Democrats: The right isn't taking this virus seriously.

Coronavirus is a lot closer to being a hoax than a pandemic. Democrats are trying to use this to defeat Trump.
ROFL! You and Karl Marx agree.

Hey fucktard.
Respond to your claim that Obama's CDC did nothing from Dec 2005 to Jan 2009.
What an idiot.
What you say lil man?
Yes, that was a mistake. Are you happy now with your pathetic little victory?
Yes, yes I Am.

Wow, I'm surprised. You actually admitted you were wrong.
Yes, that was a mistake.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Get used to it fucktard.
You got a lot of explaining to do.
Now, go away.
ROFL! You and Karl Marx agree.

Hey fucktard.
Respond to your claim that Obama's CDC did nothing from Dec 2005 to Jan 2009.
What an idiot.
What you say lil man?
Yes, that was a mistake. Are you happy now with your pathetic little victory?
Yes, yes I Am.

Wow, I'm surprised. You actually admitted you were wrong.
Yes, that was a mistake.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Get used to it fucktard.
You got a lot of explaining to do.
Now, go away.



  1. a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

ROFL! You and Karl Marx agree.

Hey fucktard.
Respond to your claim that Obama's CDC did nothing from Dec 2005 to Jan 2009.
What an idiot.
What you say lil man?
Yes, that was a mistake. Are you happy now with your pathetic little victory?
Yes, yes I Am.

Wow, I'm surprised. You actually admitted you were wrong.
Yes, that was a mistake.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Get used to it fucktard.
You got a lot of explaining to do.
Now, go away.
You're telling me to go away? You, the whiny little Chihuahua biting at my ankles?
As of today 3.17.2020 @12:38PM there has been 88 deaths from the Wuhan Chinese Virus in the United States. With a population of 331,002,651 people, do the math,,,,,
88 /331,002,651 * 100 =
a death rate of 0.00002658589%
So why the panic?
Wrong dumbass. You need to divide the number of dead by the number infected.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

  • Total cases: 4,226
  • Total deaths: 75
That works out to a mortality rate of 1.8%. Far, far higher than the mortality rate of the flu.
It’s over 6,000 now. But people have no tests so we really don’t know.
I was doing the overall effected rate on all Americans
If you do it your way, the mortality rate on only the infected is: 111 Deaths divided by the 6000 infected cases = 0,0185
x100 for a death rate of 1.85% Still low so calm down, no panic needed
a good read to calm your nerves:
Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality
Last edited:
As of today 3.17.2020 @12:38PM there has been 88 deaths from the Wuhan Chinese Virus in the United States. With a population of 331,002,651 people, do the math,,,,,
88 /331,002,651 * 100 =
a death rate of 0.00002658589%
So why the panic?
Wrong dumbass. You need to divide the number of dead by the number infected.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

  • Total cases: 4,226
  • Total deaths: 75
That works out to a mortality rate of 1.8%. Far, far higher than the mortality rate of the flu.
It’s over 6,000 now. But people have no tests so we really don’t know.
I was doing the overall effected rate on all Americans
If you do it your way, the mortality rate on only the infected is: 111 Deaths divided by the 6000 infected cases = 0,0185
x100 for a death rate of 1.85% Still low so calm down, no panic needed
a good read to calm your nerves:
Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality
Since only about 86% of the infected are ever reported, the real mortality rate is closer to 0.25%
What a disgrace. A total disgrace. Trump blew off the seriousness of the coronavirus, and the tard herd went along, parroting all the incredibly stupid shit they were told to parrot. "Duhhhhhhhh, it's not as bad as the flu!" "Duhhhhhhhh, they killed more people in Chicago than the coronavirus!" "Duuhhhhhhh, this panic over the virus is a Democrat hoax!"

Look at the Naked Emperor and the tards now, trying to claim Trump has been leading and taking this shit seriously. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I know your mad because it didn't kill more people. You can't use it as Trump bad man! Trump will be YOUR president till 2025!
What a disgrace. A total disgrace. Trump blew off the seriousness of the coronavirus, and the tard herd went along, parroting all the incredibly stupid shit they were told to parrot. "Duhhhhhhhh, it's not as bad as the flu!" "Duhhhhhhhh, they killed more people in Chicago than the coronavirus!" "Duuhhhhhhh, this panic over the virus is a Democrat hoax!"

Look at the Naked Emperor and the tards now, trying to claim Trump has been leading and taking this shit seriously. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!
What a disgrace. A total disgrace. Trump blew off the seriousness of the coronavirus, and the tard herd went along, parroting all the incredibly stupid shit they were told to parrot. "Duhhhhhhhh, it's not as bad as the flu!" "Duhhhhhhhh, they killed more people in Chicago than the coronavirus!" "Duuhhhhhhh, this panic over the virus is a Democrat hoax!"

Look at the Naked Emperor and the tards now, trying to claim Trump has been leading and taking this shit seriously. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!

The media got it right. This is a very serious problem which Trump and his supporters was trying to downplay up until a few days ago.

The media wasn’t causing a panic. They were identifying a serious threat to the country. You should thank them.
Trump shows up at the CDC during a national emergency wearing a campaign hat. Then he makes the whole crisis about himself.

So, yeah. You're goddam right he wasn't taking this shit seriously.


You know, my uncle was a great person. He was at MIT. He taught at MIT for, I think, like a record number of years. He was a great super genius. Dr. John Trump. I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.
So far he has handled this situation 100% better than Obama with the swine flu. It's been here since October and less than 100 deaths. Nice to have a competent president in office again.
What a disgrace. A total disgrace. Trump blew off the seriousness of the coronavirus, and the tard herd went along, parroting all the incredibly stupid shit they were told to parrot. "Duhhhhhhhh, it's not as bad as the flu!" "Duhhhhhhhh, they killed more people in Chicago than the coronavirus!" "Duuhhhhhhh, this panic over the virus is a Democrat hoax!"

Look at the Naked Emperor and the tards now, trying to claim Trump has been leading and taking this shit seriously. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!

The media got it right. This is a very serious problem which Trump and his supporters was trying to downplay up until a few days ago.

The media wasn’t causing a panic. They were identifying a serious threat to the country. You should thank them.
I still don't think it's as big as the media is hyping, but I love it that they did it to hurt Trump, and it's only helping him. I love it!
What a disgrace. A total disgrace. Trump blew off the seriousness of the coronavirus, and the tard herd went along, parroting all the incredibly stupid shit they were told to parrot. "Duhhhhhhhh, it's not as bad as the flu!" "Duhhhhhhhh, they killed more people in Chicago than the coronavirus!" "Duuhhhhhhh, this panic over the virus is a Democrat hoax!"

Look at the Naked Emperor and the tards now, trying to claim Trump has been leading and taking this shit seriously. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!

The media got it right. This is a very serious problem which Trump and his supporters was trying to downplay up until a few days ago.

The media wasn’t causing a panic. They were identifying a serious threat to the country. You should thank them.
I still don't think it's as big as the media is hyping, but I love it that they did it to hurt Trump, and it's only helping him. I love it!

Even the Trump administration is recommending drastic measures that no one thought possible just a week ago.

It’s big. It’s about as big of an event as we’ve seen in our lifetime.

There’s nothing to love about the situation.
When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!

The media got it right. This is a very serious problem which Trump and his supporters was trying to downplay up until a few days ago.

The media wasn’t causing a panic. They were identifying a serious threat to the country. You should thank them.
I still don't think it's as big as the media is hyping, but I love it that they did it to hurt Trump, and it's only helping him. I love it!

Even the Trump administration is recommending drastic measures that no one thought possible just a week ago.

It’s big. It’s about as big of an event as we’ve seen in our lifetime.

There’s nothing to love about the situation.
What I like about is you loons said this was Trump's Katrina, but it's becoming his master piece!
Leftists are scared! Widespread panic!
Why aren't conservative Christians scared?
Because we understand that life on this Earth is just a temporary gig. We know where we're going when the time comes. And we, and you, KNOW where YOU'RE going.
On Fox News, suddenly a very different tune about the coronavirus

Fox News personalities such as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham accused the news media of whipping up “mass hysteria” and being “panic pushers.” Fox Business host Trish Regan called the alleged media-Democratic alliance “yet another attempt to impeach the president.”

But that was then.

With Trump’s declaration on Friday that the virus constitutes a national emergency, the tone on Fox News has quickly shifted.


In late February, Ingraham called Democrats the “pandemic party” and displayed photos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) alongside enlarged images of coronavirus molecules. “How sick that these people seem almost happiest when Americans are hurting,” she said.

She kept at it through last Tuesday when, in front of a graphic reading “Trump confronts the panic pushers,” Ingraham said, “The public in some ways seems a lot more levelheaded than the so-called experts. . . . The facts are actually pretty reassuring, but you’d never know it watching all this stuff.”


By Wednesday, after Trump announced a travel ban on people from the European Union, Ingraham had started calling the pandemic “this dangerous health crisis.” She characterized warnings issued by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Anthony S. Fauci about the potential spread of the disease as “sobering and scary to hear.”

Um the MSM panic and hysteria has resulted in people hoarding toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Instead of getting enough to last a few weeks people are clearing shelves and buying sanitizers and toilet paper by the cart full.
The corona virus has revealed just how immoral, unpatriotic, and extreme most liberals are. It is just sickening that they have fear-mongered this virus so much that half the country is scared to death and that our economy has taken a major hit. Liberals reacted very different to the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak, because a Democrat was in the White House and Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress. BTW, we had 68 million swine flu cases and over 12,000 deaths in the U.S. during the outbreak.
As of today 3.17.2020 @12:38PM there has been 88 deaths from the Wuhan Chinese Virus in the United States. With a population of 331,002,651 people, do the math,,,,,
88 /331,002,651 * 100 =
a death rate of 0.00002658589%
So why the panic?
Wrong dumbass. You need to divide the number of dead by the number infected.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

  • Total cases: 4,226
  • Total deaths: 75
That works out to a mortality rate of 1.8%. Far, far higher than the mortality rate of the flu.

Just for some impact. The numbers this morning, just the very next day are 6,496 and 115 dead. That's a 53% increase from yesterday for number of cases and it's still early.
When more than 17,000 Americans die from it, then you can legitimately attack Trump.

Until you have that many, thank the "media panic".
Actually the media panic was to hurt Trump, but as always Trump comes out and kicks your ass!

The media got it right. This is a very serious problem which Trump and his supporters was trying to downplay up until a few days ago.

The media wasn’t causing a panic. They were identifying a serious threat to the country. You should thank them.
I still don't think it's as big as the media is hyping, but I love it that they did it to hurt Trump, and it's only helping him. I love it!

Even the Trump administration is recommending drastic measures that no one thought possible just a week ago.

It’s big. It’s about as big of an event as we’ve seen in our lifetime.

There’s nothing to love about the situation.
I've wondered what caused Trump to change his tune. Less than 7 days ago he was saying this was a "hoax" that would "just pass through" when it warmed up. But I think what I'm seeing is that it's still the same old cadre of Azar and Verma, neither of whom have backgrounds in public health crisis, and our CDC director Robert Redfield who actually wrote AIDS is God's punishment for gays, and he's actually a step up the ethical ladder from the woman he replaced who was buying and selling tobacco stocks. The young surgeon general seems well meaning but so was Bambi. So, I doubt Trump finally found science.

Rather, I think he got some very startling news on financial markets when corporations began factoring in what coronavirus was going to inflict on their bottom lines.

Trump's response may be better than even three days ago, and I hope without concrete reason that the gop finds it in it's golden heart to help laid off waiters and retail sales people, but I don't think we'll see surgical masks and gowns and ventalators "flowing" to our hospitals soon.

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