Surfing around the web and reading Alternet, MoveOn, Kos, and Atrios, I'm convinced that the Democratic party is completely out of touch with main stream America.
They truly believe that those of us that choose to vote for GWB are not facing reality or to stupid to understand reality. They just can't understand that someone could have a different view or opinion. And I fear once again in '08 they will put forth a candidate that can not connect with the average American household.
Reading an article on Alternet, one writer claimed "it's not our country anymore", ahh it was never "your" country. And that right there is the problem. It's the American peoples country.
Heard one talk show host claim he was leaving the country because he didn't want to live under a dictatorship. Since when are dictators elected by 51% of the vote?
So for now I have to hope someone steps up in the next four years and forces this party back to middle.
They truly believe that those of us that choose to vote for GWB are not facing reality or to stupid to understand reality. They just can't understand that someone could have a different view or opinion. And I fear once again in '08 they will put forth a candidate that can not connect with the average American household.
Reading an article on Alternet, one writer claimed "it's not our country anymore", ahh it was never "your" country. And that right there is the problem. It's the American peoples country.
Heard one talk show host claim he was leaving the country because he didn't want to live under a dictatorship. Since when are dictators elected by 51% of the vote?
So for now I have to hope someone steps up in the next four years and forces this party back to middle.