Democrats Want This Fake Campaign To Be A Winner, And If It Is, In Person Rallies Will Be A Thing Of The Past


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Joe Biden isn't running a campaign, the media is running it for him.

He has no events today and took most of last week off. The Democrat Party isn't working for the people. It's difficult to act like you care about someone when you never show up for them. So they figure why bother.

Don't believe a word he says during the campaign...because every question they ask him is a setup to help him ignore his glaring weaknesses.

They give him some really tough softball questions like "Are the emails from Hunter Biden's laptop just Russian Disinformation???"

Then comes the fake Joker laugh; "Hahahahahahah.......of course it is!!!"

One thing for sure....when Hillary, Harris, or Biden start with that nervous Joker know the next thing out of their mouths is a lie.

If you're buying this nonsense then you really are as stupid as Hillary thinks you are. Last night 60 mins featured the candidates.....and they spent the time showing exactly why they cannot be trusted. Biden was given the questions in advance and was allowed to take his time and answer the question....while Trump has continually harassed by Leslie Stahl whenever he attempted to answer their leading questions. The difference couldn't be more apparent. The left is playing T-ball with Biden and Hard ball with Trump. Will this crap work for them? You better hope it doesn't.

Their lock downs and their mandatory mask orders are just a tactic Democrats are using to simply to control our lives.

Masks are a form of oppression. To the Democrat Party they are a way to subjugate the American people. They are a prop being used during the few events that Biden shows up for...and they are a weapon to be used against Trump.

If you want to see how phony it is....Leslie Stahl of 60 mins showed up at the White House without a mask on....yet she had the nerve to ask Trump why he wasn't making people wear masks in an outdoor event.

Joe Biden makes a point of walking up to the mic to talk and then peeling off a sticky mask. He could take it off before he walked up to the podium...but masks are just a prop to them. They are a way to keep Trump's popularity from being a asset. It's outright fraud folks.

Here's a video of Biden Saturday when he thought the cameras were off:

Driving hard-pounding music....and this guy looks like he's about to do a face-plant any second.

Where's his damned mask?

Obama was the type of campaigner that the more you see of him, the more you like. But with Biden...the more you see, the less you like him....and that's how this campaign is rigged. Hillary was much the same thing. Biden has taken it to a new level yet he's the best the Democrats have.

Anyone who shows up to his events has to feel like I did when I saw Peter Frampton live. I saw him live in concert in Hawaii back in the 70s. I went away from the concert thinking Gary Wright blew Peter friggen Frampton's balls off. It's just an embarrassment when the warmup band out plays the headliner. Obama showed up at a couple of events...and he seems to have lost his luster....but he's ten times personality-wise compared to Joe Biden. However, the truth isn't with Democrats. Obama even lied about what happened in that 60 mins interview...which was illustrated clearly when Trump released the unedited version on Thursday knowing that they would attempt to claim that Trump stormed out of the interview. Those of us who saw it know that is a bold-faced lie.

Joe Biden has been in Washington too long...and it shows. He has degenerated into a shell of his former self....even though he never was the sharpest tool in the shed. 12 years ago everyone knew he was the village idiot....but he was their idiot. Now he's just plain pathetic. So the left has decided that their job is to use an obviously corrupt and biased media to fool voters into backing a guy that needs a nurse to pull him around the stage. They didn't want to give the people's choice, Bernie Sanders, a chance because they felt they couldn't control him. They can control Biden. He's totally compromised and ripe for blackmail. He also doesn't have any agenda. He's always holding his finger to the wind and willing to compromise his lack of principles for whatever direction the prevailing political winds blow.

It's getting so bad when it comes to freedom of speech in this country that I can't even recognize this country anymore. Twitter and Facebook have sold out to the Democrats and are openly censoring any negative information about Biden. I myself was banned on the 7th of November on Facebook for commentary that they claimed didn't meet their standards. At first I was notified that the ban would be 7 days. Later when I checked back, someone changed it till after the election. I noticed that many of my conservative and moderate friends aren't posting anymore on Facebook. Right now most of the posts are people talking about not getting laid enough or posting pictures of their meals. I expect all of my family and friends to reappear after Trump wins a second term.

Yep....Fakebook has some weird standards. You can talk about the number of sex partners you have but you can't say anything negative about a protected class (Muslims) inside the Democrat Party. You can trash Jews and Christians all day long on Facebook...but you cannot say anything even remotely negative about Middle Eastern terrorists. That's the state of social media these days. After 911 everyone was waving their flags like at a Trump rally and the leftist were in hiding. Now they run everything. And their candidate is Joe Biden. Biden is just a way to get their foot in the door.
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"Joe Biden isn't running a campaign, the media is running it for him."

100% correct! With 8 days remaining until Election Day, Joe Biden is comfortable leaving his campaign in the hands of the media and social media. He knows his public appearances do more harm than good so he will sit back and allow the liberal propaganda machine to drag him and Kamala across the finish line.
"Joe Biden isn't running a campaign, the media is running it for him."

100% correct! With 8 days remaining until Election Day, Joe Biden is comfortable leaving his campaign in the hands of the media and social media. He knows his public appearances do more harm than good so he will sit back and allow the liberal propaganda machine to drag him and Kamala across the finish line.
Exactly right. This social media post is hilarious, though.

Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
Honey, do you know how many businesses you support have at one time declared bankruptcy? Apple having been one of them...
Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
If you've ever owned a business during a pandemic I think you'll appreciate the fact that you can file for bankruptcy and not lose everything you have.
I figure eventually the Dems will stop the lock downs and allow people to get back to normal.
Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
If you've ever owned a business during a pandemic I think you'll appreciate the fact that you can file for bankruptcy and not lose everything you have.
I figure eventually the Dems will stop the lock downs and allow people to get back to normal.
Biden calls for opening with mandates and safety restrictions. He also calls for government financial assistance for meeting these mandates.
Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
If you've ever owned a business during a pandemic I think you'll appreciate the fact that you can file for bankruptcy and not lose everything you have.
I figure eventually the Dems will stop the lock downs and allow people to get back to normal.
Biden calls for opening with mandates and safety restrictions. He also calls for government financial assistance for meeting these mandates.
Yes....and Biden claims he is the Democrat Party yet he hasn't lifted a finger to get Democrats to do their jobs.
Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
If you've ever owned a business during a pandemic I think you'll appreciate the fact that you can file for bankruptcy and not lose everything you have.
I figure eventually the Dems will stop the lock downs and allow people to get back to normal.
Biden calls for opening with mandates and safety restrictions. He also calls for government financial assistance for meeting these mandates.
He also called for closing everything down. He flips and flops worse than Kerry.
Joe Biden has not surrendered to COVID-19 the way Trump has done.

There's a reason DJT calls COVID-19 the "invisible enemy". It does not exist.
No, Trump is a quitter.
Trump isn’t a quitter, thus another reason the left hates him.
Multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses confirm him as a quitter.
If you've ever owned a business during a pandemic I think you'll appreciate the fact that you can file for bankruptcy and not lose everything you have.
I figure eventually the Dems will stop the lock downs and allow people to get back to normal.
Biden calls for opening with mandates and safety restrictions. He also calls for government financial assistance for meeting these mandates.
He also called for closing everything down. He flips and flops worse than Kerry.

Something I have learned even at the local level is that Democrats try to run as moderates, or even Republicans, but then they revert to their old tax and spend ways....only now we can add the threat of thugs breaking into our homes and beating us senseless to the equation.
Yes, Democrats want to render us defenseless. Why else would be spend so many years trying to take our guns?
"Joe Biden isn't running a campaign, the media is running it for him."

100% correct! With 8 days remaining until Election Day, Joe Biden is comfortable leaving his campaign in the hands of the media and social media. He knows his public appearances do more harm than good so he will sit back and allow the liberal propaganda machine to drag him and Kamala across the finish line.
Well I'm convinced!

I'm willing to overlook the childish behavior, the sha,else's self promotion, the racist attitudes, the corruption, the children held at the border, the insults and vote for Trump because Joe Biden is campaigning during ampandemic the way responsible people should campaign.
"Joe Biden isn't running a campaign, the media is running it for him."

100% correct! With 8 days remaining until Election Day, Joe Biden is comfortable leaving his campaign in the hands of the media and social media. He knows his public appearances do more harm than good so he will sit back and allow the liberal propaganda machine to drag him and Kamala across the finish line.
Well I'm convinced!

I'm willing to overlook the childish behavior, the sha,else's self promotion, the racist attitudes, the corruption, the children held at the border, the insults and vote for Trump because Joe Biden is campaigning during ampandemic the way responsible people should campaign.
And I'm willing to overlook stupidity, once!
I'm very much enjoying watching the right be pissed off because Joe Biden isn't running his campaign the way the right thinks he should. The right is pissed because Trump is losing. That's the bottom line. Trump and the right have nobody to blame but themselves.
I'm very much enjoying watching the right be pissed off because Joe Biden isn't running his campaign the way the right thinks he should. The right is pissed because Trump is losing. That's the bottom line. Trump and the right have nobody to blame but themselves.
Trump isn’t losing...

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