Democrats are trying to steal the election. Now what?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014

The cheating is now so blatant and obvious that it can't be denied.

What now?
What now?

You grow up and stop pushing conspiracy theories that you know are nonsense.

That's if you want to avoid Hell. After all, you crying out idiot conspiracy theories here will have zero effect on the election, so the important issue is now how to save the souls of the Trump followers from eternal damnation.

The cheating is now so blatant and obvious that it can't be denied.

What now?

Show some actual cheating.

Counting the votes of registered voters is not cheating is American Democracy

The cheating is now so blatant and obvious that it can't be denied.

What now?

Show some actual cheating.

Counting the votes of registered voters is not cheating is American Democracy
Poll watchers denied access to counting, that is a violation of the law.

Precincts with more than 100% registered voter turnout.

Precincts having Biden getting ore black vote than Obama.

All of it is evidence of fraud, so it’s time to investigate and recount every vote to verify its validity.

Are you afraid of a recount?
The 2016 election was rigged too..until Trump won then we didn't hear another word about rigged elections...until now..and here we go again.
Democrats answer me this: are you even slightly embarrassed by the behavior of your fellow Democrats who are trying to illegally steal the election?

If you aren't, that makes you a criminal too, because you're aiding and abetting.
Also, Biden will not be able to govern if half of Americans believe he stole the election.
The 2016 election was rigged too..until Trump won then we didn't hear another word about rigged elections...until now..and here we go again.
Trump got more votes then Obama, where the fuck did all these people come from?
Obviously, Democrats and independent citizens, and even Republicans colluded with each other and organized an effort for stealing the election by establishing a majority of both popular and EC votes in favor of Joe Biden. Dirty Bastards.

The cheating is now so blatant and obvious that it can't be denied.

What now?

Show some actual cheating.

Counting the votes of registered voters is not cheating is American Democracy
Poll watchers denied access to counting, that is a violation of the law.

Precincts with more than 100% registered voter turnout.

Precincts having Biden getting ore black vote than Obama.

All of it is evidence of fraud, so it’s time to investigate and recount every vote to verify its validity.

Are you afraid of a recount?
Each state has it own rules. Generally, each party can have observers. However, Trump is not entitled to his own observers. There are other candidates on the ballot.

Some states allow same day registration. Wisconsin is one of them. That means there will be more voters than those “registered” before the election

None of what you claim is fraud.
Democrats answer me this: are you even slightly embarrassed by the behavior of your fellow Democrats who are trying to illegally steal the election?

If you aren't, that makes you a criminal too, because you're aiding and abetting.
Show some actual examples and we can talk.

Are you embarrassed that Trump is trying to stop the count of legitimate votes cast BEFORE close of the election?
This is the end of the Republic and the beginning of tyranny if Democrats get away with this massive denial of Americans' voting rights.

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