Democrats Want To Raise Federal Gas Tax

But, but, but didn't Potatohead when he was running for President say he wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year???????

Was he lying once again? Say it ain't so!

Anybody that believed anything that Potatohead said is a real moron aren't they? Gullible dumbass shitheads.
My older son has a stupid Tesla. I think he bought it because it was a status symbol in his affluent neighborhood.

I call him a welfare queen because he isn't paying the fuel tax. He is riding around on roads other people had to pay for. Classical welfare queen.
They take the money raised and give it to their political friends and supporters
Lol, what do you know about it? Obviously not a fucking thing. Go talk to your city engineer, your country engineer, and your dot director about the challenges they face and why. Then come back and speak intelligently.
My older son has a stupid Tesla. I think he bought it because it was a status symbol in his affluent neighborhood.

I call him a welfare queen because he isn't paying the fuel tax. He is riding around on roads other people had to pay for. Classical welfare queen.
Lol, again idiot repug not knowing a fucking thing. They add on to your license plate fee if you drive electric or hybrid.
Lol, what do you know about it? Obviously not a fucking thing. Go talk to your city engineer, your country engineer, and your dot director about the challenges they face and why. Then come back and speak intelligently.
The challenges that the officials face in infrastructure is in paying off the unions and providing all of the no-show and no-work jobs that the union bosses demand.
The challenges that the officials face in infrastructure is in paying off the unions and providing all of the no-show and no-work jobs that the union bosses demand.
Lol, ya ok shortbus. You know nothing about it. Just what your political propaganda Masters tell you. Ya, the roads magically maintain them selves.
Let me make this rather simple for you. If taxes are raised on fuel that not only man’s that those of us paying at the pump are paying a higher price for supposed road maintenance, while those with ev‘s are now getting even more of a break.
No, EV's will be paying a tax based on their odometer reading every year when they re register, as will the rest of us with petroleum fuel.

Oh boy gonna be paying more, so?
You have been, anyway, you choose to ignore state fuel charges that have went up since 1994.
it also means that truckers and trucking companies are paying more to move goods. They are not going to just eat that higher cost.
They already are via state taxes.
They are going to pass it on. Those companies are not going to eat that higher cost so they will pass it on to the consumer. So now I am not only paying more for fuel but also for everything elseI buy.
The republican talking point for 42 years.
When Reagan claimed that, did they lower prices when he gave them tax cuts?
Did hey when Trump did?

I do have to give it to you you are the only person I know of that is claiming that satellites are reading chips in vaccines. But thank you for providing a laugh at your expense.
No, EV's will be paying a tax based on their odometer reading every year when they re register, as will the rest of us with petroleum fuel.

Oh boy gonna be paying more, so?
You have been, anyway, you choose to ignore state fuel charges that have went up since 1994.

They already are via state taxes.

The republican talking point for 42 years.
When Reagan claimed that, did they lower prices when he gave them tax cuts?
Did hey when Trump did?
Lol. You are funny.
yes everyone pays higher prices because of taxes. Very good. Now figure out that most Do not like paying higher taxes.
Do you really believe that everyone is going to pay taxes based on an odometer reading? You can not be that special can you?
Lol, again idiot repug not knowing a fucking thing. They add on to your license plate fee if you drive electric or hybrid.

You moron. Depends upon what state you live in.

In his state it is significantly less in tax that what he would be paying each year if he was driving the same amount of miles in a gas car. Like about half as much.

Stop being a fucking moron. It just makes you uneducated low information Moon Bats look dumber than what we already think you are.
I just paid $2.91 for gas. Seems that if omicron keeps people at home republicans will get their cheap gas which only happens in economic bad times. How fondly you remember being locked in your home but seeing $2 gas through your windows.
Say what the fuck?

I remember gas being around $1 buck a gallon during the good times of Trump
Lol. You are funny.
yes everyone pays higher prices because of taxes. Very good. Now figure out that most Do not like paying higher taxes.
Do you really believe that everyone is going to pay taxes based on an odometer reading? You can not be that special can you?
WTF, retard?

So, do you think the DMV is going to take YOUR word for it?

YEAH, you are the "special" one.

WTF, retard?

So, do you think the DMV is going to take YOUR word for it?

YEAH, you are the "special" one.

Thank god you got the required left name calling in there.
No do not believe they are going to take anyone’s word for it. But here is the catch to the whole idea. We are either going to have to hire millions of employees to go out and check each odometer personally or we are going to have to come up with something that can retrofitted to Billions of cars that can not be tampered with or can not be hacked. None of which we have been able to do so far.
So exactly which one are you advocating? If we hire millions of employees that means an even higher tax to pay them.
I thought Biden wasn't going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000?
There is no proposal to raise gas taxes. It is made up. Now read my new opinion piece:

Republicans likely to pass law to eat kittens
Yeah, fuck 'em. Real Americans drive Ford. Haha
Actually Tesla is more American built than Ford

but both are American brands

Telsa is opening a factory on china that will produce a new low price model that could sold in the US someday

Boo hiss on that

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