Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll​

How mean Dems love them some Father Government control?

So do Canadians. The National Post is the most right wing newspaper in the land, originally started by Conrad Black, the multi=millionaire who went to jail in the USA for tax evasion.


Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
In a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action obtained by The Daily Wire, it revealed that 55 percent of likely general election voters overall disapprove of Trudeau's handling of the protestors in Ottawa and beyond.
35 percent overall approved of Trudeau’s crackdown, while 10 percent said they were unaware of what's happening to the US' northern neighbor.
Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
On Monday evening, Parliament voted to confirm Trudeau's declaration of the act. The vote was along party lines, with the Liberal Party and NDP backing the measure, with Conservatives and Bloc Quebec opposed.
In response to the Act being invoked, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began providing a list of people suspected to be participating or aiding in the protests to major banks, so that they can act to freeze their accounts.

The brainwashing of our children for decades is beginning to pay off for the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats.
What these misled individuals fail to understand is that their support tyranny will not keep the jackboots off their own necks.
All other demographics, including men, women, Asians, white, and the younger age groups, disapproved of the heavy-handed federal action.
The highest level of disapproval was seen in the 25 to 34 age demographics, where 100 percent said they disapprove of Trudeau’s tactics regarding the protesters".
It appears that 65% of PM/DSA Dems are Maoists themselves. We now have Communists embedded in our country right out in the open now.
Sure,' Snowflakes' would approve. They are very low I.Q. morons with “college diplomas” who prefer free stuff over freedom.
Their erroneous reasoning is that anything that benefits the leftist ideology is good and anything that hurts their ideology is bad. That is the alpha and omega of their system. Everything they say and do is derived from that. This is why the exact same actions can be good or bad to a Maoist depending on who is being hurt and who is helped.
They typically accept genocide as good and fair elections as bad, just as they accept lawlessness that has been permeating America today
It's a war. Been saying it since I started posting here. Here it is. Been saying not one reason to even communicate with the left.


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Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
In a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action obtained by The Daily Wire, it revealed that 55 percent of likely general election voters overall disapprove of Trudeau's handling of the protestors in Ottawa and beyond.
35 percent overall approved of Trudeau’s crackdown, while 10 percent said they were unaware of what's happening to the US' northern neighbor.
Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
On Monday evening, Parliament voted to confirm Trudeau's declaration of the act. The vote was along party lines, with the Liberal Party and NDP backing the measure, with Conservatives and Bloc Quebec opposed.
In response to the Act being invoked, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began providing a list of people suspected to be participating or aiding in the protests to major banks, so that they can act to freeze their accounts.

The brainwashing of our children for decades is beginning to pay off for the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats.
What these misled individuals fail to understand is that their support tyranny will not keep the jackboots off their own necks.
All other demographics, including men, women, Asians, white, and the younger age groups, disapproved of the heavy-handed federal action.
The highest level of disapproval was seen in the 25 to 34 age demographics, where 100 percent said they disapprove of Trudeau’s tactics regarding the protesters".
It appears that 65% of PM/DSA Dems are Maoists themselves. We now have Communists embedded in our country right out in the open now.
Sure,' Snowflakes' would approve. They are very low I.Q. morons with “college diplomas” who prefer free stuff over freedom.
Their erroneous reasoning is that anything that benefits the leftist ideology is good and anything that hurts their ideology is bad. That is the alpha and omega of their system. Everything they say and do is derived from that. This is why the exact same actions can be good or bad to a Maoist depending on who is being hurt and who is helped.
They typically accept genocide as good and fair elections as bad, just as they accept lawlessness that has been permeating America today
So…how about those low IQ morons that supported crackdowns on police brutality protests (not talking riots) and pipeline protests?

Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
In a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action obtained by The Daily Wire, it revealed that 55 percent of likely general election voters overall disapprove of Trudeau's handling of the protestors in Ottawa and beyond.
35 percent overall approved of Trudeau’s crackdown, while 10 percent said they were unaware of what's happening to the US' northern neighbor.
Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
On Monday evening, Parliament voted to confirm Trudeau's declaration of the act. The vote was along party lines, with the Liberal Party and NDP backing the measure, with Conservatives and Bloc Quebec opposed.
In response to the Act being invoked, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began providing a list of people suspected to be participating or aiding in the protests to major banks, so that they can act to freeze their accounts.

The brainwashing of our children for decades is beginning to pay off for the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats.
What these misled individuals fail to understand is that their support tyranny will not keep the jackboots off their own necks.
All other demographics, including men, women, Asians, white, and the younger age groups, disapproved of the heavy-handed federal action.
The highest level of disapproval was seen in the 25 to 34 age demographics, where 100 percent said they disapprove of Trudeau’s tactics regarding the protesters".
It appears that 65% of PM/DSA Dems are Maoists themselves. We now have Communists embedded in our country right out in the open now.
Sure,' Snowflakes' would approve. They are very low I.Q. morons with “college diplomas” who prefer free stuff over freedom.
Their erroneous reasoning is that anything that benefits the leftist ideology is good and anything that hurts their ideology is bad. That is the alpha and omega of their system. Everything they say and do is derived from that. This is why the exact same actions can be good or bad to a Maoist depending on who is being hurt and who is helped.
They typically accept genocide as good and fair elections as bad, just as they accept lawlessness that has been permeating America today
Please, add me to the list of those approving the smack down of Trump style insurrectionists. Trudeau is great!
Yea. Just say stupid shit and watch your buddies drool and nod

Friggin morons
Fuck you internment camp supporting nazis.

Democrats are lying scum. If you believe this guy doesn't want internment camps for the unvaccinated, you're an idiot.
So do Canadians. The National Post is the most right wing newspaper in the land, originally started by Conrad Black, the multi=millionaire who went to jail in the USA for tax evasion.

Glad to know your shithole country is full of Dimtard fascists just like you and the metrosexual cuck Trudeau Dragonlady
It's a war. Been saying it since I started posting here. Here it is. Been saying not one reason to even communicate with the left.

No it's not. It the stupidity of fools like you who believe every lie billionaire owned right wing media is feeding you.

You're completely deranged and radicalized by right wing media. You're willing to support an authoritarian dictator who murders his own people, but call a democratically elected Prime Minister a "tyrant". Trudeau's covid record shows that your death rate from covid was three times higher than ours, and your rate of illness is nearly two and a half times that of Canada. We're 90% vaxxed, and re-opening everything.

Back when we re-opened with vaccine passports required, the government promised to phase them out in the spring, when the numbers came back down. The target date was March 15th.

Given that Canada and the USA have a similar lifestyle, and culture, Trudeau has already proven himself to be far more capable of managing a crisis than Donald Trump. Trudeau completely outplayed in Trump in the NAFTA Negotiations, Canada now running a massive trade surplus with the USA.

And here you are parroting the lies they're feeding you about this very capable manager of our national resources, just because he sent your stupid radicals packing, and grabbed their bank accounts for trying to fuck with us.

That shut your attempt at overthrowing our government right out the door. The leaders are still in jail as well, and they'll stay their until they stop trying to get this thing going again.
What a stupid post, and just what I would expect from an unemployed FuckBoi, who can't even find a job when they'll hire ANYBODY.
Did you post that so your Dicktater Trudeau wouldn't lock you up and take away your piggy bank retirement from you, Moron?
Careful the dimrats might be looking at Canada as a dry run for here if demrat polls are looking bad for Thief in Chief Biden.

I don't think so. The little commie is polling worse than Dementia in commie Canada as far as overall approval goes. That's saying a lot.


Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
In a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action obtained by The Daily Wire, it revealed that 55 percent of likely general election voters overall disapprove of Trudeau's handling of the protestors in Ottawa and beyond.
35 percent overall approved of Trudeau’s crackdown, while 10 percent said they were unaware of what's happening to the US' northern neighbor.
Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.
On Monday evening, Parliament voted to confirm Trudeau's declaration of the act. The vote was along party lines, with the Liberal Party and NDP backing the measure, with Conservatives and Bloc Quebec opposed.
In response to the Act being invoked, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began providing a list of people suspected to be participating or aiding in the protests to major banks, so that they can act to freeze their accounts.

The brainwashing of our children for decades is beginning to pay off for the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats.
What these misled individuals fail to understand is that their support tyranny will not keep the jackboots off their own necks.
All other demographics, including men, women, Asians, white, and the younger age groups, disapproved of the heavy-handed federal action.
The highest level of disapproval was seen in the 25 to 34 age demographics, where 100 percent said they disapprove of Trudeau’s tactics regarding the protesters".
It appears that 65% of PM/DSA Dems are Maoists themselves. We now have Communists embedded in our country right out in the open now.
Sure,' Snowflakes' would approve. They are very low I.Q. morons with “college diplomas” who prefer free stuff over freedom.
Their erroneous reasoning is that anything that benefits the leftist ideology is good and anything that hurts their ideology is bad. That is the alpha and omega of their system. Everything they say and do is derived from that. This is why the exact same actions can be good or bad to a Maoist depending on who is being hurt and who is helped.
They typically accept genocide as good and fair elections as bad, just as they accept lawlessness that has been permeating America today
That's right. We dont believe a country should be held hostage by a bunch of fat arse truckies denying others freedoms.
They are nothing but terrorists and communists and should be treated as such.

Now we find the juxtaposition of repubmicans who are now supporting Putin because they want Biden to fail.

What a lot of squalid opportunists you are. You destroy a country just to have the government of your choice. You are nothing but illegitimate parasites on the country. Vermin.
It's a war. Been saying it since I started posting here. Here it is. Been saying not one reason to even communicate with the left.
You've been saying shit because trudeau has won this one. The lard arsed have lost big time.
Any delusion that Canada is a free country died.

You would approve of Mussolini because he made the trains run on time.
The hide of you saying that. Here you are supporting the communists in Ukraine because you hate Biden, support the j6 riots because you wanted trump as the communist dictator and have the gall to chastise others.

You're a complete dickhead of Olympic proportions.
This is the free world our left is so proud of today.

Are they that confused or just nasty to the core? Obama-built leftists.

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