Democrats will be devastatingly destroyed if they move to impeach

Democrats move to impeach. In the summer before the election, massive crowds of violent protesters fed by Soros and Steyer money take to the streets. Democrat cities across the country are in flames. The vote is snatched from the public by a last minute impeachment. A frightened senate convicts and Trump is removed from office. An enraged public votes to remove every democrat from office except for a handful in New York, Illinois and a few in California.
Democrats will be devastatingly destroyed if they move to impeach

No, they won't.

Throughout human history there have been scum. Always, always. Always have been, always will be.

At times, scum ruled....... the socialists, the Mongols, the Huns, the National Socialists, the Fascists and in our Country, the dimocrap scum party.

You can NOT destroy scum. You just can't do it. They are the lowest form of life on the Planet.

They serve some useful purposes...... like the bacteria in your stomach. Necessary for digestion.

dimocraps are like the Vultures circling a dead animal. Necessary to help clean nature.

But they should NEVER be allowed to rule.

We need dimocrap scum for things like..... Picking up the garbage, washing our cars, being the local fuckmeat at a beer-dive. That's all they're good for. Brainless, gullible, easily led astray morons.

Then there's the Judas Goats that get rich from making them the way they are.

It is never going to change.

Some of them, (more than you might think) survive being scumbags and grow into responsible humans. Many more of them simply stay the scum they were born to be.

Point point -- the dimocrap party will NEVER, EVER, NOT EVER be destroyed. It just can't be done. As long as there are SCUM, there will be a dimocrap party. Of that, you can be certain. If you believe nothing else in life -- Believe that

The best we can hope for, the best we can do, is keep them from power.
The Adam Schiff show trials are a complete flop.
Despite the constant hype Americans are already tuning out the sham impeachment trials.

On the second day of the public show trials 95% of Americans turned off the nonsense.

Americans are worn out by all of the fake news and hysteria.



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