History says Biden and Democrats probably won't recover by the midterms


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

President Joe Biden's approval rating is at its lowest point since he took office. His approval rating has slid into the low 40s this month. And while the President has plenty of time to recover before his potential reelection in 2024, history suggests that his chances of becoming popular and Democrats gaining ground by the midterms in 2022 are small.


History says Biden and Democrats probably won't recover by the midterms​

Believe me, they don't intend to. This is a Hail Mary play.

After four years of being unable to stop Trump, they recognized a weak GOP, stole his office, ruined elections, turned the nation on its head, and are going for broke now, an all-out effort to hurl this country into European socialism while flooding America with illegals hoping to destroy the two party system to cement their power all the while using Marxist tactics trying to denounce anyone opposing them as hateful, dangerous and racist.
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Believe me, they don't intend to. This is a Hail Mary play.

After four years of being unable to stop Trump, they recognized a weak GOP, stole his office, ruined elections, turned the nation on its head, and are going for broke now, an all-out effort to hurl this country into European socialism while flooding America with legals hoping to destroy the two party system to cement their power all the while using Marxist tactics trying to denounce anyone opposing them as hateful, dangerous and racist.

I think Dimocrats STUPIDLY thought that winning the WH, keeping the House, and taking the Senate, that America was ready for their radical agenda.
Well Dimocrats, sorry to tell you awful people this, but this country does not want anything to do with the radicals in your stinking party!
We will fight you every fucking step of the way, and if it ends up in the streets, just remember who has the vast majority of the guns!!!!!!!!
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

worse thing that can happen to democrats is when they get power things so south so fast they are quickly voted out they hate everything about the usa and the fact communism always fails horribly
The midterms will be a real battle in 2022. The minorities love the infrastructure bill, and the voting vaginas will remain loyal to the Democrat party.
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

Of course they won't. Energy prices won't come down, inflation won't abate, and unless they somehow manage to get the BBB plan off life support, a lot of their base will be mighty pissed when they figure out next year that all that "free" extra money they have been getting this year will be coming off their big tax refunds next year.
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

The inflation alone will doom them
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

Digital, I do not want to be a bearer of sad/bad news, but the Krauts, err I mean the Crats, are going to employ a tried and true method that they use called, "look, squirrel!" By no later than March, there will be something that the GOP or Trump did, and they will ride it. In other words, ignore what is happening, and pay attention to what we said DID happen.

You have seen this trick used many times by the Craps......errrr I mean Crats. How long did they tie up Trump? And now, when it is proven it was all a smoke screen, they just lament that it is old news, so forget it. We all better be 100% positive they have some other fairytale in the pipeline, ready for them to say, "Omg, see that! Look, squirrel!" It is going to have to be pretty bad to over ride all the crap going on now, but the Lefties are up to it. They always are.

Understand the reality, and everyone reading this should be aware of this................if things stay the same or not get much better, the GOP will carry between 54 and 60% of the vote next November, and that is not an exaggeration. If ANY of you actually are convinced that the Left is totalitarian, Socialist, Communists, or border on Fascism, do you think they are just going to allow that to happen and do nothing? Did Hillary? Did Biden? And look at the MSM today, think they have just thrown in the towel?

With everyone closely watching this off election for Virginia and New Jersey, they really couldn't do a lot, and look what happened! Across the board, even in other states besides those 2, virtually EVERYTHING came up roses for the GOP. All the pundits said that was a huge warning shot over the Lefts bow, so they better change their ways...........and they will. Since their policies SUCK and they can't win on them, what do you think they are going to do!

Be prepared, and trust me, 15 seconds after what ever they try and pull off happens, every Leftist on this board will have their marching orders and be creating threads, lol. Again, no later than March will they again try THE NEXT BIG LIE!
And unless Biden and his stinking party suddenly stops the UNPRECEDENTED flow of illegals, stops telling white Americans they are racist when they vote for Republicans, inflations suddenly stops, the price of gas goes down, people get off their lazy asses and get back to work, then they DESERVE to lose every single Congressional race!

Let's all hope that history is right.

It would be so delicious to see Nancy get her comeuppance.

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