Democrats are going against their own vaccine support by allowing UN-VACCINATED illegals to enter the country.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
As if we needed more proof that the Democrats are actively working to undermine America, they are now supporting the transport of 1500 illegals PER DAY being shipped to cities all over the country. THIRTY PERCENT of the illegals are refusing vaccines and they are STILL BEING ALLOWED IN. If you believe strongly in vaccination, then how do you feel about this?
As if we needed more proof that the Democrats are actively working to undermine America, they are now supporting the transport of 1500 illegals PER DAY being shipped to cities all over the country. THIRTY PERCENT of the illegals are refusing vaccines and they are STILL BEING ALLOWED IN. If you believe strongly in vaccination, then how do you feel about this? if the right wing wacko anti-vaxers were not enough now this..
The Rats should first vaccinate the million of infected hordes they are letting in.

After that, they can begin to talk about the vaccine on Americans.

Total hypocrites! :mad-61:
They are coming in on foot and by car and by the freaking bus load. They are from disease filled hovels in Haiti as well as Central America and Mexico and allegedly including some Euros and Jihadists. The doddering old fool in the W.H. has no idea and the democrat operatives are content to blame republicans and Christian evangelists for the covid outbreaks.
That coming from a Trump supporter...priceless.
Don't worry Qdog. There are plenty of former Biden supporters who feel worse about him than I do. But they know that the biggest problem with getting rid of him is that both of his immediate successors are even worse disasters. The people running the old man really set him up with a good insurance policy.
As if we needed more proof that the Democrats are actively working to undermine America, they are now supporting the transport of 1500 illegals PER DAY being shipped to cities all over the country. THIRTY PERCENT of the illegals are refusing vaccines and they are STILL BEING ALLOWED IN. If you believe strongly in vaccination, then how do you feel about this?
When all legal citizens get the vaccine, then you can complain.

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