Democrats - the Party of CRIME


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Is it me who is calling the Democrats the Crime Party ? No. Is it Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or Mike Pompeo ? Nope. Ben Carson or Jeffery Rosen ? Not them either.

It is Democrats themselves who are calling and defining themselves as that, by their action and inactions >>

1. Last week and still now, Democrat abortion freaks are protesting at the homes of US Supreme Court justices. In one case, one guy (26-year-old California man Nicholas John Roske) was arrested early Wednesday near Justice Kavanaugh's house in Maryland, after threatening to kill the justice. Police said he was carrying a gun, a knife and zip ties. Roske has been charged with the attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice, but what about all the others who are committing a federal CRIME (US Code 18, Section 1507) - unlawful to protest near a “residence occupied or used by [a] judge, juror, witness, or court officer” with the intent of influencing “the discharge of his duty,” adding that anyone who “uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

YET, despite that it’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s responsibility to enforce this law, we see no action being taken against these protestors, or even a peep of dissent toward their illegal activity, from the Biden administration. Despite multiple inquiries, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley refused to explain what steps Garland was taking to protect justices or enforce the law.
Last month, the group calling itself “Ruth Sent Us,” published the locations of the justices’ homes on its website. White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn the doxing. She said that she didn’t have “an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”
FALSE! There is in fact an “official U.S. government position on where people protest” — it’s 18 U.S.C. 1507.

2. A few years ago, then Tampa Democrat Mayor Bob Buckhorn kept Tampa police from arresting dozens of Black Lives Matter protestors who were blocking traffic on a busy downtown street, endangering lives.
This is a CRIME (Florida Statute 316.2045), which since then has become a felony.

3. In Seattle, when rioters took over an entire neighborhood, the Democrat mayor, Jenny Durkan called it a "block party" and "Summer of Love". She ordered the evacuation of the police department, resulting in the city descending into utter lawlessness and civic breakdown. After city leaders all Democrats, ordered police to evacuate a police station and abandon a six-block neighborhood to radical left-wing groups, those groups established the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), since relabeled an Occupied Protest (CHOP). Meanwhile, Seattle leaders expected everyone else to behave responsibly, respect the law, and follow every law exactly. To Seattle looney Democrat leaders, one person robbing one store is a crime, but mass looting an entire shopping district is just a “protest.” This lunacy went on resulting in one man being killed and others seriously wounded, in shootings since the no-police zone began.

4. In Ferguson, MO, rioters took over a large section of the city. The whole nation watched in amazement while rioters did anything they wanted including mass arson and looting. The overwhelmed police could have controlled the situation with the assistance of the National Guard, but Democrat governor Jay Nixon, called out the Guard, and then sent them 10 miles away from the rioting. He might as well have joined the rioters himself.

5. In Baltimore MD, then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, on "advice " from Al Sharpton and Barrack Obama, ordered police to stand down while rioters rioted. Once the rioters sensed the police were standing down, and not enforcing the law, they attacked the police, throwing rocks & bottles at them. The police under strict orders to do nothing, merely covered themselves from the barrage of rocks, and slowly moved backwards from the rioters. Democrat Mayor Rawlings then said >>> “I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well."
This will forever remain in the hall of fame of Democrat crime lunacy in America.


6. Portland, OR - loon Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler allowed riot goons to run wild, handstrapping police. He even joined the rioters at one point when the rioting was so bad the cops had to resort to using tear gas, Wheeler himself getting tear gassed in the crowd. A few decades ago, if we would have suggested this might happen, they would have sent us to a nuthouse.

7. In 20 cities that defunded their police , of course on orders from Democrats, CRIME skyrocketed to record levels.

8. In San Francisco, criminal loving DA Chesa Boudin got yanked out of his job by voters who recalled him 61-39%. In Los Angeles, another DA more protective of criminals than the public he's supposed to protect, is under extreme criticism.
Progressive Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is facing mounting efforts to oust him amid outrage that his “reckless” policies left a violent gangbanger free to gun down two cops.
The woke prosecutor — already facing recall efforts — was blamed for cop-killer Justin Flores, 35, being free when he gunned down El Monte police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana on Tuesday.
The felon — who had his gang allegiance tattooed on his face — was free even though he was accused of breaking his probation by illegally carrying a gun.

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You've mentioned many different issues you have with the Democrats. Your first mentioned was the abortion issue. Can we concentrate on just that for a start?

I take your complaint seriously but I'm not willing to be sucked into the scattergun approach.
I don't know what you're talking about. You are free to address anything in the OP, if you wish.
So Tax Man, you're saying that you are NOT free to address anything in the OP, if you wish ? Wrong. You certainly are.
I don't know what you're talking about. You are free to address anything in the OP, if you wish.
Sure. It's standard fascist propaganda, making up hysterical pants-wetting stories about how the Jews/liberals being so violent justifies massive right-wing terrorist violence against Jews/liberals

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious that you're running out of the fascist playbook? Come on.
Sure. It's standard fascist propaganda, making up hysterical pants-wetting stories about how the Jews/liberals being so violent justifies massive right-wing terrorist violence against Jews/liberals

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious that you're running out of the fascist playbook? Come on.

Yet you can't show any evidence to support your assertions.

Sure. It's standard fascist propaganda, making up hysterical pants-wetting stories about how the Jews/liberals being so violent justifies massive right-wing terrorist violence against Jews/liberals

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious that you're running out of the fascist playbook? Come on.
The OP and its subject doesn't NEED to make up anything. The OP is loaded with facts, and everyone plainly sees. Does THIS look made up >> "we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well."


Or this : (US Code 18, Section 1507)





Mountains of facts stare Americans in the face (plenty of them in the OP), and you come in here calling it "standard fascist propaganda". Well, those of us of sound mind, thank you for giving us the biggest RED WAVE in US history, come November, as Americans are thoroughly sick & tired of all your ludicrous denials of reality, as well as the harm you do to this country.



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There is a relationship between abortion and crime, IMHO.

When I saw the photos of those dear sweet sensitive young gentlemen rioting in the streets, I realized that pro-choice protesters are doing all of us a big favor by supporting a woman's right to an abortion.
There is a relationship between abortion and crime, IMHO.

When I saw the photos of those dear sweet sensitive young gentlemen rioting in the streets, I realized that pro-choice protesters are doing all of us a big favor by supporting a woman's right to an abortion.
YUP. They're giving us a red wave landslide, and Trump back in the White House.

And they really should stop using the word "Choice". The person trying to be born doesn't have a "Choice".
So is FOX News still telling the Trump cult fascist-lackeys that the Negroes are coming to get them, or have they moved on to a new fascist talking point?

That is, FOXtards, who is it that FOX wants you to assault today?

Now, go back to stroking yoruselves as you dream about murdering anyone who isn't as depraved as yourselves.
So is FOX News still telling the Trump cult fascist-lackeys that the Negroes are coming to get them, or have they moved on to a new fascist talking point?

That is, FOXtards, who is it that FOX wants you to assault today?

Now, go back to stroking yoruselves as you dream about murdering anyone who isn't as depraved as yourselves.
AS a person who does not have cable TV and never watches Fox News, I have no way of ascertaining if Fox ever said "that the Negroes are coming to get them", so would you please present a link to a video of people on Fox news saying that ?
So exactly where are you getting your propaganda?

Do you even understand that you're not existing in the same reality as everyone else?
Not CNN, MSNBC, PBS, where YOU get YOUR propaganda.

I understand that I am existing in the same reality as those who are informed and knowledgable, while not in the same UNreality as those who are victims of liberal OMISSION media, designed to keep them ignorant.

If any of them want to find out how much they don't know, all they need do is take some of my QUIZ for Liberals quizzes. No charge.

As for my request for you to present a link to a video of people on Fox news saying "that the Negroes are coming to get them", can we conclude you can't do that ? If not, do it.
Is it me who is calling the Democrats the Crime Party ? No. Is it Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or Mike Pompeo ? Nope. Ben Carson or Jeffery Rosen ? Not them either.

It is Democrats themselves who are calling and defining themselves as that, by their action and inactions >>

1. Last week and still now, Democrat abortion freaks are protesting at the homes of US Supreme Court justices. In one case, one guy (26-year-old California man Nicholas John Roske) was arrested early Wednesday near Justice Kavanaugh's house in Maryland, after threatening to kill the justice. Police said he was carrying a gun, a knife and zip ties. Roske has been charged with the attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice, but what about all the others who are committing a federal CRIME (US Code 18, Section 1507) - unlawful to protest near a “residence occupied or used by [a] judge, juror, witness, or court officer” with the intent of influencing “the discharge of his duty,” adding that anyone who “uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

YET, despite that it’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s responsibility to enforce this law, we see no action being taken against these protestors, or even a peep of dissent toward their illegal activity, from the Biden administration. Despite multiple inquiries, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley refused to explain what steps Garland was taking to protect justices or enforce the law.
Last month, the group calling itself “Ruth Sent Us,” published the locations of the justices’ homes on its website. White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn the doxing. She said that she didn’t have “an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”
FALSE! There is in fact an “official U.S. government position on where people protest” — it’s 18 U.S.C. 1507.

2. A few years ago, then Tampa Democrat Mayor Bob Buckhorn kept Tampa police from arresting dozens of Black Lives Matter protestors who were blocking traffic on a busy downtown street, endangering lives.
This is a CRIME (Florida Statute 316.2045), which since then has become a felony.

3. In Seattle, when rioters took over an entire neighborhood, the Democrat mayor, Jenny Durkan called it a "block party" and "Summer of Love". She ordered the evacuation of the police department, resulting in the city descending into utter lawlessness and civic breakdown. After city leaders all Democrats, ordered police to evacuate a police station and abandon a six-block neighborhood to radical left-wing groups, those groups established the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), since relabeled an Occupied Protest (CHOP). Meanwhile, Seattle leaders expected everyone else to behave responsibly, respect the law, and follow every law exactly. To Seattle looney Democrat leaders, one person robbing one store is a crime, but mass looting an entire shopping district is just a “protest.” This lunacy went on resulting in one man being killed and others seriously wounded, in shootings since the no-police zone began.

4. In Ferguson, MO, rioters took over a large section of the city. The whole nation watched in amazement while rioters did anything they wanted including mass arson and looting. The overwhelmed police could have controlled the situation with the assistance of the National Guard, but Democrat governor Jay Nixon, called out the Guard, and then sent them 10 miles away from the rioting. He might as well have joined the rioters himself.

5. In Baltimore MD, then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, on "advice " from Al Sharpton and Barrack Obama, ordered police to stand down while rioters rioted. Once the rioters sensed the police were standing down, and not enforcing the law, they attacked the police, throwing rocks & bottles at them. The police under strict orders to do nothing, merely covered themselves from the barrage of rocks, and slowly moved backwards from the rioters. Democrat Mayor Rawlings then said >>> “I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well."
This will forever remain in the hall of fame of Democrat crime lunacy in America.

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6. Portland, OR - loon Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler allowed riot goons to run wild, handstrapping police. He even joined the rioters at one point when the rioting was so bad the cops had to resort to using tear gas, Wheeler himself getting tear gassed in the crowd. A few decades ago, if we would have suggested this might happen, they would have sent us to a nuthouse.

7. In 20 cities that defunded their police , of course on orders from Democrats, CRIME skyrocketed to record levels.

8. In San Francisco, criminal loving DA Chesa Boudin got yanked out of his job by voters who recalled him 61-39%. In Los Angeles, another DA more protective of criminals than the public he's supposed to protect, is under extreme criticism.
Progressive Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is facing mounting efforts to oust him amid outrage that his “reckless” policies left a violent gangbanger free to gun down two cops.
The woke prosecutor — already facing recall efforts — was blamed for cop-killer Justin Flores, 35, being free when he gunned down El Monte police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana on Tuesday.
The felon — who had his gang allegiance tattooed on his face — was free even though he was accused of breaking his probation by illegally carrying a gun.

Crime, race, and immigration are the Democrats' weakest issues. They are the reasons low income whites left the Democrat Party in 1968 and never came back. I vote Democrat for other reasons, but I do not like what has happened to my party since 1964. The civil rights movement was a well intended mistake. The New Deal succeeded because it turned unemployed whites into law abiding, tax paying, blue collar workers. The Great Society failed because it turned low income blacks into an unemployable underclass that supplements its welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity.
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Is it me who is calling the Democrats the Crime Party ? No. Is it Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or Mike Pompeo ? Nope. Ben Carson or Jeffery Rosen ? Not them either.

It is Democrats themselves who are calling and defining themselves as that, by their action and inactions >>

1. Last week and still now, Democrat abortion freaks are protesting at the homes of US Supreme Court justices. In one case, one guy (26-year-old California man Nicholas John Roske) was arrested early Wednesday near Justice Kavanaugh's house in Maryland, after threatening to kill the justice. Police said he was carrying a gun, a knife and zip ties. Roske has been charged with the attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice, but what about all the others who are committing a federal CRIME (US Code 18, Section 1507) - unlawful to protest near a “residence occupied or used by [a] judge, juror, witness, or court officer” with the intent of influencing “the discharge of his duty,” adding that anyone who “uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

YET, despite that it’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s responsibility to enforce this law, we see no action being taken against these protestors, or even a peep of dissent toward their illegal activity, from the Biden administration. Despite multiple inquiries, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley refused to explain what steps Garland was taking to protect justices or enforce the law.
Last month, the group calling itself “Ruth Sent Us,” published the locations of the justices’ homes on its website. White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn the doxing. She said that she didn’t have “an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”
FALSE! There is in fact an “official U.S. government position on where people protest” — it’s 18 U.S.C. 1507.

2. A few years ago, then Tampa Democrat Mayor Bob Buckhorn kept Tampa police from arresting dozens of Black Lives Matter protestors who were blocking traffic on a busy downtown street, endangering lives.
This is a CRIME (Florida Statute 316.2045), which since then has become a felony.

3. In Seattle, when rioters took over an entire neighborhood, the Democrat mayor, Jenny Durkan called it a "block party" and "Summer of Love". She ordered the evacuation of the police department, resulting in the city descending into utter lawlessness and civic breakdown. After city leaders all Democrats, ordered police to evacuate a police station and abandon a six-block neighborhood to radical left-wing groups, those groups established the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), since relabeled an Occupied Protest (CHOP). Meanwhile, Seattle leaders expected everyone else to behave responsibly, respect the law, and follow every law exactly. To Seattle looney Democrat leaders, one person robbing one store is a crime, but mass looting an entire shopping district is just a “protest.” This lunacy went on resulting in one man being killed and others seriously wounded, in shootings since the no-police zone began.

4. In Ferguson, MO, rioters took over a large section of the city. The whole nation watched in amazement while rioters did anything they wanted including mass arson and looting. The overwhelmed police could have controlled the situation with the assistance of the National Guard, but Democrat governor Jay Nixon, called out the Guard, and then sent them 10 miles away from the rioting. He might as well have joined the rioters himself.

5. In Baltimore MD, then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, on "advice " from Al Sharpton and Barrack Obama, ordered police to stand down while rioters rioted. Once the rioters sensed the police were standing down, and not enforcing the law, they attacked the police, throwing rocks & bottles at them. The police under strict orders to do nothing, merely covered themselves from the barrage of rocks, and slowly moved backwards from the rioters. Democrat Mayor Rawlings then said >>> “I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well."
This will forever remain in the hall of fame of Democrat crime lunacy in America.

View attachment 660117 View attachment 660122View attachment 660118

6. Portland, OR - loon Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler allowed riot goons to run wild, handstrapping police. He even joined the rioters at one point when the rioting was so bad the cops had to resort to using tear gas, Wheeler himself getting tear gassed in the crowd. A few decades ago, if we would have suggested this might happen, they would have sent us to a nuthouse.

7. In 20 cities that defunded their police , of course on orders from Democrats, CRIME skyrocketed to record levels.

8. In San Francisco, criminal loving DA Chesa Boudin got yanked out of his job by voters who recalled him 61-39%. In Los Angeles, another DA more protective of criminals than the public he's supposed to protect, is under extreme criticism.
Progressive Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is facing mounting efforts to oust him amid outrage that his “reckless” policies left a violent gangbanger free to gun down two cops.
The woke prosecutor — already facing recall efforts — was blamed for cop-killer Justin Flores, 35, being free when he gunned down El Monte police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana on Tuesday.
The felon — who had his gang allegiance tattooed on his face — was free even though he was accused of breaking his probation by illegally carrying a gun.

Let me start with this: Being specific and including links to the Criminal Code is good. Points for that.

This does look as if you're picking and choosing, though. You're presenting this as an academic argument while at the same time, editorializing and name-calling the Democrats, revealing your partisanship. You're displaying evidence but not showing any contrast, because you've instead chosen to leave out right-wing actions, which include mail bombs, kidnap attempts, and, oh yes, storming the Capitol. That undermines what could be a convincing argument into being just another rant about the lefties.

I don't have time to fact-check the whole spiel, but it does look to me as if you are oversimplifying the legal case in section 1. US Code 18, Section 1507 is part of a whole section on obstruction of justice, and any application of it has to balance the law itself with the protesters' First Amendment right to free speech. In practice, that probably would come down to intent, meaning that the prosecutor would have to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the protestor charged had the clear and specific intent to threaten or intimidate, or worse, the target (Justice Kavanaugh, in this case). Unless there's some enormous special circumstance of which I'm unfamiliar, I can't imagine a prosecutor who would be anxious or excited to roll those dice.

If you really want to make your case stronger, I would advise that you use more objective language, skip the Federalist and New York Post links, and learn and explain how the statutes and procedures function in practice, then draw a conclusion from there, rather than trying to tailor the argument to meet your pre-determined bias. If the Democrats and left-wing are getting away with as much as you believe they are, the evidence will clearly point to that on its own, without needing to be steered that way.

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