Biden Administration Should Reverse On The New OSHA Policy To Stop Covid 19!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
A really virtuous, prudent Presidential Administration would reverse course on its initiative to use OSHA authority to require U.S. employers with more than one hundred employers to require their employees to be vaccinated against Covid 19 or be tested weekly or face a stiff fine. The intentions behind the policy is outstanding and unassailable not only is it a life-saving and physical health saving effort but it is also a mental health saving effort as well as protecting the nation's economy and the country really, really doesn't need detrimental tectonic shift in its finances! Nevertheless, the avalanche of opposition this policy has brought forth should compellingly move the Whitehouse to reconsider. The large group of Republican Governors threatening lawsuits to stop this policy plus the outrage of the ordinary man on the street that has a libertarian or right wing bent should give the Whitehouse pause here. All these American's view this move not as a protect human health action but rather a government action that violates personal freedom and privacy, it is a federal government overreach that violates a person's fundamental right. It is becoming evident to anyone that has common sense that this policy move will cause opponents to this policy to dig in and fight and oppose compliance as a matter of principle. Further, this policy move doesn't fully consider the ruthlessness of America's employers. Remember when the Affordable Care Act was first enacted it required the health insurance that employers provide to cover all the ACA essential benefits (guarantees of decent coverage) for employees that work at least twenty-eight hours per week that is for employers that had some specific number of employees; so what did America see they saw U.S. employers in humongous numbers cut employees hours to keep them below 28hrs./week and cut their number of employees - it was a catastrophe! The Whitehouse should expect some U.S. employers to cut their employee count to below one-hundred so as not to trigger the new OSHA policy applying to them, and so who will really end up being hurt here is the innocent ordinary American that is trying to just make a living who get's terminated because of this policy! Whitehouse Democrats should not be stupid interpreting Gavin Newsome's win in the California recall election as a sign that heavy handed policies to curb the spread of Covid 19 play well with the American electorate; the message from the California recall election is that extreme right-wing politicians like talk radio host Larry Elder don't play well with centrist voters, in fact, they scare the hell out of us!

The Whitehouse is not thinking clearly here, up until this OSHA policy announcement the Biden Administration was doing a great job on the vaccination issue they did a great job buying needed supplies of the vaccine and making it available what does America have like one-hundred and eighty million America's vaccinated those are fantastic numbers. And the trend on this issue had been getting better with U.S. employers on their own helping the effort by many of them requiring vaccines. The Biden administration's OSHA effort here is just going to bring a flood of problems on themselves, there will be many people that would otherwise ultimately get the vaccine but now never will as a matter of principle because they see it as the government taking away their freedom. What the Biden Administration could do instead is pivot have OSHA require these employers to have their employees view an OSHA educational video identifying the safety benefits of the Covid 19 vaccine. America desperately needs good training videos in this area, I am blown away by the number of Americans that don't understand why if they had the Covid 19 disease do they need to get the vaccine they are not aware of the fact that the vaccine will dramatically increase the power and speed of one's immune system to fight the virus so that when that person is infected with the Delta variant, which replicates at a super high rate, that person who is vaccinated will have their immune system more quickly and in much higher numbers produce antibodies to shut down this virus!
...they are not aware of the fact that the vaccine will dramatically increase the power and speed of one's immune system to fight the virus so that when that person is infected with the Delta variant, which replicates at a super high rate, that person who is vaccinated will have their immune system more quickly and in much higher numbers produce antibodies to shut down this virus!

Apparently, you are not aware that there's very credible scientific evidence to suggest that the virus is mutating more quickly because of the vax, not despite it.

How about you nannies just STFU and let people decide for themselves, hmmmm?

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