Democrats are pretending the cities aren’t burning


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Democrat Politicians are such disgusting frauds

The Democratic convention portrayed an America suffering from every possible sort of malady — except urban unrest.

Is the country going through a terrible pandemic? Yes. A punishing recession? Absolutely. Is our democratic system itself under threat? Of course. Is the planet about to be destroyed by inaction on climate change? Check. Are systemic racism, income inequality and corporate greed blighting our national life? Most definitely.

The Democrats put an accent on every disturbing development during the Trump years, but not on the disorder that has caused countless millions in property damage, killed and injured innocent people and contributed to rising lawlessness in cities around the country.

About that, they maintained a discreet silence.

Across four nights and eight hours of programming, no one mentioned it — not the community activists, not the mayors or governors, not the former presidents and first ladies, and emphatically not the party’s current nominees for president and vice president.

As far as the Democrats were concerned, recent events that have had a profound effect on urban communities — places almost uniformly governed by Democratic mayors — simply never happened.

The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.
so the cop shop in Minnesota didn't burn down? How about in Portland, nadda there too? dude, that's just fking ridiculous, even for you. have some courage to tell the fking truth ass hole. right now, you're just a fking fool. sold your soul to the devil did ya?

those are not burning cities you see, move on now. hahahahaahahaahahahahaha star wars this.
Dems are broadcasting propaganda 24/7. Only weeks ago they claimed the 'protests' were peaceful. With the dead and injured piling up, burning of property at an all time high, blatant looting and riots Dems are in panic mode.

They've painted themselves into a corner once again, BL. The BLM assholes are far worse and more out of control than they expected. The rioting, mobs and violence is now working against the the democrats. But if they crack down on them now, they then risk being seen siding with Trump, vindicating his earlier actions and proving he was right all along!
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.
Oh, you were there in Watts in 1968?

I was in Southern CA back in 1968 with my parents to visit my brother in San Diego.
You could see the smoke from fires in L.A 150 miles away.
We drove up to L.A. afterwards and drove thru.....didn't see any burned buildings.
Blacks were just doing what they always do....burning down their neighborhoods.

The difference between then and now is in CA they were arresting people and keeping them in jail.
They're not doing that now. In some cities the Dems are just booking them and then letting them back out.

The whole time I lived in CA the only black/white violence was blacks attacking whites.
I was held up twice in 1981 when I was in college while working nights at a Shop & Rob. Listened to the police scanner, most 211s (Robbery) the suspect was a "Black Male".
Now in San many blacks have moved away that not many blacks are left.

In 2003 many of them were moving to Atlanta and other cities in the East.....because they were trying to get away from the flood of Hispanics pouring over the border.
It's too fucking hot in Houston to loot and riot.
Give Laura a day or so.........that will change........

Yeah right, no power for a week or two would change the heat factor how?
I have 2 generators and work outside deal with must be a office boy.....LOL

Wow you must be tough, workin outside and all.....After Alicia I worked for a couple years repairing and laying hot tar roofs in Houston. That was some hot shit!
It's too fucking hot in Houston to loot and riot.
Give Laura a day or so.........that will change........

Yeah right, no power for a week or two would change the heat factor how?
I have 2 generators and work outside deal with must be a office boy.....LOL

Wow you must be tough, workin outside and all.....After Alicia I worked for a couple years repairing and laying hot tar roofs in Houston. That was some hot shit!
We are off for the storm..........LOL........will not hit us though.......headed to you.....still waiting on a call to go back to work.........Hurricane prep.......BS........Marcus didn't do squat.
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.

Have your wet dreams, and enough leftists - I increasingly don't consider you vermin to be people - will join you. But the cities ARE burning, AND property is being destroyed, AND lives are being lost, and it certainly ain't Watts of the left's heyday . . . it's worse. Congratulations. You leftists have far outdone the previous pinnacle of when you were evil garbage. Take a bow.
You keep pretending Republicans are bigots because you feel it.
Some sure are. You going to deny it?

I would argue most Democrats are bigots. You do know the definition, right?

...a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

It's too fucking hot in Houston to loot and riot.
We're waintn fer that ternader here! LOL

It's seems amusing to me that Portland is somehow "Americas city." I mean seriously. Portland was a comedy/reality show.

I still suppose it's possible that Trump can sell his dystopian vision of America. I regularly chat with my friends and family in Philly, Den and LA …. and there is a dystopian outlook, but its based on corvid. And if you believe the polls at all, middle America agrees that cops need to be retrained if not repurposed. Not many of them are bent upon assault and homicide but choking people to death and shooting them in the backs is just not ok. And when cops investigate cops, that seems to be the result most of the time.
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.

Have your wet dreams, and enough leftists - I increasingly don't consider you vermin to be people - will join you. But the cities ARE burning, AND property is being destroyed, AND lives are being lost, and it certainly ain't Watts of the left's heyday . . . it's worse. Congratulations. You leftists have far outdone the previous pinnacle of when you were evil garbage. Take a bow.
Clearly you can see the smoke from your back porch. (you can get the front page of the Denver Post for free today, btw)

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