads to the fact that the working left of center to right of center chose BHO over WMR because the Center could not trust Republicans, again.

Why? We reached out to the freaks instead of sincerely to women and minorities.

I see it differently, obama got a second term because of a biased media and a poor GOP campaign that refused to attack obama on his marxism and economic incompetence. Add the racial factor and he was just about unbeatable.

Sadly, the country deserves what it voted for.

I see you'll never learn a lesson. Blame it on the media and the blacks. Because that worked out so well for you the last time :thup:

The GOP did their best to paint Obama as a "socialist" or something other than "them". Prominent Republicans shouted from the rooftops that Obama is a socialist/communist/name your boogieman. The public didn't buy it.

Romney had every opportunity to sell himself on the media circuit. He did his best. He failed.

Stop making excuses, and move on. As long as people like you have the reigns of the GOP, you'll continue to lose.

I do agree that Romney ran a bad campaign, he should have continue to hammer obama's record as he did in the first debate. But for some reason he decided to become Mr nice guy and lost because of it.

As to obama, he is more of a marxist collectivist than a socialist. Can you deny that his policies comply with Marx who said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" ?
Jroc and Redfish cannot define "Marxist" or "collectivist" or "socialist" then clearly and exactly give examples of how BHO meets these definitions in his admin's policies.

Neo-cons make outrageous lies then get mad when they are told they are lying.

We are not going back to that world that ended in the Great Recession and losing 750 thousand jobs monthly.
But tell me why a healthcare bill should have a real estate sales tax in it. The ACA bill is full of crap that has nothing to do with healthcare.

Probably because it was influenced and virtually written by lobbyists. But that's the way it works in DC. Change the system. You'll hear no arguments from me against that.

Why do you support such a corrupt piece of legislation that was passed on a strictly partisan vote in the middle of the night before anyone had time to read it?

I support health care for all. I support single payer or at least a public option. But that's not what I got; so, I'll take what I can get.

But claiming that nobody read it? Give it a break already. Every member of Congress had an opportunity to read the bill. If they didn't, then they are either lazy or stubborn. Passed along party lines? Blame Republicans for that one. They decided in Nov 2008 that they would oppose anything that Obama supports.

the final bill was not available until just before the vote in the middle of the night on Christmas eve. NO ONE read it before is was passed, NO ONE!

Even the botoxed bitch Pelosi said we had to pass it to find out what was in it---that was about the only thing she ever said that was true.

No GOP amendments were allowed to the bill, no open discussion on the floor of either house was permitted.

This bill was partisan corruption at its worst.

Separately, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly offered this interpretation of Pelosi's comment: "She meant there was so much talk about process (in Congress) that people have lost sight of what’s actually in the bill. Once it’s passed, we can remind them of all the good things that are in it."

Capital fusses aside, we wondered if Pelosi spoke accurately; will the plan need to pass before people know what's in it?

We called the non-partisan Kaiser Family Foundation, which has posted side-by-side comparisons online of health care plans approved by the House and Senate. Its spokesman, Craig Palosky, reminded us that Congress posts the entire legislation online.

Of course, that's not to say the final deal is settled — or, it stands to reason, open to public view.

Palosky declined to comment precisely on Pelosi's forecast, saying her comment seemed more about politics than policy. "It’s not our role to police such comments," he said. "If you want to know what members of Congress are doing, you have to speak to members of Congress.”

His nudge led us to call U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, among a handful of physicians in Congress and an opponent to the Democrats' proposal.

Burgess told us it's often true that the ins and outs of legislation aren't widely known until after a measure passes into law; that held true, for instance, for the Republican-steered measure providing government aid toward prescription drugs for seniors.

Pelosi's "right," Burgess said, though "I don’t think that’s a good strategy (to declare as much). I wouldn’t recommend anyone actually broadcasting that."
(So there's Nancy's big "no no"'re not supposed to SAY it out loud)

So how does the GOP's statement shake out?

The party's e-mail errs when it makes it sound as if Pelosi thinks the health-care measure is terrible. It's very much the opposite.

But it accurately quotes Pelosi as saying people will find out what's in the plan after it passes.​

Texas GOP says Speaker Nancy Pelosi said people will know contents of terrible health-care plan after it passes

People, not the legislators.

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