Democrats have an enormous dilemma if Kamala Harris loses

Democrats have an enormous dilemma if Kamala Harris loses

Kamala Harris outdid Trump with fundraising and could become America's first female president

2 Nov 2023 ~~ By Mark Halperin

Now it’s the final stretch, the final sprint. The race currently seems so tight, it is impossible to predict with confidence who will win, or what ultimately will be the deciding factors for the voters. Yet in a few short days, we will likely know the answer. Then Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah , Christmas, New Year’s, and at last, Inauguration Day. On January 20, 2025, the next POTUS will take office. Former President Donald Trump may return to the West Wing, or we may greet President Kamala Harris as Number 47.
If Harris wins, there would be celebration in the blue streets, excitement about the historic first female American president, and hope that Harris would bring to the Oval Office a refreshing mix of energy, leadership, unity and smart new ideas.
If Harris loses the election and Trump returns to the White House, there would be a seismic, convulsive uproar of angst and censure within the Democratic Party that would resonate from coast to coast. There would be much to blame, and many to blame, and the accusations would be flung far and wide, with fury and fervor.

If Harris loses, Democrats in Washington and around the country would have an enormous task: they would have to find a way to salvage the party and come to terms with its fractured identity and significant disillusionment from its base, all while dealing with fallout from the election, preparing for political combat against Donald Trump, and managing a collective mental health crisis from its disillusioned cohorts.
And if Harris loses, this would be the Democrats’ biggest problem: there would be zero consensus in the party about what went wrong – and thus zero consensus about what the proper solutions should be, and, therefore, zero consensus about which leaders should be empowered to bring the party back to power.
All we do know is that, under those circumstances, it almost certainly won’t be Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

Harris is manifestly unpopular and, most importantly, she never won a single vote. She was parachuted in to the top of the ticket with a hundred days left in the race.
There are A LOT of Democrat politicians who would be happy to see her lose and end her political career knowing that 2028 will be a clean slate for both parties.
This adds to my optimism for Trump. Democrats know that he's not going to be Hitler. If anything, he'll be a lame duck. Maybe JD Vance will be the frontrunner in 2028. Who knows? One thing we do know is that the field will be full in 2028 with a dozen strong Republicans running under the MAGA banner.
And the Democrats' field will be full as well. If Harris loses (and she should), it'll be a golden opportunity for the Dems to ditch the psychotic woke left and return to being a working-class blue collar party, maybe run some white male governors in the Bill Clinton mold.
Point is, there's A LOT of Dems who aren't going to pull out the stops for Harris hoping that she'll lose, disappear, and open up the field.
I wonder, did Paul Ryan edit thus Op-Ed or was he the ghost writer for Halperin?
The OP was spot-on about a lot of that!
Nobody can talk any sense into you idiots. For example, we explain why the 2008 crash occurred and you boneheads still find way to blame it on greedy banks and people instead of the Democratic politicians whose hearts are far bigger than their brains loosed the rules. People took advantage of the loosened restrictions. Who knew, right? Yeah, spin away, but that was the cause of 2008. Dimwits like yourself.

Except that's simply not true. The CRA had been in place since the 1970's. It wasn't poor people buying modest bungalows or condos that was the problem, it was middle class people buying McMansions thinking they could flip them for a quick buck. Making it so much worse was the banks inflating the value of those mortgages and then selling them off as investments until someone yelled, "The Emperor has no clothes."

When I was growing up in the 1970's my parents (who I could best describe as "Nixon Democrats") would say, "Democrats bring us wars, Republicans bring us recessions." and from their life viewpoint of about 1930 to 1980, that was certainly true. Since 1980, Republicans bring us both wars AND recessions.

Most economists have been calling for a recession for the last few years. It will happen at some point for certain, but Trump may be able to delay it.

Making your preemptive excuses for Trump's recession, are we? You go with that buddy, you go with that.

When we have double-digit unemployment again, Americans will finally wake up to the Republicans are not their friends.

And this is what is fucked up. Biden, Obama, and Clinton all got elected because Republicans ratfucked the economy. Then when things got better, Mr and Mrs stupid white person went right back to voting in Republicans because of their racial, religious, or sexual fears.
I think the point you are missing is that most kids are more progressive because they lack experience. People become more conservative with age. With age comes wisdom. Some will still remain progressive because their starting point was much further left(or they never grew up at all), but some will become conservative as they get into the real world and start paying bills and having families. There are many things that look good on paper, but when put into practice, they simply don’t work.
It would stand to reason, then, that the US would simply become more and more conservative over time. But that doesn't seem to be happening. Since its founding, it has become increasingly progressive.
She isn't going to.lose. What happens after should be the concern, becase between China controlling the U.N even though they spend .peanuts compared to the U.S, Iran, Russia and N.Korean proxies creating conflicts, the future challenges are very real.

And … yes. She did lose. 😎

I tried to tell ya. You could’ve listened …
But nooooooooooooooooo!
It would stand to reason, then, that the US would simply become more and more conservative over time. But that doesn't seem to be happening. Since its founding, it has become increasingly progressive.

No, it doesn't work that way.

Are you attempting to argue that people do not become more conservative and wiser with age? That is a REALLY hard sell.
No, it doesn't work that way.

Are you attempting to argue that people do not become more conservative and wiser with age? That is a REALLY hard sell.

The GOP isn't "conservative".

The party of family values is excusing a serial adulterer who paid a porn star for sex.
The Party of National Security is cheering for Russia to crush a fledgling democracy.
The Party of Fiscal Responsibility is cheering a guy who added a record 8 TRILLION to the national debt in one term.
The Party of Law and Order supported a convicted Felon.

Where's the conservatism there?
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The GOP isn't "conservative".

The party of family values is excusing a serial adulterer who paid a porn star for sex.
The Party of National Security is cheering for Russia to crush a fledgling democracy.
The Party of Fiscal Responsibility is cheering a guy who added a record 8 TRILLION to the national debt in one term.
The Party of Law and Order supported a convicted Felon.

Where's the conservatism there?
As opposed to what? The Democratic Party? That's funny.
Duly noted you can't answer the point. You've sacrificed all your supposed principles to the Orange Messiah.

Which makes me wonder if you had any at all.
Why on earth would a pro-American, Christian Conservative vote for the polar opposite, which is exactly what the Democratic Party represents. I know, you are a secular anti-American, anti-Israel, pro transgender kind of guy. You are voting for the party that best represents your morals, or lack thereof. You do you.
Why on earth would a pro-American, Christian Conservative vote for the polar opposite, which is exactly what the Democratic Party represents. I know, you are a secular anti-American, anti-Israel, pro transgender kind of guy. You are voting for the party that best represents your morals, or lack thereof. You do you.

Well, the first thing is that you guys really think you are anything close to what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus never talked about transgenders. Or gays. or Mexicans. Or Abortion. Or anyone else you guys seem to hate.

He did have no particular love for the wealthy, though. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God".

So I can't see how anyone can look at Trump and say, "That guy's right with Jesus!" To which I would respond, "Have you met Jesus."
Well, the first thing is that you guys really think you are anything close to what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus never talked about transgenders. Or gays. or Mexicans. Or Abortion. Or anyone else you guys seem to hate.

He did have no particular love for the wealthy, though. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God".

So I can't see how anyone can look at Trump and say, "That guy's right with Jesus!" To which I would respond, "Have you met Jesus."
His policies more closely align with those of Christianity. Democratic policies aren't even close.

So, Republicans are the party of the rich again now? I can't seem to keep it straight.
His policies more closely align with those of Christianity.
Really? Which ones?

I never remember Jesus hating on Gays or Mexicans or the disabled. I never remember Jesus saying "Grab 'em by the Pussy".

So, Republicans are the party of the rich again now? I can't seem to keep it straight.
That's because you're stupid and live in a trailer park, Cleetus.
Really? Which ones?

For starters, support for Israel. Democrats begrungly support Israel only to keep the rich Jewish donors in their camp. They hate Israel and Jews. You are a prime example.

I never remember Jesus hating on Gays or Mexicans or the disabled.

Nobody said we should hate gays, but that doesn't mean we should condone their behavior, which is exactly what Democrats do.

There is also the statement in Genesis:

“God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.”

That's because you're stupid and live in a trailer park, Cleetus.

Right a trailer park. I pay more in taxes that you make. Remember, Republicans are the party of the "rich". Well guess what bucko, I am voting for myself not for white guilt ridden people like you.
When I was growing up in the 1970's my parents (who I could best describe as "Nixon Democrats") would say, "Democrats bring us wars, Republicans bring us recessions." and from their life viewpoint of about 1930 to 1980, that was certainly true. Since 1980, Republicans bring us both wars AND recessions.

Funny that. The world was far safer under Trump that Biden. We also had a stronger economy pre-COVID.

Then when things got better, Mr and Mrs stupid white person went right back to voting in Republicans because of their racial, religious, or sexual fears.

Successful white people are the problem. Gotcha. You only fit 1/2 of that description so you are safe. White guilt has done a number on you.
Cleetus is done upset.

Right a trailer park. I pay more in taxes that you make

Sure you do, Cleetus, sure you do. So, what state do you live in again? Oh, that's right, you won't say.

For starters, support for Israel. Democrats begrungly support Israel only to keep the rich Jewish donors in their camp. They hate Israel and Jews. You are a prime example.

More like, support for the Zionist Entity is contrary to progressive values. Israel is an apartheid state that is committing genocide against an indigenous people. The rest of the world sees that.

Also, Jesus didn't support Israel. Check out the Gospel of John, where the writer does nothing but condemn the Jews.

Nobody said we should hate gays, but that doesn't mean we should condone their behavior, which is exactly what Democrats do.

There is also the statement in Genesis:

“God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.”

Okay, the Bible also says the world is flat and we should stone women if they do not have an intact hymen on their wedding night.

Gays have no more choice in being gay than you and I had in being straight. As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, why do you care?

Funny that. The world was far safer under Trump that Biden. We also had a stronger economy pre-COVID.

But we had Covid. That's pretty much like saying the Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg.

The world is always a dangerous place. There's always a war going on somewhere.

Successful white people are the problem. Gotcha. You only fit 1/2 of that description so you are safe. White guilt has done a number on you.

Actually, it's unsuccessful white people who are the problem, because they keep voting to screw themselves.

Your part of the country is a great example. The Civil War should have been over in ten minutes when those who didn't own slaves said, "Not my problem!" The problem with the white trash is that you are happy having less as long as the darkies don't have more. It's why so many of you absolutely lost your shit when Obama got elected.

Here's the cycle- Republicans fuck things up (Hoover, Ike, Reagan/Bush, Dubya Bush, Trump
Democrats get elected to fix the economy - FDR, JFK, Clinton, Obama, Biden
When the economy's better, they go back to playing on your racial, religious and sexual fears, and you put a Republican back in.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
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No, it doesn't work that way.

Are you attempting to argue that people do not become more conservative and wiser with age? That is a REALLY hard sell.
Why does it not work that way? Has the country not become more progressive since its foundation?
Sure you do, Cleetus, sure you do. So, what state do you live in again? Oh, that's right, you won't say.

Like I have said many times. You act as if Southern states don’t have successful people. You just don’t know what you are talking about. In fact, if success if measured by standard of living, there are many more successful people in my state than in large urban areas. An engineer working for ACME Co. is making 250k living in Manhatten while a fellow engineer in the same position is making 125K living in a smaller town in the South. The 250k engineer doesn’t have as good of a standard of living.

More like, support for the Zionist Entity is contrary to progressive values

Ok, then you are voting for the right party. Progressives are anti-Israel.

Israel is an apartheid state that is committing genocide against an indigenous people. The rest of the world sees that.

The rest of the secular world and Muslims share that opinion. It is a an opinion based on factually incorrect information, but nonetheless, it is a opinion. Again, you are voting for the correct party for your values.

Gays have no more choice in being gay than you and I had in being straight.

I believe it is largely nurture, not nature.

But we had Covid. That's pretty much like saying the Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg.

That analogy would imply that COVID was Trump’s fault. There was no navigating away from the COVID iceberg. It is easy in hindsight to make claims about how much better it would have been if Trump had done x,y,z but I can just as easily make those same claims about things Democrats did in certain states that made matters worse. Pre-COVID, the Trump ship was smooth sailing. The Biden ship was not smooth sailing. Uncontrollable, once in a lifetime iceberg events aside, I would choose the smoothest sailing ship.
Really? Which ones?

I never remember Jesus hating on Gays or Mexicans or the disabled. I never remember Jesus saying "Grab 'em by the Pussy".
And did Jesus hate on Jews, like you do?
That's because you're stupid and live in a trailer park, Cleetus.
And more contempt for the white man. I have a lot more respect for the white working class family living in a trailer than a black woman with five kids on welfare. Why no disdain for the latter? Why more contempt for the white guy with a job?
Why does it not work that way? Has the country not become more progressive since its foundation?

Yes, exactly, and that is why we are slowly moving away from what made our country the greatest and most powerful in the world.

People become wiser and more conservative with age. That is not even in question. Just how wise and conservative they become depends on their starting point. That starting point has been moved left by progressivism. A far-left kid will likely move right(more Conservative) but it doesn’t mean they will end up on the right side of the political spectrum. A far-right kid is very likely to stay and even more further right with age and wisdom. Thanks to public education/indoctrination in the US, the starting point for kids is far-left. That is increasing the number of adults who remain on the left side of the spectrum their entire lives.

Why the push against more conservative values around the world you ask? It is much easier and more “fun” to live in a world with less moral accountability.

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