Democrats: We invite you to come to your senses and stop the Obamanation


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I speak to sensible Democrats. We will need your help to get rid of the historically terrible president, Obama and to get a proven leader, Romney into the White House.

We can always disagree about social programs and unions, corporations and whatever other typical gobbldy goop is going to always be out there. But there are ardent realities we can't ignore.

-- The average American's savings has dropped 40 percent in 3 years!
-- 41 months in a row of 8 percent or more unemployment is the worst since The Great Depression!
-- Health care costs are rising dramatically (not lowering)!
-- House prices are dropping; not rising!
-- College tuition is dramatically rising!
-- Gas prices are going way higher and in fact Obama and his own minions have advocated $8 per gallon gas!
-- The TSA is still molesting you (literally)!
-- The Feds still can spy on you without a warrant (Patriot Act)!
-- Drones are becoming a reality!
-- Obama is passing bills and literally telling us not to read what's in it!
-- Obama is literally inserting himself into racist politics (Zimmerman/Martin)!
-- We literally have seen mounds of evidence that he willfully ignored the Constitution by even running for president when he was clearly born in Kenya and a non citizen!
-- He has thrown away millions on failing "green" ventures!
-- He war mongered in Libya and Egypt only to install radical Islam governments who will oppress women and the liberties of all men!
-- He literally promised a KGB oriented Russia that he would demilitarize us and our allies! And he had no intention of telling us this promise!
-- He promoted a movement OWS to occupy our streets and rape women!
-- $5 trillion more debt and plenty more coming!
-- The man doesn't even demand that his liberal Senate passes a budget! He is that unaccountable! And in fact there have been no fewer than three votes in Congress in which they voted on his literal proposed budgets and they got ZERO VOTES! That's with the likes of Pelosi and Reid in the chambers!
-- Fast And Furious! The man stamps the approval of gun sales to Mexican cartels! And Americans literally die! And then, he tells us that he doesn't have to tell us about the program! And he tells us he had no knowledge of the program when we have videos of his high officials like Napolitano bragging about the program!
-- Obama has no regards for states rights! He has fought Arizona tooth and nail to make sure that they cannot enforce their borders!
-- Ignoring his oath to uphold the law! He went against his own statements when he decided that he decided that he would unlawfully grant amnesty to illegals!

I could go on, but I won't. Now then, I'm speaking to you sensible Democrats. There are plenty of liberal pompus deuche bags that will come flying in with insults and excuses. Let's not worry about their noise. This isn't even about an ideological divide. This is about getting a manipulative, lying, arrogant, narcissistic scoundrel who doesn't give a sh__ about you or I out of office . And in fact he just gave a speech in which he mentioned himself 117 times!

Again, we can disagree about taxes, programs, roads, projects, laws, or whatever else. But at the end of the day Republicans, Democrats and Independents want honorable men and women who will increase prosperity and protect liberties. Obama is the antithesis of that. And he is hype and blame! And he will only be worse in a second term in which he doesn't have to pander for votes! Don't mortgage our future for unchecked ideology.

Democrats, you can take comfort that Mitt Romney is an honorable, successful individual who cares to see us really move forward. And although, he won't do everything you want, he will get results and he most certainly won't be a miserable failure like the man in office now. He won't divide us and he will restore virtue to the land. Don't make the mistake of making a partisan vote. The nutters will, but you sensible Democrats, we need your help :D Yes we really can!
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Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.
No real Democrat would vote for Romney. He stands against every Democrat belief. 'Nuff said.
No real Democrat would vote for Romney. He stands against every Democrat belief. 'Nuff said.

That's why you spent months telling us how we shouldn't vote for Romney b/c he's too liberal. Anyhow, you're one of the nutters, not one of the sensible Democrats.
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.
Three nutters have checked in. Where are you sensible Dems? Haha; my thought is that they are generally not the message board types. But if nothing else, my conservative and independent friends; let's get these points across.

Prosperity and liberty have been lessened with Obama. No amount of ideology will change that.
Yup....the nutters have come out! Lol!

I know there are some sensible democrats out there...i know some. And i know they aren't voting for Obama again! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! There's a lot more smart Dems out there than these trolls on USMB, thank God!!!
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

People like yourself? When Have I ever accused you of being sensible? :lol::eusa_clap::lol:
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!
No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!

You might be dumber than the OP.

Mitt Romney plans to increase defense spending, cut taxes, and supposedly balance the budget by supposedly making HUGE cuts in domestic non-defense spending, i.e., healthcare for the poor, food stamps, Medicare, etc., etc.

He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood; he is anti-abortion.

He has a foreign policy staff of advisors that are basically a rerun of the Bush administration.

Now, with that for starters, what Democrat in their right mind would vote for that guy??
No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

People like yourself? When Have I ever accused you of being sensible? :lol::eusa_clap::lol:

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!

You might be dumber than the OP.

Mitt Romney plans to increase defense spending, cut taxes, and supposedly balance the budget by supposedly making HUGE cuts in domestic non-defense spending, i.e., healthcare for the poor, food stamps, Medicare, etc., etc.

He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood; he is anti-abortion.

He has a foreign policy staff of advisors that are basically a rerun of the Bush administration.

Now, with that for starters, what Democrat in their right mind would vote for that guy??

ah, there's that SUPPOSEDLY
Yup....the nutters have come out! Lol!

I know there are some sensible democrats out there...i know some. And i know they aren't voting for Obama again! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! There's a lot more smart Dems out there than these trolls on USMB, thank God!!!

Very true. I have two good friends that are dems and voted for the kenyan. They have both adamantly stated that they will NOT vote for odumbo again. One isn't the richest man around and is so mad about the FINE he's going to have to pay now because he doesn't have health care that he could spit nails. He is KICKING himself for voting for obama. The other person has just watched the decline of America under obama and hates all his radical ideas and agenda, like homos in the military, the take over the auto industry, TARP, obamacare, the entire scene. But then these democrats are rational, thinking people. They're NOTHING like the mouth breathing, libtard, bubble headed odumbobots we have here.

But to the OP, nice post, but do NOT expect any of the bubble heads here to vote for Romney. "Coming together" to them means "THINK LIKE THEY DO." There IS NO COMPROMISE to them, NONE! So just FUCK THEM. We won't move either.
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You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!

You might be dumber than the OP.

Mitt Romney plans to increase defense spending, cut taxes, and supposedly balance the budget by supposedly making HUGE cuts in domestic non-defense spending, i.e., healthcare for the poor, food stamps, Medicare, etc., etc.

He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood; he is anti-abortion.

He has a foreign policy staff of advisors that are basically a rerun of the Bush administration.

Now, with that for starters, what Democrat in their right mind would vote for that guy??
Sounds like my kind of people.

I'll be voting for Romney, with a smile on my face.
Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!

You might be dumber than the OP.

Mitt Romney plans to increase defense spending, cut taxes, and supposedly balance the budget by supposedly making HUGE cuts in domestic non-defense spending, i.e., healthcare for the poor, food stamps, Medicare, etc., etc.

He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood; he is anti-abortion.

He has a foreign policy staff of advisors that are basically a rerun of the Bush administration.

Now, with that for starters, what Democrat in their right mind would vote for that guy??
Sounds like my kind of people.

I'll be voting for Romney, with a smile on my face.

Yea__ sounds like Romney would be getting rid of artificial costs (called waste in economics). But like I said in the OP, we can disagree about tactics all we want. But what we shouldn't disagree about is results. There is no doubt that Obama is not a moral professional. Mitt is clearly a better alternative and liberals and conservatives can agree on that when they look at the facts.
I'll be voting for the people who are least likely to fuck with my Social Security.
I'll be voting for the people who are least likely to fuck with my Social Security.

That'd be Romney; especially if you include medicare in the equation. Regardless of that, there won't be social security if we don't start making serious fixes to the system. Obama is not worried about that though. He's worried about creating a health care system that can ration you to death sooner. If that's what you want then by all means vote Obama. :eusa_whistle:

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