Democrats Advised Not to Speak About Unpopular Open Borders Policies:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Advised Not to Speak About Unpopular Open Borders Policies: ‘It Is Very Difficult to Win on Immigration’
Democrats running for re-election in the 2018 midterms are being advised to not speak about the issue of immigration as consultants admit the zero-enforcement, open borders positions of the Democrat Party are unpopular with swing voters... In a memo obtained by the New York Times, left-wing consultants with the Center for American Progress and the think tank, Third Way, advised Democrats running for election to spend “as little time as possible” talking about the immigration issue facing the nation, where more than 1.5 million immigrants are admitted to the country every year.... The New York Times reported:
“Sanctuary attacks pack a punch,” says a four-page memorandum, prepared by the liberal Center for American Progress and the centrist think tank Third Way, that has been shared at about a dozen briefings for Democrats in recent weeks. The New York Times obtained a copy of the memo, whose findings are based on interviews and surveys conducted over the summer. [Emphasis added] … Democrats, the strategists who prepared the memo advised, could neutralize the attacks if they responded head-on. But they should spend “as little time as possible” talking about immigration itself, and instead pivot to more fruitful issues for Democrats like health care and taxation. [Emphasis added] … “It is very difficult to win on immigration with vulnerable voters in the states Trump carried in 2016,” the strategy memo said, arguing that “even the most draconian of Republican policies,” such as family separation and threats to deport the Dreamers —​
In an April Harvard/Harris Poll, nearly 2-out-3 supported reducing legal immigration levels to the U.S. In May, 52 percent of swing voters opposed allowing big businesses to import more foreign workers to compete against their fellow citizens for coveted blue-collar and white-collar jobs... Most specifically, 61 percent of swing voters in battleground districts who said immigration has changed their community claimed those changes are making life “worse” in America.

What three weeks to the election? A little late now to try and hide the last two years of open borders, full amnesty, disband ICE rhetoric, the disgraceful actions and lies against Kavanaugh, the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise and physically attacking Rand Paul.
Republicans will just run commercials showing their true Agenda, with video to back it up. TDS certainly made the left go Bat Crap Crazy using everything in the book of Alinsky and NOTHING stuck except the violence and hate they showed, that no one can forget, and an overwhelming number of us won't forgive.
Whys is it that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats think people will forget their calls to abolish ice, open the borders their false attack on Kavanaugh, #Antifa violence in Portland Oregon, etc.?
There's a reason PMS/DSA Democrats adhere to their own version of Islamic Taqiyya, the belief that it's acceptable and even necessary to lie about their beliefs and intentions. Win at all costs. The end justifies the means. All teachings of the Great Deceiver.
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.
Democrats need to speak on Republican abuse of immigrant families at the border
Taking children from parents
Trump repealing the Dream Act
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.

What, if anything, does that matter? in just eight years the Ds will celebrate two centuries of screwing their voters and doing what their contributors/bribers pay them to do.
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.

Democrats Advised Not to Speak About Unpopular Open Borders Policies
In a memo obtained by the New York Times, left-wing consultants with the Center for American Progress and the think tank, Third Way, advised Democrats running for election to spend “as little time as possible” talking about the immigration issue facing the nation, where more than 1.5 million immigrants are admitted to the country every year.
How unpopular is the Democrats' plan to abolish ICE?
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.

Too funny.

That tail has already been accurately pinned on that donkey.
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Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.

Democrats ARE for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens which promotes Open Borders as there is no downside to coming here illegally. So essentially they are for OPEN BORDERS. They want to change the Demographics of the U.S. in order to win elections. That's all.
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.

So can you tell us, what is the number of immigrants and illegals that can acceptably come in every year?
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Sweet stretch. I give you bonus points for making an attempt. So does Keith Ellison always make his official policies statements on T-shirts or just this one?
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.
Yeah, they all say they arent for open borders, but when you ask them what should be done to illegal aliens, they think they should be given amnesty and made US citizens, so you're all for open borders; you just lie about it.
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Sweet stretch. I give you bonus points for making an attempt. So does Keith Ellison always make his official policies statements on T-shirts or just this one?

Sounds like someone wants to renege.
Democrats (99% of them at least) are not for open borders, but when you get your news from Breitbart you'll believe pretty much anything.
Yeah, they all say they arent for open borders, but when you ask them what should be done to illegal aliens, they think they should be given amnesty and made US citizens, so you're all for open borders; you just lie about it.

Wrong again. At least you guys are consistent.
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Sweet stretch. I give you bonus points for making an attempt. So does Keith Ellison always make his official policies statements on T-shirts or just this one?

Sounds like someone wants to renege.

So is that a yes, All of Keith Ellison's official policy positions are printed on T-Shirts? Just want to be sure I'm understanding correctly.
RDD, you are a idiot if you believe what you just posted.

The ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY depends on the legalization and citizenship of the 30+ Million illegals in this country, who will - it is presumed - dependably vote Democrat.

If only 1% of Democrats favor open borders, how is it that EVERY ELECTED DEMOCRAT FROM MAINE TO HAWAII is included in this 1%? It is beyond a curiosity.

Open your eyes. Do you truly believe what you posted?

The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Sweet stretch. I give you bonus points for making an attempt. So does Keith Ellison always make his official policies statements on T-shirts or just this one?

Sounds like someone wants to renege.

So is that a yes, All of Keith Ellison's official policy positions are printed on T-Shirts? Just want to be sure I'm understanding correctly.

I really have no idea whether ALL of Ellison's policy positions are printed on t-shirts. You requested one specific position and got that. Now if you want to change your original statement, that's up to you.
The guy that doesn't know how to rotate his avatar 90 degrees is calling me an idiot.


Show me ONE democrat who is running for office that has listed in what they stand for, "Open borders". I'll leave the site forever if you can do that.

No kidding, I'm sure someone will miss you.
Keith Ellison Wears T-Shirt Calling For Open Borders [VIDEO]

Sweet stretch. I give you bonus points for making an attempt. So does Keith Ellison always make his official policies statements on T-shirts or just this one?

Sounds like someone wants to renege.

So is that a yes, All of Keith Ellison's official policy positions are printed on T-Shirts? Just want to be sure I'm understanding correctly.

I really have no idea whether ALL of Ellison's policy positions are printed on t-shirts. You requested one specific position and got that. Now if you want to change your original statement, that's up to you.

I ask for one example of a candidate who has listed that they stand for open borders. You showed me a tshirt. If that's where he puts his official policy positions you will have made your point. So my original statement stands, just waiting for your clarification so we can proceed here.

Help me to help you.

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