Democrats: Get a solid message together - NOW!

I hope they put up someone decent.
I hate having to write in..
But all they got so far are nuts! Voting in a way that shows they dont care if they kill babies out of the womb(im even very pro choice) and this unconstitutional, YUGE power grab called the green new deal.
The dems have been taken over by extremists, it seems. No hyperbole.

We've never been more ripe for a strong independent, but the system is stacked against it.
But this is great timing!
Im hoping the libertarians dont up a retarded dopehead this time. Im also interested in Shultz. I would like to hear more from him
Yeah, agreed. Interesting to see that Warren Buffett said he'd back Bloomberg.

I was REALLY hoping for that rumored Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket.

We need to get out of this fucking clown show before it's too late.
Are you planning to vote for the loon they nominate, no matter how loony?
Leaning against it, but you never know. If not them, third party.
And that is why there is no down side for the dems embracing regressiveness.
The same holds true for the other "major" party.

I will not enable that.

When you seal yourself off from the only actual competition, by falling for the most obvious partisan spin,

you ARE enabling it.
I know, I know, "fake news"...

Got it.

Do you believe that Trump said that white supremacist were "very fine people"?

Democrats - You folks are all over the map with your messaging. I know you don't like Trump's policies, but aside from complaining about everything Trump, I don't hear many solutions from the left wing regarding the mess on our southern border, paying down the national debt, foreign policy, fixing our infrastructure etc. The green new deal is a start, but it's not enough. Trump and the GOP are not very popular, and you folks have a golden opportunity to make some major gains in 2020, but can't just be anti Trump, you have to have a solid message to take to the voters, and right now you don't have one. know that “Trump and the GOP aren’t popular” because of a poll conducted in Mexifornia?
Leaning against it, but you never know. If not them, third party.
And that is why there is no down side for the dems embracing regressiveness.
The same holds true for the other "major" party.

I will not enable that.

When you seal yourself off from the only actual competition, by falling for the most obvious partisan spin,

you ARE enabling it.
I know, I know, "fake news"...

Got it.

Do you believe that Trump said that white supremacist were "very fine people"?
I don't think he knew what he was saying or talking about.

I think he was just doing his usual filler babbling.
And that is why there is no down side for the dems embracing regressiveness.
The same holds true for the other "major" party.

I will not enable that.

When you seal yourself off from the only actual competition, by falling for the most obvious partisan spin,

you ARE enabling it.
I know, I know, "fake news"...

Got it.

Do you believe that Trump said that white supremacist were "very fine people"?
I don't think he knew what he was saying or talking about.

I think he was just doing his usual filler babbling.

He was clear as a freaking bell. He explicitly said that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists, TWICE, and the media lied.

And even you, the most reasonable lib on this site, can't honestly call it what it is, ie a lie.

They don't need "enabled" THey have everything they need.
The same holds true for the other "major" party.

I will not enable that.

When you seal yourself off from the only actual competition, by falling for the most obvious partisan spin,

you ARE enabling it.
I know, I know, "fake news"...

Got it.

Do you believe that Trump said that white supremacist were "very fine people"?
I don't think he knew what he was saying or talking about.

I think he was just doing his usual filler babbling.

He was clear as a freaking bell. He explicitly said that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists, TWICE, and the media lied.

And even you, the most reasonable lib on this site, can't honestly call it what it is, ie a lie.

They don't need "enabled" THey have everything they need.
There's no way of knowing if he's being honest at any given time.

The one thing I expect from him is to bend over backwards to please his base.

His words mean essentially nothing.

Democrats - You folks are all over the map with your messaging. I know you don't like Trump's policies, but aside from complaining about everything Trump, I don't hear many solutions from the left wing regarding the mess on our southern border, paying down the national debt, foreign policy, fixing our infrastructure etc. The green new deal is a start, but it's not enough. Trump and the GOP are not very popular, and you folks have a golden opportunity to make some major gains in 2020, but can't just be anti Trump, you have to have a solid message to take to the voters, and right now you don't have one.
Their bigger problem is reigning in their loons. Then maybe they'll come up with a coherent message.

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