Democrats.....the Trump Boomerang is already on its way...get ready for it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
You tried to get him with everything from creepy porn lawyers, to Russian backed misinformation paid for by the DNC and hilary clinton.......and his poll numbers went tried to get him with the mueller report....and came up with zip.....and then you moved on to impeach him with nothing more than having enough votes to do it...

Now....the democrat party members in the press have created a mass hysteria based on a virus that gives you a fever and a cough for a couple of days.......

So...when the Trump Boomerang hits you .... you only have yourselves to blame....

The Dow Has Biggest One Day Gain EVER In Response To Trump Press Conference

“Fueled by a late-day surge while Trump was speaking, the Dow saw its largest percentage gain since 2008,”

the Associated Press reported. “The rally recouped many of the losses from a day earlier, when the index saw its worst slide since the Black Monday crash of 1987 and European indexes had one of the worst drops on record. The major indexes each closed with gains of more than 9%.”

The massive surge came after investors were apparently pleased with the administration’s expansive measures in getting ahead of the coronavirus.

“I will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health, and safety of the American people,” Trump said during the press conference. “I will always put the wellbeing of America first.”

The administration highlighted in a fact sheet the actions that it announced during the press conference to combat the coronavirus:
I would expect wild swings in the market until the crisis is over. These swings will lay somewhat at the doorstep of the Trump Administration if Trump can’t keep on message or tweets inanities. If we know on thing about Trump, he is incapable of keeping on message or tweeting stupidity. So these market swings will most likely continue.
Biden would have been talking about how much more important it is to have an open border for all, and not be a racist.

We will see whether the market bottomed out yesterday, it was a black Friday of stocks, certainly not a bad place to buy. I expect the hysteria may still get larger as the virus spread which could indicate more crashes.
There is just no way to know. Making extrapolations or assumptions based on one day in the stock market isn't a good idea.
Maybe he should consult Donald Jr. I mean after all, he is just as bright and a financial Wizard just like his Pops.

Jr. For Prez! Makes for a snappy red ball cap we can all wear while waiting for a fucking COVID-19 test.
There is just no way to know. Making extrapolations or assumptions based on one day in the stock market isn't a good idea.
Maybe he should consult Donald Jr. I mean after all, he is just as bright and a financial Wizard just like his Pops.

Jr. For Prez! Makes for a snappy red ball cap we can all wear while waiting for a fucking COVID-19 test.

Ebola is racist, you dog faced pony soldier.
You tried to get him with everything from creepy porn lawyers, to Russian backed misinformation paid for by the DNC and hilary clinton.......and his poll numbers went tried to get him with the mueller report....and came up with zip.....and then you moved on to impeach him with nothing more than having enough votes to do it...
Perhaps you should sit down before reading this because what I'm going to mention apparently will come as a surprise to you. Ready? He broke the law when he conspired to pay hush money to those two women. Mueller found that Don obstructed his investigation and that there was ample evidence of what has come to be loosely described as collusion with the Russians. Putin did use Russia's intel agencies to help Crooked Donald get elected and Vlad's favorite candidate traitorously welcomed that help. President Flim Flam did try to extort Ukraine, broke the law in doing so, and did illegally obstruct the impeachment inquiry. I'm sorry to lay that reality on you all at once. the immortal words of Mick Mulvaney.........who is now on his way to N. Ireland for spilling the beans on the quid pro quo........"Get over it."
There is just no way to know. Making extrapolations or assumptions based on one day in the stock market isn't a good idea.
Maybe he should consult Donald Jr. I mean after all, he is just as bright and a financial Wizard just like his Pops.

Jr. For Prez! Makes for a snappy red ball cap we can all wear while waiting for a fucking COVID-19 test.

Ebola is racist, you dog faced pony soldier.
Come on, you can do better than that! Gimme yer best, you abhorrent ,vile Twaffle.
You tried to get him with everything from creepy porn lawyers, to Russian backed misinformation paid for by the DNC and hilary clinton.......and his poll numbers went tried to get him with the mueller report....and came up with zip.....and then you moved on to impeach him with nothing more than having enough votes to do it...
Perhaps you should sit down before reading this because what I'm going to mention apparently will come as a surprise to you. Ready? He broke the law when he conspired to pay hush money to those two women. Mueller found that Don obstructed his investigation and that there was ample evidence of what has come to be loosely described as collusion with the Russians. Putin did use Russia's intel agencies to help Crooked Donald get elected and Vlad's favorite candidate traitorously welcomed that help. President Flim Flam did try to extort Ukraine, broke the law in doing so, and did illegally obstruct the impeachment inquiry. I'm sorry to lay that reality on you all at once. the immortal words of Mick Mulvaney.........who is now on his way to N. Ireland for spilling the beans on the quid pro quo........"Get over it."

And your ignorance is no surprise to me...

No, he didn't break the law in paying hush money....that was perfectly legal......the former head of the FEC said worst, it would be a fine, like when obama took 3 million dollars in illegal campaign cash, got caught, paid a fine...

But thanks for playing.... still on the Russia that is funny.....considering the only one who took money from Russia was the 145 million hilary got from putin through her money laundering operation, the clinton foundation, and the only one working with Russians was the DNC and the Hilary campaign, through Perkins Coie, and Steele....

But thanks for playing..

Ukraine? You mean the way the biden family vacuumed up money following Vice President Biden around the world......and no, Trump didn't obstruct the fake is called due process and challenging the fake attempts by the House to set up Trump is called Rights....under the Constitution.....

But thanks for playing....
There is just no way to know. Making extrapolations or assumptions based on one day in the stock market isn't a good idea.
Maybe he should consult Donald Jr. I mean after all, he is just as bright and a financial Wizard just like his Pops.

Jr. For Prez! Makes for a snappy red ball cap we can all wear while waiting for a fucking COVID-19 test.

Ebola is racist, you dog faced pony soldier.
Come on, you can do better than that! Gimme yer best, you abhorrent ,vile Twaffle.

Text Joe to Wuhan is racist.
I would expect wild swings in the market until the crisis is over. These swings will lay somewhat at the doorstep of the Trump Administration if Trump can’t keep on message or tweets inanities. If we know on thing about Trump, he is incapable of keeping on message or tweeting stupidity. So these market swings will most likely continue.

What this indicates is that the market hit bottom. Now it will bounce around up and down until we have more information--pro or con on the control of the virus.

Most all investors realize this is temporary, and are anxious to get their money back into the market. The theme of buying low and selling high has never been more important than now. If I had the money, I would have invested all I could a few days ago.
You tried to get him with everything from creepy porn lawyers, to Russian backed misinformation paid for by the DNC and hilary clinton.......and his poll numbers went tried to get him with the mueller report....and came up with zip.....and then you moved on to impeach him with nothing more than having enough votes to do it...
Perhaps you should sit down before reading this because what I'm going to mention apparently will come as a surprise to you. Ready? He broke the law when he conspired to pay hush money to those two women. Mueller found that Don obstructed his investigation and that there was ample evidence of what has come to be loosely described as collusion with the Russians. Putin did use Russia's intel agencies to help Crooked Donald get elected and Vlad's favorite candidate traitorously welcomed that help. President Flim Flam did try to extort Ukraine, broke the law in doing so, and did illegally obstruct the impeachment inquiry. I'm sorry to lay that reality on you all at once. the immortal words of Mick Mulvaney.........who is now on his way to N. Ireland for spilling the beans on the quid pro quo........"Get over it."

That's quite the imagination you have there.
Biden would have been talking about how much more important it is to have an open border for all, and not be a racist.

We will see whether the market bottomed out yesterday, it was a black Friday of stocks, certainly not a bad place to buy. I expect the hysteria may still get larger as the virus spread which could indicate more crashes.

As expected, closing your border hasn't done a lick of good. The USA and Canada both had their first cases of covid19 at the same time. The USA closed it's borders, Canada started testing everying coming in, and isolating those who test positive. Canada has fewer than 100 cases, the US case load has hit 2000 in the same time frame. We have yet to have our first case of community transmission.

We get press conferences with facts, facts, facts. You get press conferences where Administration officials tell you what a great job Trump is doing, even though none of this is his fault. And then they correct the lies he just told.
Biden would have been talking about how much more important it is to have an open border for all, and not be a racist.

We will see whether the market bottomed out yesterday, it was a black Friday of stocks, certainly not a bad place to buy. I expect the hysteria may still get larger as the virus spread which could indicate more crashes.

As expected, closing your border hasn't done a lick of good. The USA and Canada both had their first cases of covid19 at the same time. The USA closed it's borders, Canada started testing everying coming in, and isolating those who test positive. Canada has fewer than 100 cases, the US case load has hit 2000 in the same time frame. We have yet to have our first case of community transmission.

We get press conferences with facts, facts, facts. You get press conferences where Administration officials tell you what a great job Trump is doing, even though none of this is his fault. And then they correct the lies he just told.

Did someone forget to tell you how many people US has vs. how many people Canada has?

No one cares about your stupid country. Go to Canadian message board.

In Canada's case shutting down travel may not be necessary because no one wants to go there anyway.
Biden would have been talking about how much more important it is to have an open border for all, and not be a racist.

We will see whether the market bottomed out yesterday, it was a black Friday of stocks, certainly not a bad place to buy. I expect the hysteria may still get larger as the virus spread which could indicate more crashes.

As expected, closing your border hasn't done a lick of good. The USA and Canada both had their first cases of covid19 at the same time. The USA closed it's borders, Canada started testing everying coming in, and isolating those who test positive. Canada has fewer than 100 cases, the US case load has hit 2000 in the same time frame. We have yet to have our first case of community transmission.

We get press conferences with facts, facts, facts. You get press conferences where Administration officials tell you what a great job Trump is doing, even though none of this is his fault. And then they correct the lies he just told.

Sure we do, because we all know how the media is so behind Trump. We lost over 12,000 Americans with H1N1 while DumBama was in charge, and the press barely covered it. We lost a little over 40 Americans with COVID 19, and you can't find any other news story than the virus.

I have some news for ya, and that is the media is complicit in trying to stop all of Trump's success, including our market and economy.
The world just changed. Making predictions of the future is futile. How things will be after this is anyone's guess but one thing is certain, if this gets really bad those who downplayed this crisis will pay a steep price.
The world just changed. Making predictions of the future is futile. How things will be after this is anyone's guess but one thing is certain, if this gets really bad those who downplayed this crisis will pay a steep price.

What crisis....if you get it, you get a fever and a cough for a couple nitwit......if you are 80 and get it you may be in trouble if you have an underlying condition....

And that is the extent of the corona virus in a capitalist country......
The world just changed. Making predictions of the future is futile. How things will be after this is anyone's guess but one thing is certain, if this gets really bad those who downplayed this crisis will pay a steep price.

What crisis....if you get it, you get a fever and a cough for a couple nitwit......if you are 80 and get it you may be in trouble if you have an underlying condition....

And that is the extent of the corona virus in a capitalist country......
I believe you think this is as bad as this is going to get. Not even close. Pandemics follow a predictable curve. The math says this is just the beginning of a health crisis that is already putting our system to test.

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