Democrats are "double T" incompeTTent


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
North Missisippi
Bless their souls, the Dems just can't articulate in any widely acceptable way the facts and/or their positions on the dreaded "t" words, taxes and terror. Americans react positively or negatively when either of these words are mentioned but the point is, THEY REACT!!!!! Dems fail to fully appreciate the power or implications of even the mention of these words.

Taxes? They are still with us and as abundant as they have ever been. Many have been shifted amongst us but as a percentage of our income they are more heavily levied towards us working stiffs and our children than ever before in American history. Coupled with a declining income and employment we working stiffs and working poor are doubly "taxed" both in our contributiions to the workforce and to the coffers of the priveleged that exert their will upon us. Just the mention of a "tax-cut" sends the uninformed and just plain stupid to vote against their own self interests and to the advancement of the income and powers that place them in that predicament. Strange but true, but there are stranger things,,,,,I guess.

Terror? With all these Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and whatever other color warnings we have, many feel compelled to believe that WAR will somehow make us less afraid or vulnerable. I agree that WAR is sometimes necessary. But it is rarely if ever a means to create invulnerability. And especially so when no consideration whatsoever is given to the grievances of the opposition. In many cases, WAR creates martyrs and martyrs create more warriors. It's neverending. Even a casual look at human propensities and history will demonstrate that for you.

But, Democrats are incompeTTent, and sadly so. IMHO.

But, I'm a Believer. I believe in peaceful resolution of grievances and disagreements. I believe in fair distribution of work and profit. I believe in honesty, citizenship and societal values and FREEDOM. And I believe in Jesus. HE teaches plenty about all that. Jesus would be considered a liberal today. And I'm proud to announce that I'm for Jesus.

Dems and Christians Gotta Keep On Truckin'


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