Democrats versus Republicans in four charts

"Federal spending". Does federal spending include military bases? Area "51" probably accounts for the spike in federal spending in N.M. I can't think of any other reason that N.M. would be on the top of the list.

Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico
Dementia strikes deep, if you believe what you just wrote, S M. You can't find and prove any such thing. Your voice, syntax, and semantics are out of whack. You have trouble grasping that if you provide an assertion, you must defend it with proof not ask someone else to rebut it.

You are simply trolling and unable to refute the OP. That's your issue.

You are on Ignore for the time being.
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How many Dem run welfare cities are located in red states, well there you go.

Name some awesome gop run cities .

AHAHAHAHA name a Dem run city that's awesome :auiqs.jpg:

Boston , NYC, Seattle , Portland , San Fran .

I can go on n on. The crappy cities are mostly in red states .

Democrats tend to be urban poor minorities.
The Southern states have the largest population of poor minorities.
Republicans tend to be the suburban middle class.
One of the "crappiest" cities that I have ever been in was San Francisco
BTW, California has the highest poverty rate.
Dementia strikes deep, if you believe what you just wrote, S M. You can't find and prove any such thing. Your voice, syntax, and semantics are out of whack. You have trouble grasping that if you provide an assertion, you must defend it with proof not ask someone else to rebut it.

You are simply trolling and unable to refute the OP. That's your issue.

You are on Ignore for the time being.

The OP is easy to burn down , take south Carolina or Mississippi for example they have the highest populations of blacks in the nation..

List of U.S. states by African-American population - Wikipedia

The % rate in CA is lower than in the southern states.

It has more in poverty because it has the most people than any other state.

It has the most poor ass broke illegals..

Today, the 100 largest counties by Hispanic population contain 71% of all Hispanics. Los Angeles County, CA alone contains 4.9 millionHispanics, or 9% of the nation's Hispanic population.
Mapping the Latino Population, By State, County and City | Pew Research CenterPew Hispanic Center › 2013 › 08 › 29 › mapping
The Liberals here actually believe that the super wealthy in Blue cities give a shit about the poor.
If the poor didn't vote for welfare and food stamps the wealthy wouldn't volunteer a penny if it weren't a tax write-off.
The Liberals here actually believe that the super wealthy in Blue cities give a shit about the poor.
If the poor didn't vote for welfare and food stamps the wealthy wouldn't volunteer a penny if it weren't a tax write-off.

Exactly, all you have is a few millionares, billionaires and a bunch of poor suckers in the blue cities, who can't afford a bus ticket out of town .

So they post nonsense. .to justify how retarded they are.
Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly that Democrats are all on welfare and Republicans and Red States pay for everything.

It all comes down to dollars and cents.


Look at a map of the states, it's easy to see why the difference.

Education if very important. It's true that you can spend a lot of money on degrees that are pretty much worthless as far as a good paying job. But a good degree is better than no degree.

And regardless what Republicans say, college is NOT bad for America.


It's like the bottom of all four categories are nearly solid Red.

How many of those states at the bottom are part of Appalachia?

If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

Democrats need to fight smarter and harder if we want to save this country. Republicans can't do it. They don't have the sense, the education nor the tools. And they are too easily led by a con man.

I often put forth the idea of splitting up the US into two or three smaller countries so conservatives can go their own way and have their own country, and then do all they do in red states in their own country on a national scale. Very few of them like the idea and this is why. The blue states are the successful states, the states where people make money and are successful. The red states are the taking states where college is viewed as the devil's work and welfare is widely used.

If conservatives actually had to go form a country of their own and ran it by the rules red states are run by the entire country would be one big Appalachia with a 50ft wall around it.

Imagine how arrogant are the people at Fox News and con-talk-radio that they have actually convinced all these people to believe the opposite of what the reality is. And how sad that so many people are forever convinced to vote against their own best interest in all these red states.

I don't know about this. The concept of getting a job, feeding yourself and family, paying taxes, trading with fellow citizens by spending fruits of labor and mandatory military service--all beneath the banner of a miniscule government--sounds good to me. I'd name it the 'Republic of Self-Responsibility'

The poor of all skin tones and geographies are similarly needy. As is Viral Apathy. Blame the government or get sober and get a job. Blame the Man or be a man and get a job. But what if there are no jobs? Millions of Americans survived the Depression by doing whatever labor and ingenuity it took to put loaves on the table.
The Liberals here actually believe that the super wealthy in Blue cities give a shit about the poor.
If the poor didn't vote for welfare and food stamps the wealthy wouldn't volunteer a penny if it weren't a tax write-off.

Exactly, all you have is a few millionares, billionaires and a bunch of poor suckers in the blue cities, who can't afford a bus ticket out of town .

So they post nonsense. .to justify how retarded they are.
Timmy is one of the stupidest posters ever.
I wonder if Timmy lives in NYC.
I wonder if Timmy has ever been to NYC.
Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly that Democrats are all on welfare and Republicans and Red States pay for everything.

It all comes down to dollars and cents.


Look at a map of the states, it's easy to see why the difference.

Education if very important. It's true that you can spend a lot of money on degrees that are pretty much worthless as far as a good paying job. But a good degree is better than no degree.

And regardless what Republicans say, college is NOT bad for America.


It's like the bottom of all four categories are nearly solid Red.

How many of those states at the bottom are part of Appalachia?

If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

Democrats need to fight smarter and harder if we want to save this country. Republicans can't do it. They don't have the sense, the education nor the tools. And they are too easily led by a con man.
Conservatives rely on alternative facts, which contradict everything you've posted above.

Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly that Democrats are all on welfare and Republicans and Red States pay for everything.

It all comes down to dollars and cents.


Look at a map of the states, it's easy to see why the difference.

Education if very important. It's true that you can spend a lot of money on degrees that are pretty much worthless as far as a good paying job. But a good degree is better than no degree.

And regardless what Republicans say, college is NOT bad for America.


It's like the bottom of all four categories are nearly solid Red.

How many of those states at the bottom are part of Appalachia?

If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

Democrats need to fight smarter and harder if we want to save this country. Republicans can't do it. They don't have the sense, the education nor the tools. And they are too easily led by a con man.
Conservatives rely on alternative facts, which contradict everything you've posted above.


No poor broke ass democrats are like lobsters boiling in a pot .. they know that democrats destroy their towns and cities..some flee, some stay and struggle to survive, they can't understand or comprehend the rest of the country .

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