Democrats: Stop sniveling about Trump!

I'm not a Trump fan, but it's no mystery why he won the 2024 election, and why GOP lawmakers rode his coattails into congressional majorities in both houses of Congress.

Harris and the rest of the Democrats spent most of their time and effort crying and wailing about Donald Trump and all his perceived shortcomings. All you silly people did was to give Trump and the rest of the GOP free publicity.

Here's a a few novel ideas for you folks on the left wing: Stop sniveling about Trump, stop playing the race card, find 1 or 2 issues voters care about, and some intelligent solutions, and pound that message home. Simply being against Trump and the GOP is not a winning strategy.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
/—-/ President Trump holding yet another presser. He’s answering all questions without notes, or teleprompter. Something Joe and Commie Harris wouldn’t do.
I'm not a Trump fan, but it's no mystery why he won the 2024 election, and why GOP lawmakers rode his coattails into congressional majorities in both houses of Congress.

Harris and the rest of the Democrats spent most of their time and effort crying and wailing about Donald Trump and all his perceived shortcomings. All you silly people did was to give Trump and the rest of the GOP free publicity.

Here's a a few novel ideas for you folks on the left wing: Stop sniveling about Trump, stop playing the race card, find 1 or 2 issues voters care about, and some intelligent solutions, and pound that message home. Simply being against Trump and the GOP is not a winning strategy.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Fortunately for those on the right, lefties won't listen to your post.
dimocraps are scum. Top to bottom, inside and out. The Long, the Short, the Small, the Large. The Male, the Female, the scum of indeterminate sexual orientation..... ALL of them. Especially the voters.

The only way dimocrap scum can win anything on a national level again is to do what they did in 2020 -- Cheat like the thieving criminals they are. And with Bondi and Kash coming to a theatre near you real soon, that ain't gonna happen again in the near future.

Best thing for dimocrap scum to do is to crawl back under the rock they came out from and this time -- STAY THERE!!

Don't call us, we'll call you.

Meanwhile, cook in your own hatred
The madman was on the teeeveee today puking one lie after another, as usual.

Gee, Trump really looks like shit & by the looks of him he could drop dead any minute. Which would be the best thing that ever happened here.
The madman was on the teeeveee today puking one lie after another, as usual.

Gee, Trump really looks like shit & by the looks of him he could drop dead any minute. Which would be the best thing that ever happened here.
/—-/ What lies? Got any facts?
When the firings start, the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be the worst evvah!!

It will make Jan 6th look like a picnic.

The FBI will have to stage another school shooting to soak up all of the media coverage.

All they want us to know is that Trump is Hitler and he's a dictator who hates puppies.

There was a school shooting yesterday ... Texas or Tennessee ( ? )
An elderly man was the shooter
Here's one. USAID employees are getting kickbacks. Btw, when have you ever demanded that coxsucker Trump come up with any "facts"?
/---/ I watched the presser. He didn't make that claim. He asked if it was happening. Even You're you're smart enough to know the difference,. DOGE will find out.

Democrats: Stop sniveling about Trump!​

Sniveling? You people sniveled, whined, cried and shit yourselves over Sleepy Joe beating the crap out of Dopey Donald back in 2020​

Shit you people went to federal and states courts all over America, only to be laughed at as cases were thrown out

get a fucking grip

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