Democrats: the more people know about government run healthcare, the less they like

Why the hurry? Here's why.

Why the Health Care Rush? -

Democrats have so far succeeded in conjuring an illusion of political inevitability, which has kept industry groups in line lest they be shut out of the negotiations. But once the policy details of Mr. Obama's new foundation are poured -- above all for a public insurance program run by the government that will run private carriers out of the market and eventually fix medical prices -- even shell-shocked CEOs might stir up their courage to resist. Democrats are of course acutely aware of how industry opposition chewed through HillaryCare in 1994.

The reality is that Democrats are contemplating the most sweeping restructuring of the health markets since Medicare in 1965, and they don't want to let the details slow them down. Or to be more precise, they don't want to let the details let others slow them down. Better to grab what they will portray as a major domestic achievement while President Obama is at the height of his popularity and before anyone understands what it will mean in practice. The consequences and the cost can be explained later.
Ask your mother to give up her Medicare and Social Security, then get back to us.
Why the hurry? Here's why.

Why the Health Care Rush? -

Democrats have so far succeeded in conjuring an illusion of political inevitability, which has kept industry groups in line lest they be shut out of the negotiations. But once the policy details of Mr. Obama's new foundation are poured -- above all for a public insurance program run by the government that will run private carriers out of the market and eventually fix medical prices -- even shell-shocked CEOs might stir up their courage to resist. Democrats are of course acutely aware of how industry opposition chewed through HillaryCare in 1994.

The reality is that Democrats are contemplating the most sweeping restructuring of the health markets since Medicare in 1965, and they don't want to let the details slow them down. Or to be more precise, they don't want to let the details let others slow them down. Better to grab what they will portray as a major domestic achievement while President Obama is at the height of his popularity and before anyone understands what it will mean in practice. The consequences and the cost can be explained later.
Ask your mother to give up her Medicare and Social Security, then get back to us.

He might not have to ask her to give them up. Unless something drastic is done they will both go bankrupt.:eusa_whistle:
I think the 47 million figure is probably low.

I know a lot of people without health insurance including myself.

Of course, but the Census Bureau begs to differ with you.

Of course neither you, nor the census bureau take into account the underinsured.

60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related. And more than 75% of those individuals had medical insurance....
I think the 47 million figure is probably low.

I know a lot of people without health insurance including myself.

Of course, but the Census Bureau begs to differ with you.

Of course neither you, nor the census bureau take into account the underinsured.

60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related. And more than 75% of those individuals had medical insurance....

So instead of individuals going bankrupt the whole federal government will go bankrupt...good idea:cuckoo:
Of course, but the Census Bureau begs to differ with you.

Of course neither you, nor the census bureau take into account the underinsured.

60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related. And more than 75% of those individuals had medical insurance....

So instead of individuals going bankrupt the whole federal government will go bankrupt...good idea:cuckoo:

I'm sure the extra wait time for a simple CT scan will help save their lives also....
Of course, but the Census Bureau begs to differ with you.

Of course neither you, nor the census bureau take into account the underinsured.

60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related. And more than 75% of those individuals had medical insurance....

So instead of individuals going bankrupt the whole federal government will go bankrupt...good idea:cuckoo:
Are you putting the government ahead of the individual? Not very Republican of you.
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?
I see not much thought went into your post. The universal health will push out private insurance through mandates on the private sector.
Have you even taken a poll on who wants universal health coverage, and private insurance coverage with party lines? You talk like all democrats want socialized healthcare. You can't really be this stupid, or did you go to school with Chris?
Of course neither you, nor the census bureau take into account the underinsured.

60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related. And more than 75% of those individuals had medical insurance....

So instead of individuals going bankrupt the whole federal government will go bankrupt...good idea:cuckoo:
Are you putting the government ahead of the individual? Not very Republican of you.

I think they are all crooks Republicans included I only support their position in opposition of universal health care. But conservatives, which would include myself, are for a smaller government.

I know and you should know that the federal government doesn't have 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars to spend on a false utopia.
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?

I kind of like knowing if I need a specialist or if I need some type of diagnostic equipment that I won't have to wait for months. If I do have to get a CT scan or MRI I want to know that the equipment is reliable and not ancient equipment. Now how does that run contrary to my own well-being?
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?

I kind of like knowing if I need a specialist or if I need some type of diagnostic equipment that I won't have to wait for months. If I do have to get a CT scan or MRI I want to know that the equipment is reliable and not ancient equipment. Now how does that run contrary to my own well-being?
If you get all the care you want without question, you are lucky, indeed. It's a rarity.
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?

I kind of like knowing if I need a specialist or if I need some type of diagnostic equipment that I won't have to wait for months. If I do have to get a CT scan or MRI I want to know that the equipment is reliable and not ancient equipment. Now how does that run contrary to my own well-being?
If you get all the care you want without question, you are lucky, indeed. It's a rarity.

Yeah I know its a wonder, I have medical insurance provided through my employer.
So instead of individuals going bankrupt the whole federal government will go bankrupt...good idea:cuckoo:
Are you putting the government ahead of the individual? Not very Republican of you.

I think they are all crooks Republicans included I only support their position in opposition of universal health care. But conservatives, which would include myself, are for a smaller government.

I know and you should know that the federal government doesn't have 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars to spend on a false utopia.

false utopia. ???

How is it that the entire industrial world with the exception of our "great human commodity" system enjoys this "false utopia" without going bankrupt or rioting in the streets from all the long lines and denied coverage?

No, my belief is that the pharms and hmo's that have spent BILLIONS in congress to hang on to the teats of this immoral cash cow are represented everywhere including here to once again dupe america into going against our own best interests. I think thats why the "dude and fraulien" have tag teamed thier way into your neo con hearts.
the government can't do anything less expensively than the private sector why would health care be any different?

You have tunnel vision. Even major health care providers are on board with the health care INSURANCE program (which is the only one on the table).

US Health Care Bleeds $1T, But Can Be Saved - Science & Health News Briefs | Newser

Stockholm syndrome.

When people figure out government will make their healthcare decisions, they won't want this.

They are being lied to that this will not be the case.
Right now bureaucrats in the insurance industry make the decisions as to whether you get a treatment.
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You have tunnel vision. Even major health care providers are on board with the health care INSURANCE program (which is the only one on the table).

US Health Care Bleeds $1T, But Can Be Saved - Science & Health News Briefs | Newser

Stockholm syndrome.

When people figure out government will make their healthcare decisions, they won't want this.

They are being lied to that this will not be the case.
Right now bureaucrats in the insurance industry make the decisions as to whether you get a treatment.
no, they determine only if your policy covers it
if it does, then you get the treatment, if it doesnt, then you have to find an alternative or pay for it yourself

you'd rather have the government tell your Doctor what they can and cant do?
I kind of like knowing if I need a specialist or if I need some type of diagnostic equipment that I won't have to wait for months. If I do have to get a CT scan or MRI I want to know that the equipment is reliable and not ancient equipment. Now how does that run contrary to my own well-being?
If you get all the care you want without question, you are lucky, indeed. It's a rarity.

Yeah I know its a wonder, I have medical insurance provided through my employer.
If you change jobs you might be faced with finding other insurance .. what happens if you or a child gets sick then?
Even though insured, a bureaucrat in the industry can refuse a treatment that your doctor deems necessary.
If you get all the care you want without question, you are lucky, indeed. It's a rarity.

Yeah I know its a wonder, I have medical insurance provided through my employer.
If you change jobs you might be faced with finding other insurance .. what happens if you or a child gets sick then?
Even though insured, a bureaucrat in the industry can refuse a treatment that your doctor deems necessary.
again, you repeat that lie
the Insurance companies only say if it is something you are covered for in your policy
nothing more
if you dont have coverage for it, then you either have to look for an alternative treatment, or pay for it yourself

and if you dont think the government run healthcare would be the same damn thing(or much much worse) then you are too naive
If you get all the care you want without question, you are lucky, indeed. It's a rarity.

Yeah I know its a wonder, I have medical insurance provided through my employer.
If you change jobs you might be faced with finding other insurance .. what happens if you or a child gets sick then?
Even though insured, a bureaucrat in the industry can refuse a treatment that your doctor deems necessary.

I actually read through those health care packets that you get during open enrollment. I pick the insurance that best fits the needs of my family. If a procedure is covered by your insurance company, they can't deny coverage, what are you talking about?

Ummm...there is Cobra you know. I am in favor of making Cobra more affordable during short lapses in health coverage due to job transitions.
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Are you putting the government ahead of the individual? Not very Republican of you.

I think they are all crooks Republicans included I only support their position in opposition of universal health care. But conservatives, which would include myself, are for a smaller government.

I know and you should know that the federal government doesn't have 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars to spend on a false utopia.

false utopia. ???

How is it that the entire industrial world with the exception of our "great human commodity" system enjoys this "false utopia" without going bankrupt or rioting in the streets from all the long lines and denied coverage?

No, my belief is that the pharms and hmo's that have spent BILLIONS in congress to hang on to the teats of this immoral cash cow are represented everywhere including here to once again dupe america into going against our own best interests. I think thats why the "dude and fraulien" have tag teamed thier way into your neo con hearts.
Britain no longer a AAA nation? It could happen, S&P warns | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
From Bloomberg News:

"We have revised the outlook on the U.K. to negative due to our view that, even assuming additional fiscal tightening, the net general government debt burden could approach 100% of gross domestic product and remain near that level in the medium term," S&P analysts led by David Beers in London said in the report.

Bigben "The downgrade highlights the precarious fiscal outlook the U.K. economy faces," said Nick Stamenkovic, a strategist in Edinburgh at RIA Capital Markets. "The huge amount of issuance to face the [bond] market in the coming months will push yields to the upside. We’re bearish."

One of those great nations, instituting government health care.

Pay attention, I have already posted Canada's problems with health care. The long lines and antiquated medical equipment.....
You will have a choice of your private insurance or the public one.
Why do Republicans support multi-billion dollar insurance companies at the expense of their own well-being?
I see not much thought went into your post. The universal health will push out private insurance through mandates on the private sector.
Have you even taken a poll on who wants universal health coverage, and private insurance coverage with party lines? You talk like all democrats want socialized healthcare. You can't really be this stupid, or did you go to school with Chris?
Hell, private insurance should be forced to compete or close shop. What are you talking about?

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