Diamond Member
Back in the early 1900's Woodrow Wilson who segregated blacks to 2nd class citizens by having separate bathrooms and drinking fountains, and expelling blacks out of top government jobs, only did this to appease his White Southern Democrat Base. Then in the 1960's when L.B. Johnson said " * “I’ll have those ni^^ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan. " This was supposed to be the turning point when Democrats turned into Civil Rights champions and the actual civil rights champions called Republicans turned into Southern White Democrats(KKK). So for the past 50 years blacks have been voting for their worst interests and were rewarded with just enough to live on, a shit place to stay, but if they strayed away from the plantation, then those who elevated themselves away from the Democrats were called racist names of Oreo's, Uncle Tom's, or just plain stupid. Today the DNC is now calling the blacks voting for Trump "#Sonderkommandos.” (In fact the definition of a “Sonderkommando” is “a group of prisoners assigned to collect belongings and dispose of the bodies of other prisoners who had died or been killed.” So these Jewish prisoners were forced to comply with Nazi soldiers or they were threatened with losing their lives.
Barber didn’t stop himself from hating on black people who affiliate themselves with Republicans.
“So blacks who are helping the other side [GOP] are seriously f***ed in the head,” Barber calmly asserted.
*LBJ on blacks
Barber didn’t stop himself from hating on black people who affiliate themselves with Republicans.
“So blacks who are helping the other side [GOP] are seriously f***ed in the head,” Barber calmly asserted.
*LBJ on blacks