Democrats Start Calling For Congress To Return To Begin Taking Away Our Gun Rights Again

What's insane is you folks can't figure out better ways of solving the problem other than taking away freedoms from law abiding citizens. It never occurred to you that taking away the rights of criminals is a possibility.
Shooting and killing people is already illegal. How's that working for us?

So you can predict the future now and just magically know whose rights should be taken away?

No of course you can't you just want to take everyone's rights away because an extremely small fraction of a percent of people do bad things
But these people do very bad things. People do not need to be armed, we prove this here in Ireland.

Wonderful, nothing like an Irish liberal chick trying to tell American men what they need

Buzz off
I am a man and have dual citizenship .
dual citizenship? need a law revoking voting rights in America for anyone that claims they have dual citizenship.
THESE MEN SUPPORT YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS: -George Washington -Thomas Jefferson -James Madison -Alexander Hamilton -Donald Trump

THESE MEN OPPOSE IT: -Adolf Hitler -Fidel Castro -Joseph Stalin -Vladimir Lenin -Barack Obama WHO DO YOU TRUST? - Posted by Jack Murphy
It has become too much of a problem. Too many innocent people are dying just so insecure men can own guns. It is just insane.
What's insane is you folks can't figure out better ways of solving the problem other than taking away freedoms from law abiding citizens. It never occurred to you that taking away the rights of criminals is a possibility.
Put people caught with guns in jail for a long time. People do not need guns, it is insane.
How will you achieve that goal without someone having a gun?
And my rights are not subject to your wishes
They just might be.
If that were true my wish would be that all leftist be charged for treason tried in a court of law be convicted and receive the death penalty just for being leftist. But wishes don't work that way.
A pretty stupid wish.
Shooting and killing people is already illegal. How's that working for us?

So you can predict the future now and just magically know whose rights should be taken away?

No of course you can't you just want to take everyone's rights away because an extremely small fraction of a percent of people do bad things
But these people do very bad things. People do not need to be armed, we prove this here in Ireland.

Wonderful, nothing like an Irish liberal chick trying to tell American men what they need

Buzz off
I am a man and have dual citizenship .
dual citizenship? need a law revoking voting rights in America for anyone that claims they have dual citizenship.
Quit talking on a message board and do something about it.
So you can predict the future now and just magically know whose rights should be taken away?

No of course you can't you just want to take everyone's rights away because an extremely small fraction of a percent of people do bad things
But these people do very bad things. People do not need to be armed, we prove this here in Ireland.

Wonderful, nothing like an Irish liberal chick trying to tell American men what they need

Buzz off
I am a man and have dual citizenship .
dual citizenship? need a law revoking voting rights in America for anyone that claims they have dual citizenship.
Quit talking on a message board and do something about it.
In the works
What's insane is you folks can't figure out better ways of solving the problem other than taking away freedoms from law abiding citizens. It never occurred to you that taking away the rights of criminals is a possibility.
Put people caught with guns in jail for a long time. People do not need guns, it is insane.
How will you achieve that goal without someone having a gun?
And my rights are not subject to your wishes
They just might be.
If that were true my wish would be that all leftist be charged for treason tried in a court of law be convicted and receive the death penalty just for being leftist. But wishes don't work that way.
A pretty stupid wish.
Is pretty moronic to think that your wishes supersede my rights
What Obama tried to do was supply drug cartels with military grade weoponry.
View attachment 273056
So you're saying that if everyone voted GOP, those stats would change for the better? How's that? :popcorn:
no, that would just spread the democrat crime
View attachment 273064
Americans in jail should get to vote. Why not?
Rapists, Murderers, criminals are not of sound mind to vote and if you don't get that the problem is with you.
You're obviously not of sound mind yourself and you vote. So...
So you're saying that if everyone voted GOP, those stats would change for the better? How's that? :popcorn:
no, that would just spread the democrat crime
View attachment 273064
Americans in jail should get to vote. Why not?
Rapists, Murderers, criminals are not of sound mind to vote and if you don't get that the problem is with you.
You're obviously not of sound mind yourself and you vote. So...
That's a matter of opinion.
Anyone who votes for the likes of the 4 need counciling.
Anyone who votes for a madman like Beto needs medication and a straight jacket.
Put people caught with guns in jail for a long time. People do not need guns, it is insane.
How will you achieve that goal without someone having a gun?
And my rights are not subject to your wishes
They just might be.
If that were true my wish would be that all leftist be charged for treason tried in a court of law be convicted and receive the death penalty just for being leftist. But wishes don't work that way.
A pretty stupid wish.
Is pretty moronic to think that your wishes supersede my rights
So you are not going to do anything. I did not think you would.
How will you achieve that goal without someone having a gun?
And my rights are not subject to your wishes
They just might be.
If that were true my wish would be that all leftist be charged for treason tried in a court of law be convicted and receive the death penalty just for being leftist. But wishes don't work that way.
A pretty stupid wish.
Is pretty moronic to think that your wishes supersede my rights
So you are not going to do anything. I did not think you would.
I am going to do what I have always done and that is to be a law abiding citizen who is also a responsible gun owner.

I am not responsible for the crimes other people commit
Oh, no, here we go again! Pop! The Democrat theme song when all else fails--let's pull gun control out of the bag to avoid more explosive matters.
How will you achieve that goal without someone having a gun?
And my rights are not subject to your wishes
They just might be.
If that were true my wish would be that all leftist be charged for treason tried in a court of law be convicted and receive the death penalty just for being leftist. But wishes don't work that way.
A pretty stupid wish.
Is pretty moronic to think that your wishes supersede my rights
So you are not going to do anything. I did not think you would.
I'm going to do what I have always done when pushed put people in the hospital
I guess it's not the body count that's the timing.
A few Democrats have started virtue-signalling by calling for Congress to come back from their expensive vacations and to pass gun laws that will further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

So what is the core cause of the violence? Well here it is:

  • Over the top seditious rhetoric from the left
  • Democrat party open borders policies
  • A terrible showing at the last Democrat debate
  • The media's wall to wall coverage of shootings creating copy-cats
  • Democrats recent pushing of white terrorism in Congress
  • Nutcases that are reacting to all of the above
Democrats have been pushing this scenario for over a let's explore this. Usually you would think that one should would wait till after it happens before you start harping about it....but Democrats predicted it would happen....and trust me, these people are idiots. They can't predict anything. Usually the truth is a 180 from what they claim is the truth. Why now? Why the focus on White Terrorism?

Well, isn't it obvious. They want to take our guns. Democrats are great at setting up the conditions for chaos and then they blame the result on their political opponents.

I can't exactly get away with saying that Democrats actually planned the attacks. At least not yet. Although their refusal to condemn Antifa is very suspicious. It's strange how the media within minutes blames the right for these attacks....only to discover that the media lied. These kids are Satan worshipers who also hate of course....only rightwingers are racist. What total horseshit. These kids are all young screwed up assholes that have problems getting along with people around them. They're the Canary in the mine. This is just a result of the constant drumbeat of horrible rhetoric coming from the left.


What's the Freaking Hurry on this? If the liberals have a panacea for gun violence, they can introduce the bill, we can have hearings, discussions, debates on the topic. Amendments can be offered and voted on, folks on both sides of the issue can express their opinion.

I don't see an "emergency" out there , and I don't see any panaceas out there either.

But I really don't see how "rushing back" to "pass anything at all" will cure the problem. To rush now would be to rush home, go in to the medicine cabinet and start popping pills, in response to an illness. Its just a lot more prudent to take our time and work this out.

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