Democrats falling short in swing states, early voting statistics show


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
This is good news

New early voting data showed Democrats failing to hit their mark in several battleground states, giving Trump campaign officials more reasons for optimism Tuesday as President Trump rallied voters in key Midwestern states and Democrat Joseph R. Biden made a play for traditionally red Georgia.

In Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Arizona, Democrats are falling short of their target of 70% of early votes cast either in person or by mail. That is the lead they hoped to build up to stave off an expected higher Republican turnout on Election Day.

“The Democrats have not opened up a large enough lead in the early vote totals, and they know it,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh. “They have now realized that they put too many eggs in the vote-by-mail basket, and they’re not hitting the marks they need.”
I hope they can weed out all the duplicate and illegal votes. If that happens and we have a fair election, Trump will not lose. Stick with Trumpy.
Fake ballots are still being found in ancient Athens, the birthplace of Democracy. Diogenes of Sinope (suburb of ancient Athens) knows the answer even though born blind.
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My wife can't understand how anyone could vote for Biden given his senility, which will only get worse.
She thinks the democrats are cruel putting him up in his advanced age and mental condition.
I'm sure there are other women who will vote for Trump just to be kind to Joe Biden.
You can’t seriously believe there is nothing to this Hunter story. Who in their right mind would elect a guy like this? is mind boggling.
Well, elections are a matter of contrasts and alternatives. A or B.

I know you guys think that Trump is the greatest and perfectest President in the history of historical histories, but many of us disagree. So the options are limited.
But do NOT get complacent! There are a LOT of crazy ENERGIZED Democrats out there so we need to bring 2 to 3 people with us to the polls or absentee to vote for President Trump!!
Most people don't care about or believe the lies, misinformation, and thrash coming from Trump and his campaign.
Most people don't care about or believe the lies, misinformation, and thrash coming from Trump and his campaign.
You mean the media in general at all times? Yes, we agree. Thank you. Bobulinski was pretty straightforward. He isn’t lying as far as I can tell. Will likely muddy the waters for Quid pro Joe
This is good news

New early voting data showed Democrats failing to hit their mark in several battleground states, giving Trump campaign officials more reasons for optimism Tuesday as President Trump rallied voters in key Midwestern states and Democrat Joseph R. Biden made a play for traditionally red Georgia.

In Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Arizona, Democrats are falling short of their target of 70% of early votes cast either in person or by mail. That is the lead they hoped to build up to stave off an expected higher Republican turnout on Election Day.

“The Democrats have not opened up a large enough lead in the early vote totals, and they know it,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh. “They have now realized that they put too many eggs in the vote-by-mail basket, and they’re not hitting the marks they need.”

Democrats falling short in swing states, early voting statistics show
I would like to once again thank the moderators for coming up with the new "bookmark" feature earlier this year.
I'm using it a lot.
This is good news

New early voting data showed Democrats failing to hit their mark in several battleground states, giving Trump campaign officials more reasons for optimism Tuesday as President Trump rallied voters in key Midwestern states and Democrat Joseph R. Biden made a play for traditionally red Georgia.

In Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Arizona, Democrats are falling short of their target of 70% of early votes cast either in person or by mail. That is the lead they hoped to build up to stave off an expected higher Republican turnout on Election Day.

“The Democrats have not opened up a large enough lead in the early vote totals, and they know it,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh. “They have now realized that they put too many eggs in the vote-by-mail basket, and they’re not hitting the marks they need.”

Democrats falling short in swing states, early voting statistics show

Its not about voter registration, its about who people are actually voting for. You won't start to know that until after 8:00 PM Eastern on November 3, 2020. Over 70 million people have already voted more than HALF of the people who voted in 2016 and were still 6 days away from the election. All signs point to record turnout of register voters. The largest since 1908 when TAFT became President.

The economy is in deep recession. The last record of quarterly GDP growth shows the worst contraction in United States history. Last two quarters of Quarterly GDP growth under TRUMP:

2020 01 -4.9558
2020 02 -31·3832

That 31%+ contraction in the 2nd quarter of 2020 is the worst economic contraction in nearly 250 years of United States history. Two consecutive quarters of economic contraction equals a recession, which is what results of Quarter One and Quarter Two show for the United States in 2020. No sitting President has ever been re-elected when he had a recession(two quarters of negative GDP growth) occur in the year they were running for re-election.
I hope they can weed out all the duplicate and illegal votes. If that happens and we have a fair election, Trump will not lose. Stick with Trumpy.
Translation: the definition of a fair election is one where Trump wins.

How corrupt.

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