Democrats double down on extreme: New plans could kill off essential energy infrastructure


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
God have I told lately you just how much I hate these people?!!!
Leave it to these fuckers, and energy costs are going to go off the charts!!!

Voters just handed Democrats a crushing defeat in the most recent elections, and it appears that further setbacks may be on the near horizon. The party seems to have two clear choices: They could pause and reconsider, or they could double down.

Taking an even stronger position might embolden their team and bring on future wins, or it could turn into further setbacks as voters flee from their increasingly extreme views. Doubling down is a definite risk, but it's clearly the hand many senior Democrats are choosing to play. In energy policy terms, doubling down means that, with winter approaching and energy prices skyrocketing, they were - even momentarily - considering plans to close down yet another major pipeline.

"Apparently, they have never seriously considered encouraging the American oil and gas industry to increase production and transportation of their products. In fact, we've even been treated to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm's guffawing when asked to consider the notion that she might be able to do something - anything - to help rein in energy prices by expanding domestic production."
They are intentionally killing the nation, they do this for Bill Gates and all of the other billionaires he represents, all of whom have invested trillions into communist China. This is what Obama was doing for eight years, presiding over the transfer of US wealth and infrastructure, to China, and Trump getting elected stopped them cold. Biden is making certain that China and those billionaires are forever free & clear of the US and its hyper-hot economy, its just that simple, they no longer need a one of us, they control virtually all of the wealth and they have transitioned all of their businesses and loyalties to China, while fully intending to possess the US as their personal abode, and they do not want any of us mucking up the view, thus they kill the nation dead, and nakedly implement the UN's Agenda-21, and Klaus Schwabs "Great Reset," in which they force the entire population into vast urban ghettos, and deny them any ability to ever leave them, the latter is what all of the climate change lies lay ground work for.
Joe Biden is the worst thing that's happened to this nation, maybe in our lifetimes. I wish the fucker would drop dead. I wouldn't shed a single tear for his stupid ass.
Joe Biden is the worst thing that's happened to this nation, maybe in our lifetimes. I wish the fucker would drop dead. I wouldn't shed a single tear for his stupid ass.

Anyone who actually believes Biden is in also pretty stupid.
He is the puppet of Obama, the Clintons and many deep pockets and nefarious George S.

The nation is LITERALLY in the hands of it's sworn enemies.

But as far as Biden, he has no clue from day to day. Just doing as told...which he has repeatedly admitted accidentally.
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Anyone who actually believes Biden is in also pretty stupid.
He is the puppet of Obama, the Clintons and many deep pockets and nefarious George S.

The nation is LITERALLY in the hands of it's sworn enemies.

But as far as Biden, he has no clue from day to day. Just doing as told...which he has repeatedly admitted accidentally.

He has proven to the nation that he is either a bald faced liar, since no way he is leading as the moderate uniter that he claimed he is, or indeed other people are calling the shots. I hope he dies soon.
God have I told lately you just how much I hate these people?!!!
Leave it to these fuckers, and energy costs are going to go off the charts!!!

I am beginning to wonder if the entire Democratic Party has been bought and is owned by Xi Jinping and China. Once the democrats ruin our nation the Chinese will take over the world.

If Sun Tzu was around today to write his The Art of War he would advise the best way to win a conflict without fighting is to manufacture items and sell them to your enemy for lower prices than he can produce them and use your profit to buy your enemy’s leaders.

I’ve been saying that the Democrats have one ultimate goal, the destruction of the US economy and Western Civilization in general. Once you accept that fact, everything they do makes sense. Of course they would put people in charge that want to see the US energy sector fail.

I’m glad we’re finally at the stage where they actually stop pretending to care for the country. At least it’s making more people aware of what they really are.
"Apparently, they have never seriously considered encouraging the American oil and gas industry to increase production and transportation of their products. In fact, we've even been treated to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm's guffawing when asked to consider the notion that she might be able to do something - anything - to help rein in energy prices by expanding domestic production."
Why do you need to encourage capitalist to earn money?

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