Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

...the Rumpsters that are asked why they support Rump and they can't really come up wiith a coherent complete sentence as to why?

Easy. Trump advocates policies that are better for the standard of living of average Americans.
That's why we have so many homeless and working poor barely making it on two or more jobs, right?
Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.

Free-market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

What system do you prefer and why aren't you living there?

And it's created more crushing poverty than any other as well.
Leftists like your very own FDR and many others admired Mussolini and his system of government and economics. After WW2, the left distanced themselves and then fabricated the lie that fascism is "far-right".

If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.

Free-market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

What system do you prefer and why aren't you living there?

And it's created more crushing poverty than any other as well.

Wrong again.
...the Rumpsters that are asked why they support Rump and they can't really come up wiith a coherent complete sentence as to why?

Easy. Trump advocates policies that are better for the standard of living of average Americans.
That's why we have so many homeless and working poor barely making it on two or more jobs, right?

It's far better now than when your hero was president. Democratic welfare policies created ghettos, homelessness and hopelessness. You own it.
Look here brown-shirt. My grandfather died fighting Nazis, the day will never come when a goosestepping piece of shit will not face real Americans who want to kick their asses.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.
So, there were no Racists in the USA before the Nazis?

My great uncle died in Normandy fighting Nazis, and my uncle got wounded in Vietnam fighting Communism.

Even so, ultimately its an insult to them to replace this culture with a bunch of Illegal Hispanics who pay less taxes, and often speak Spanish first, while gouging the system.

The values of the American men who fought and died in WW2 would have them demonized as uneducated racist misogynists and fascists by the modern left and there's just no doubt about it.
How quickly we forget that before we were drawn into WWII, it was the Republicans singing the praises of how the fascists were running Germany and Italy.

You can't refute what I said you you resort to deflection.
I think anyone with a brain would have praised the fascists prior to WW2 because their methods patently worked. Italy by in large dodged the Great Depression, Germany grew in strength and wealth while Western democracies faltered. Hindsight may be 20/20 but prior to WW2? I fail to see your point.
"I think anyone with a brain would have praised the fascists prior to WW2"......and there we have it, folks. Clear as day.

The US cheered on Spain (Franco) and didn't mind Mussolini at first. Even Hitler in his early years was better than most when compared to Stalin. And there was always the fear of Stalin. Unfortunately, Italy, Germany and Japan turned the world into the same nightmare that Stalin turned the USSR into. And for the same reasons. Anytime you go far enough to the extreme you end up with a friggin mess. A failed society. And end up with a Dictator and misery. Just remember, the US saw the USSR as a bigger enemy before WWII than Germany until the day after Pearl when Germany declared war on the US.
If Socialism is far let and Fascism is the direct opposite of Socialism doesn't it make sense that it makes sense to label Fascism as far right? Use your noodle.

They both reject free-market capitalism, Darryl. They're not opposites.

I don't know why you're arguing so hard to stake claim to the far right of the spectrum. Your precious free market capitalism enables some of the worst elements of leftism like globalism, mass immigration and moral decay.

Free-market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

What system do you prefer and why aren't you living there?

And it's created more crushing poverty than any other as well.

Wrong again.

Case in point, India. It's extremely Capitalist and has more grinding poverty than any other nation on the face of the earth along with the richest elites in the world. They developed Religions to count for it and don't see it for what it really is. It's probably the most Capitalistic country on the face of the earth yet it has one of the highest starvation and sickness rates for the poor on the face of the earth to go with it.
...the Rumpsters that are asked why they support Rump and they can't really come up wiith a coherent complete sentence as to why?

Easy. Trump advocates policies that are better for the standard of living of average Americans.
That's why we have so many homeless and working poor barely making it on two or more jobs, right?

It's far better now than when your hero was president. Democratic welfare policies created ghettos, homelessness and hopelessness. You own it.

It's been that way for decades. We ALL own it. And why does it take 2 jobs now when one used to do it? Capital Greed.
If capitalism is so bad, why then does the world migrate to capitalist societies? By the way, in which socialist paradise do you live?
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.

Read into political situations much?
The only people seriously talking civil war are gun toting conservatives with violent fantasies.
I saw this meme on one of my libby friends page.

Thought it applied here.

You guys all crack me up.


The fuck you'll have to beat us to the punch.
Do us coastal elites a favor:

If you're going to have your little civil war, please do it in flyover country so nothing important gets fucked up.

Thank you!

No worries.
We'll never enter the cities. We'll just blow the power lines,rail lines,freeway bridges and your water supply.
Good luck eating asphalt.

And you assholes will be crushed just like the last time you started one of your stupid civil wars.
There will be no civil war. Trump cultists,for one, are far outnumbered. Second, they are geberally poor and not very well educated. If they miss a couple days of work, the bills dont get paid. They are sheeple. As soon as the senate and the evangelical leaders turn on trump, they will fall in line.'re out gunned and stuck in a city that can easily be starved out.
Not sure what geberally is but I'll call it a Freudian slip on your part.
What will bills matter in the midst of a civil war?
Food and fresh water will be the main issue. Which the cities wont have. think conservatives are poor.
...the Rumpsters that are asked why they support Rump and they can't really come up wiith a coherent complete sentence as to why?

Easy. Trump advocates policies that are better for the standard of living of average Americans.
That's why we have so many homeless and working poor barely making it on two or more jobs, right?

It's far better now than when your hero was president. Democratic welfare policies created ghettos, homelessness and hopelessness. You own it.
Na the minimum wage did that.
Do us coastal elites a favor:

If you're going to have your little civil war, please do it in flyover country so nothing important gets fucked up.

Thank you!

No worries.
We'll never enter the cities. We'll just blow the power lines,rail lines,freeway bridges and your water supply.
Good luck eating asphalt.

And you assholes will be crushed just like the last time you started one of your stupid civil wars.

We started? Check your history.
So you're going to venture out into the vast red area surrounding you?
You fools are on an island with your backs to the sea.
If it ever comes to a shooting war you morons stand no chance.

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