Democrats Start Calling For Congress To Return To Begin Taking Away Our Gun Rights Again

The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
What should congress or the president do now?
It's what the NRA via the paid off GOP will let happen, which is nothing.
Sorry, complaining won't help-we need your ideas.
They'll never get away with taking guns from Patriots.. There will be Civil War first.. You can count on it..

Yea but the sonofabitches will try and they will be telling us that is for our own good as they do it.

That is how assholes operate.
True... and they won't stop- The Tree of Liberty cries out.. I said it years ago- there is nothing left to discuss with these radical communist pigs.. They want to destroy our nation.. They hate anything to do with liberty, patriotism, etc... Our Founders went to war over much much less and knew that America could only fall from within and warned about it. Shame on us for sitting back and allowing these assholes to gain any type of power.
Not to worry, the US has been at war for nearly its whole existence. Are we great yet?

Speak for yourself, America hating bozo.. Don't like it? There's the door Gomer... Hit the fucking road.
Sounds like you had a bad sleep, maybe you need a need mattress?
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
Depends on the color of the glasses he is wearing.
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
What should congress or the president do now?
It's what the NRA via the paid off GOP will let happen, which is nothing.
Sorry, complaining won't help-we need your ideas.
Not complaining, just telling it like it is. Not matter what I suggest, you know it won't happen, just watch all the guns bozos here start piling on me with their very kind words.
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
What's wrong Leftist?? Cant answer to the factual truth of that post so you defer to some lame inane horse shit?! Your god Obama allowed MILLIONS of illegals in this country with the stroke of his pen.. He had an entire leftist Congress and the Executive branch for two yrs of his tenure.. Why didn't he pass gun legislation then?? I'm sorry, I can't hear you dumbass??
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
What's wrong Leftist?? Cant answer to the factual truth of that post so you defer to some lame inane horse shit?! Your god Obama allowed MILLIONS of illegals in this country with the stroke of his pen.. He had an entire leftist Congress and the Executive branch for two yrs of his tenure.. Why didn't he pass gun legislation then?? I'm sorry, I can't hear you dumbass??
I didn't vote for Obummer. But he couldn't pass any gun legislation because the NRA has the GOP by the wallet. C'mon, even YOU must know that.

Not to worry, the US has been at war for nearly its whole existence. Are we great yet?

We are just babes compared to the Europeans. They have almost constantly been at war for 3,000 yrs. The Middle East for two thousand years earlier than that. Asia and Africa for that long.

We have a long way to go to catch up.
The left is blaming trump for everything of course.

But I never heard them blame Obama.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
What Obama tried to do was supply drug cartels with military grade weoponry.
Everyone's a comic here. :biggrin:
Look up Fast & Furious Obama Administration.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.
That would be racist.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
What's wrong Leftist?? Cant answer to the factual truth of that post so you defer to some lame inane horse shit?! Your god Obama allowed MILLIONS of illegals in this country with the stroke of his pen.. He had an entire leftist Congress and the Executive branch for two yrs of his tenure.. Why didn't he pass gun legislation then?? I'm sorry, I can't hear you dumbass??
I didn't vote for Obummer. But he couldn't pass any gun legislation because the NRA has the GOP by the wallet. C'mon, even YOU must know that.
LMFAO He couldn't pass legislation with an all LEFTIST government?? You're either purposely stupid or you're a true ignoramus.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


I can appreciate the fact that liberal extremists believe in an almighty government who disarms the people and cannot be questioned.

HOWEVER, it is totally inappropriate to politicize the issue when there are people in Dayton and El Paso whose bodies aren't even cold yet.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.

^5 Great post!
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.
I still wonder why he reportedly drove 9 hours to commit this violent act.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.
I still wonder why he reportedly drove 9 hours to commit this violent act.

Conspiracy theories aside, almost seems like he was a "soldier" on a mission and his target was either carefully chosen or prepped ahead of time. There's just too many similarities between many of these mass shootings not to try and connect some of the dots.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.
I still wonder why he reportedly drove 9 hours to commit this violent act.

Conspiracy theories aside, almost seems like he was a "soldier" on a mission and his target was either carefully chosen or prepped ahead of time. There's just too many similarities between many of these mass shootings not to try and connect some of the dots.

I think after the Vegas clusterfuck no one believes these shootings are simply coincidence.. Perhaps a couple? As far as I'm concerned after The Deep State committed treason and tried to remove a duly elected President, I no longer trust anything this government does, puts out.. I question everything.. I swallowed the red pill.
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


Personally I think the El Paso shooting in particular could have something to do with diverting attention away from Antifa's planned actions on the southern border, possibly even intended to frame Antifa as "heroic" and necessary. I agree with you though in that the radical American left continues to think enough of the "right" kind of mass shootings will trigger the "Christchurch Effect" here in America with guns going the way of the Dodo if a high enough death toll ensues.
I still wonder why he reportedly drove 9 hours to commit this violent act.

Conspiracy theories aside, almost seems like he was a "soldier" on a mission and his target was either carefully chosen or prepped ahead of time. There's just too many similarities between many of these mass shootings not to try and connect some of the dots.

I think after the Vegas clusterfuck no one believes these shootings are simply coincidence.. Perhaps a couple? As far as I'm concerned after The Deep State committed treason and tried to remove a duly elected President, I no longer trust anything this government does, puts out.. I question everything.. I swallowed the red pill.

One has no choice but to question it all after three years of coup d'état attempted against our POTUS in public, on national television. We also need to look at the timing of some of these shootings in the national political context of the most controversial issues of the day. The southern border is about to break under the heaving weight of waves of "refugees" arriving in unprecedented numbers. Texas is on the verge of going blue. Antifa is planning something on the border. AOC and her pals recently compared refugee/illegal detainment camps to Nazi concentration camps, and on and on. Seems like the southern border has become a powder keg waiting for a spark. A shooting such as the one in El Paso could prove to be that spark. End of the day, I do think some of these mass shooters are backed by political factions.
Obama tried to do something about guns but was thwarted every time by the NRA, by way of the GOP.
Oh shut the fuck up whining about your god.. That idiot wrote his own laws with his handy dandy pen and could have done the same with gun legislation but knew this country would rise up and jail his criminal ass.
Just curious, what color is the sky in your world?
What's wrong Leftist?? Cant answer to the factual truth of that post so you defer to some lame inane horse shit?! Your god Obama allowed MILLIONS of illegals in this country with the stroke of his pen.. He had an entire leftist Congress and the Executive branch for two yrs of his tenure.. Why didn't he pass gun legislation then?? I'm sorry, I can't hear you dumbass??
I didn't vote for Obummer. But he couldn't pass any gun legislation because the NRA has the GOP by the wallet. C'mon, even YOU must know that.
LMFAO He couldn't pass legislation with an all LEFTIST government?? You're either purposely stupid or you're a true ignoramus.
Congress blocked Obama's call for new gun laws after mass sh

And there's plenty more of these... Better luck next time.

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