Democrats Are Rushing Through A Massive Ukraine Defense Bill


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Are Rushing Through A Massive Ukraine Defense Bill

The House of Representatives is looking to skip markup and hold a floor vote as soon as next week.

25 Jan 2022 ~~ By Sara Sirota
DEMOCRATS IN THE House of Representatives are planning to expedite a massive bill that would dramatically increase U.S. security assistance to Ukraine and lay the groundwork for substantial new sanctions on Russia — hastening a war-friendly posture without opportunity for dissent as concerns over a military invasion abound.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told members on a caucus call Tuesday that she’s looking to skip marking up the bill and move it straight to the House floor, setting up the possibility of a vote as soon as early next week, two congressional sources told The Intercept. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they’re not authorized to talk to the press. Pelosi’s office did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
Republicans have offered their own measures. Earlier this month in the House, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced the Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense Act, a companion bill to a measure sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Jim Risch, R-Idaho. The bill would give Ukraine $450 million from the State Department’s FMF account and impose sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 project immediately, without waiting for an escalation as in the Democrats’ bill.
McCaul’s office did not reply to a request for comment on whether he would support Meeks’s bill. The White House endorsed the legislation that Menendez released weeks ago.

Those who think Congress won’t fund a Ukrainian insurgency are whistling in the dark.
Meanwhile, our 46th president and his Democrat ideologues ignore the crisis at our own border.
Obviously, Democrats believe that the borders of the Ukraine are more sovereign than the borders of America.
More than 140,000 illegal aliens crossed into America for the month of January, that's more than the number of Russians amassing at the Ukraine border and these illegals didn't need tanks, or massive weapons of war to do it Biden and his crew have given them the green light.
Pelosi and Familia is in thick with Ukraine and has been for years, just like the Biden Crime Family is.

The left uses Ukraine as a money-laundering center, thus their horror when Trump began dismantling that and the fauxpeachment that followed a phone call.
So the democrats use the racist filibuster to stop sanctions on the Russian pipeline but now want to fast track some massive bill surely filled with shit nobody cares about after the damage is done.

Serms like a typical democrat solution to nothing.
Yeah because our war profiteers need MORE money.

If you don’t think the MIC runs the government, you need to think again.
I agree with the first part of your post, I just need to figure out what MIC means so I can rate it:) I only could come up with mortgage investment companies and a few scientific acronyms lol
Democrats Are Rushing Through A Massive Ukraine Defense Bill

The House of Representatives is looking to skip markup and hold a floor vote as soon as next week.

25 Jan 2022 ~~ By Sara Sirota
DEMOCRATS IN THE House of Representatives are planning to expedite a massive bill that would dramatically increase U.S. security assistance to Ukraine and lay the groundwork for substantial new sanctions on Russia — hastening a war-friendly posture without opportunity for dissent as concerns over a military invasion abound.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told members on a caucus call Tuesday that she’s looking to skip marking up the bill and move it straight to the House floor, setting up the possibility of a vote as soon as early next week, two congressional sources told The Intercept. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they’re not authorized to talk to the press. Pelosi’s office did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
Republicans have offered their own measures. Earlier this month in the House, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced the Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense Act, a companion bill to a measure sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Jim Risch, R-Idaho. The bill would give Ukraine $450 million from the State Department’s FMF account and impose sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 project immediately, without waiting for an escalation as in the Democrats’ bill.
McCaul’s office did not reply to a request for comment on whether he would support Meeks’s bill. The White House endorsed the legislation that Menendez released weeks ago.

Those who think Congress won’t fund a Ukrainian insurgency are whistling in the dark.
Meanwhile, our 46th president and his Democrat ideologues ignore the crisis at our own border.
Obviously, Democrats believe that the borders of the Ukraine are more sovereign than the borders of America.
More than 140,000 illegal aliens crossed into America for the month of January, that's more than the number of Russians amassing at the Ukraine border and these illegals didn't need tanks, or massive weapons of war to do it Biden and his crew have given them the green light.

Yeah, the commies claim the Ukraine international border is inviolate, but not the US international border. GO FUCKING FIGURE.

It must killing the right to act like they are anti-war just to spite democrats.
It’s actually pissing me off you retards are so fucking bad at this. We would never have got to this point with Trump. Because we would have been doing things to deter this situation over the last year instead of a bunch of democrats sucking each other’s dicks..

The problem never was us. It was fucking you.
Pelosi and Familia is in thick with Ukraine and has been for years, just like the Biden Crime Family is.

The left uses Ukraine as a money-laundering center, thus their horror when Trump began dismantling that and the fauxpeachment that followed a phone call.

Joey Xi Bai Dung will steadily find himself isolated and alone - and made a fool of. Germany, France and Austria have already indicated they want no part of confrontation with Russia over Ukraine. Even Zelensky in Ukraine has told the Biden Neocons to stop the war-talk - its destroying confidence in the fragile Ukraine economy
You have to wonder how the biased Quisling media will spin it when Biden is humiliated?
This is why NATO is useless, European countries want the protections that NATO aka the USA has to offer, and refuse to pay into it, Joy Xi Biden gets fraudulently elected and has screwed the pooch in Foreign Policy, so any hint of a conflict causes the piss ant country wants to cut and run. Trump was correct in making NATO participants pony up the money they're supposed to pay annually to support NATO.
Fucking Democrat pigs.

The wall for OUR border is laying there AT the border, all the components, all paid for, rusting away because the Dems won't complete it. All that money and materials sitting there, wasted.

But on the other side of the planet they rush to spend money we don't have to protect Ukraine's borders.

We have to clean these fuckers' clocks in the next 2 elections.

It’s actually pissing me off you retards are so fucking bad at this. We would never have got to this point with Trump. Because we would have been doing things to deter this situation over the last year instead of a bunch of democrats sucking each other’s dicks..

The problem never was us. It was fucking you.
Trump would be kissing Putin ass like it was made out of chocolate-covered cheeseburders.
Joey Xi Bai Dung will steadily find himself isolated and alone - and made a fool of. Germany, France and Austria have already indicated they want no part of confrontation with Russia over Ukraine. Even Zelensky in Ukraine has told the Biden Neocons to stop the war-talk - its destroying confidence in the fragile Ukraine economy
You have to wonder how the biased Quisling media will spin it when Biden is humiliated?
This is why NATO is useless, European countries want the protections that NATO aka the USA has to offer, and refuse to pay into it, Joy Xi Biden gets fraudulently elected and has screwed the pooch in Foreign Policy, so any hint of a conflict causes the piss ant country wants to cut and run. Trump was correct in making NATO participants pony up the money they're supposed to pay annually to support NATO.
Wonder what Germany’s plans are since they depend on Russian oil, especially after getting rid of 4 nuclear plants. Countries shutting down fuel sources need to consider that plan more thoroughly to avoid total dependence. I am not well read regarding German and Russian current relations, but it seems risky to rely on fuel from a foreign country that is not aligned politically in its posturing.

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