Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.
Republican Senate President Karen Fann has hired Florida-based Cyber Ninjas

LOL......really? Cyber Ninja's? LOL
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?
Did they use Dominion?
As I recall hearing in the Mike Lindell video, it doesn't matter whether the voting machines were Dominion or not. The computerized counting system is what altered the ballot counts by adjusting the totals down for Trump and up for Biden.

What was totally impossible (and proves the allegation of systematic fraud) was the exact same registration and voting distribution curves for all counties in one state (and the same curves in other states). The fools used the same key for the algorithm that generated the outcomes for each county.
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if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

They hired that loony ninja guy, didn't they? :heehee:
They, who ever they are, will have proof of what they have found. Nothing for you to worry about.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

The commies have no standing to sue, the State conducted the election and if the peoples representatives wish to make sure it was conducted above board, they have every right to do so.

There is no intent by the Senators to reverse the outcome, just to confirm whether or not there was significant fraud. Some heads may roll in Arizona as a result of who did what to enable any fraud the audit may reveal. That is likely the main reason for the lawsuit.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

An "audit" from RWNJ's
A deleted Twitter account that appears to belong to Cyber Ninjas founder Doug Logan suggests he has already made up his mind about the security of Arizona's elections. It includes a litany of unsubstantiated allegations about fraud in the last election.
"I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast," said one post he shared from another Twitter user around the end of 2020.
He also appears to have shared posts by Sidney Powell, an attorney who supported former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election results, and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., a prominent proponent of conspiracy theories about the last election.
"The parallels between the statistical analysis of Venezuela and this year's election are astonishing," Logan wrote in a December post.>story>news

May as well have the orange retard do the "audit".
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

I agree. If the election were fair and they won the Dems should be crowing about it. Not trying to stop the audit.

The election was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and there was plenty of proof to back that up. Trump won that election and it was stolen.
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

I agree. If the election were fair and they won the Dems should be crowing about it. Not trying to stop the audit.

The election was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and there was plenty of proof to back that up. Trump won that election and it was stolen.
I just did my forensic audit of this thread. Only one weak libturd response.

All the other board fraud defenders are nowhere to be found.This is going to be so funny. Their face must look like mine when I was caught stealing from the cookie jar
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?
Did they use Dominion?
As I recall hearing in the Mike Lindell video, it doesn't matter whether the voting machines were Dominion or not. The computerized counting system is what altered the ballot counts by adjusting the totals down for Trump and up for Biden.

What was totally impossible (and proves the allegation of systematic fraud) was the exact same registration and voting distribution curves for all counties in one state (and the same curves in other states). The fools used the same key for the algorithm that generated the outcomes for each county.
Never saw his video. Been reading the mathematics of some of this shit is like winning the super lotto 5 straight
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if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

They hired that loony ninja guy, didn't they? :heehee:
Translation: Oh man we're really fucked now!!!!
Wow. The shit will hit the fan

We demand a forensic audit of this entire country.....lolol

Been telling you shit stained libturds for months about a forensic audit. It is like an autopsy, ripped open and nothing can hide.....BAWWWWHAHA
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?
If I were the audit team I would demand 24/7 armed guard protection.

Heard there is a high chance of the Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome virus heading to Arizona.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??
Because your side is full of liars and nutters and no one trusts you to perform the audit fairly.
Read my article tear jerker. There are 2..TWO cameras in place at each count.....................lolol

You are so fucked you rottem slimey cheating mo fo.......BAWWWWHAHA

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