Democrats Deeply Devout


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

I know, it seems intuitive that Democrats want to end religion, when one sees the effort by the Left to marginalize, ridicule, banish, religion in America….but that misses the point: they are a religion!

1.While this phrase was from the religion of the Founders of America, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” the religion of Militant Secularism functions via the same command. In fact, there is reason to believe that that mission statement of the Left is a major force behind their hatred of the Judeo-Christian faith. And the political power that they have attained allows them to bar the America faith from schools and the public arena, and advance only their defiled and depraved version.

2. They have re-named their god, so as to hide where they get their authority, now no longer Beelzebub, or Moloch, to, simply, ‘government.’ But just the same, all must bow the neck and the knee to their god. Hegel said it this way: “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest.” That from one of their holy disciples.

3. From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter, a better look at their religion…

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.
And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

4. If any doubt remains as to the religious basis of Statism, think of what motivates the woke folks, good vs evil, just like any religion….they are out to revenge the evils of the past, by forming two groups based on past evil done by one against the other.
The idea of transgression and innocence has been moved from religion into politics.

Before I reveal who the transgressors are…..see if you can's been on display for some time now.

Name the group on whom the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals blame all the evil in our society.....


And yet another Leftist insists on documenting my rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only actual so-called political outfit that is a 'religion' is the Democrat Party, your religion.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.
The other side doesn't do that.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.

Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism. Perhaps it changes day to day....a kind of transfiguration.
I know, it seems intuitive that Democrats want to end religion, when one sees the effort by the Left to marginalize, ridicule, banish, religion in America…

Justify this statement and what you think is "religion." Spiritual beliefs do not equate with any political party. Specify what religious denomination (Christian and non-Christian) and spiritual beliefs to which you refer.
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
Why not adhere strictly to the words of Jesus, if you are a follower of Christianity? There were no microphones or video when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. Saul/Paul wasn't there and never knew Jesus. Correct this Christian religion.

I know, it seems intuitive that Democrats want to end religion, when one sees the effort by the Left to marginalize, ridicule, banish, religion in America….but that misses the point: they are a religion!

1.While this phrase was from the religion of the Founders of America, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” the religion of Militant Secularism functions via the same command. In fact, there is reason to believe that that mission statement of the Left is a major force behind their hatred of the Judeo-Christian faith. And the political power that they have attained allows them to bar the America faith from schools and the public arena, and advance only their defiled and depraved version.

2. They have re-named their god, so as to hide where they get their authority, now no longer Beelzebub, or Moloch, to, simply, ‘government.’ But just the same, all must bow the neck and the knee to their god. Hegel said it this way: “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest.” That from one of their holy disciples.

3. From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter, a better look at their religion…

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.
And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

4. If any doubt remains as to the religious basis of Statism, think of what motivates the woke folks, good vs evil, just like any religion….they are out to revenge the evils of the past, by forming two groups based on past evil done by one against the other.
The idea of transgression and innocence has been moved from religion into politics.

Before I reveal who the transgressors are…..see if you can's been on display for some time now.

Name the group on whom the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals blame all the evil in our society.....
The election is over, give it a rest. Or are all homskoolrs obsessive compulsives?
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
Why not adhere strictly to the words of Jesus, if you are a follower of Christianity? There were no microphones or video when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. Saul/Paul wasn't there and never knew Jesus. Correct this Christian religion.

There are video recordings of democrats committing Election Eve fraud - yet you still don't believe!
I know, it seems intuitive that Democrats want to end religion, when one sees the effort by the Left to marginalize, ridicule, banish, religion in America…

Justify this statement and what you think is "religion." Spiritual beliefs do not equate with any political party. Specify what religious denomination (Christian and non-Christian) and spiritual beliefs to which you refer.

"Justify this statement and what you think is "religion."

You can't begin to know how pleased I am with your post.

When I have concept to teach, as in this case, the religion you have unknowingly chosen, Militant Secularism........although I'm certain that much of your life falls into the 'unknowingly' category.......I do so in 4 or 5 posts.

I will post them during this morn, and you will find them insightful, and irrefutable.

Please stay tuned.....second installment coming right up.
I know, it seems intuitive that Democrats want to end religion, when one sees the effort by the Left to marginalize, ridicule, banish, religion in America…

Justify this statement and what you think is "religion." Spiritual beliefs do not equate with any political party. Specify what religious denomination (Christian and non-Christian) and spiritual beliefs to which you refer.

"Justify this statement and what you think is "religion."

You can't begin to know how pleased I am with your post.

When I have concept to teach, as in this case, the religion you have unknowingly chosen, Militant Secularism........although I'm certain that much of your life falls into the 'unknowingly' category.......I do so in 4 or 5 posts.

I will post them during this morn, and you will find them insightful, and irrefutable.

Please stay tuned.....second installment coming right up.
Gotta go look for a juicy copy&paste!
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.

Excellent thesis.

Now, here lies the doesn't apply to the Militant Secularists/Democrats.

You wrote "a rational person."

They are not.
When I provide the Democrat agenda, not a single one of them can explain or defend it, with anything beyond "is not, isssssss noooottttttt!!!"


The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Today I'm gonna explain why it is a religion.
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
Why not adhere strictly to the words of Jesus, if you are a follower of Christianity? There were no microphones or video when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. Saul/Paul wasn't there and never knew Jesus. Correct this Christian religion.

Nothing could be further apart than Christianity and the Democrat religion.
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
I'd say leftism is cult. It is usually led by a messianic sociopath who leads the followers to a reduced quality of life and even straight to their deaths in many cases. Whether it's the meat puppet faggot Obozo, Hitler, Hitlary, Stalin, Jim Jones or Mao, it's always a psychopathic malicious individual that promises utopian bullshit here on earth in exchange for blind loyalty and deliberate ignorance. I would still classify it as a "philosophy" that Karl Marx formed based on hatred and envy of people with the motivation to achieve things, rather than piss and moan about someone else's success.

Further, it takes faith to believe in the shit bed wetters believe in, blind faith, and the ability to ignore anything that exposes it as false or delusions. Take MMGW for an example. Here it is 30 years later, and Algore is still "propheting" from "carbon credits" and shitty documentaries.

If someone had enough influence I'd bet they could get the bed wetters to believe in a character called Santa Marx. A man who was forced to flee the North Pole because of MMGW , ended up in Moscow and lives in an unused subway tunnel. He is divorced, came out of the closet and remarried a trans gendered Yoko Ono. He freed his elven slaves shortly before leaving the North Pole, but then purged them for converting to Christianity. He flies around the world on secular holidays and hands out free shit to all the non-white oppressed children of the world in a sleigh behind 13 gender neutral rein deer.

I'm convinced they're stupid enough to fall for it. Start teaching that shit in kindergarten and the true moonbat will believe it on their death bed if they remain fugitives of natural selection long enough.


5. Joshua Mitchell, in “American Awakening,” adds another element of religion to what might have been considered a political body. Just as Islam copied numerous elements from the earlier Judeo-Christian doctrines, the left counterfeited and co-opted ideas from Christianity. …the idea of sacrifice needed to erase society’s sins.

“It has turned politics into a religious venue of sacrificial offering. Ponder for a moment the Christian understanding of sacrificial offering. Without the sacrifice of Christ, the Innocent Lamb of God, there would be no Christianity. Christ, the Scapegoat, renders the impure pure—by taking upon Himself “the sins of the world.” In purging the Divine Scapegoat, those for whom He is the sacrificial offering are purified.

Identity politics is a political version of this cleansing,
for groups rather than for individual persons.

The scapegoat identity politics offers up for sacrifice is the white, heterosexual man. If he is purged, its adherents imagine, the world itself, along with the remaining groups in it, will be cleansed of stain. Without exception, every major action item of the Democratic Party today is traceable to this supposition.

…the conventional generative family, our civic institutions, and our religious institutions are unclean or obsolete because of the hand white, heterosexual man has had in building and maintaining them.”
Here's the way I look at it. When a rational person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, then he reassesses that belief, in light of the new evidence (provided it is reliable). When a religious person sees evidence that challenges his current belief, he attacks the person who presented the evidence.

And so it is with Leftists. When presented with evidence that there is no scientific support for the existence of transgenderism, he attacks the challenger as a "trans-phobe." Evidence that illegals are a huge drain on the country...xenophobe. Evidence that nothing done in the U.S. will have even the slightest impact on the climate a hundred years hence...climate denier. Evidence that the person in the womb is indeed a person and not a mass of "tissue."...misogynist.

On issue after issue, when you present evidence that refutes their world view, you are slandered. And that is because Leftism is a religion, not a legitimate philosophy.
I'd say leftism is cult. It is usually led by a messianic sociopath who leads the followers to a reduced quality of life and even straight to their deaths in many cases. Whether it's the meat puppet faggot Obozo, Hitler, Hitlary, Stalin, Jim Jones or Mao, it's always a psychopathic malicious individual that promises utopian bullshit here on earth in exchange for blind loyalty and deliberate ignorance. I would still classify it as a "philosophy" that Karl Marx formed based on hatred and envy of people with the motivation to achieve things, rather than piss and moan about someone else's success.

Further, it takes faith to believe in the shit bed wetters believe in, blind faith, and the ability to ignore anything that exposes it as false or delusions. Take MMGW for an example. Here it is 30 years later, and Algore is still "propheting" from "carbon credits" and shitty documentaries.

If someone had enough influence I'd bet they could get the bed wetters to believe in a character called Santa Marx. A man who was forced to flee the North Pole because of MMGW and fled to Moscow and lives in an unused subway tunnel. He is divorced, came out of the closet and remarried a trans gendered Yoko Ono. He freed his elven slaves shortly before leaving the North Pole, but then purged them for converting to Christianity. He flies around the world on secular holidays and hands out free shit to all the non-white oppressed children of the world in a sleigh behind 13 gender neutral rein deer.

I'm convinced they're stupid enough to fall for it. Start teaching that shit in kindergarten and the true moonbat will believe it on their death bed if they remain fugitives of natural selection long enough.



Hussein Obama was their Risen Yahweh.

They called him god, Jesus and the messiah.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The Party of Death.
Nothing could be further apart than Christianity and the Democrat religion.
Leftwing attempts to link the two with such institutions as the "liberal church" mark one of the few instances of their transparency.

Ever hear the dolts try to claim that socialism is based on the Bible???

I always get a kick out of that one.

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