Democrats Admit Who They Support In Their Stimulus Bills


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats have made it clear in the last few weeks who they really support. They don't support children. They don't really support black folks. They don't support the LBGT community either. Nope......they have shown who they really support by insisting on giving millions of dollars to their favorite pet projects and their made them their priorities.

Note: If the Democrats are talking about something, you can bet your non-existent paycheck that exactly the opposite is true. Democrats claim that GOP bills are just slush funds for the rich....then turn around and stuff things for their buddies in a bill meant to help people out of work.

Below is the list of folks that Democrats have blocked bills over:

  • PBS and NPR
  • Illegals
  • The Media Outlets
  • Bonuses for themselves and their staff
  • Kennedy Center For Performing Arts
  • Planned-Parenthood
  • Tax credits for solar and wind projects
  • Required same-day voting so more people can cheat
  • $300 million for National Endowment Of The Arts and National Endowment For Humanities
  • Funding for Labor Unions
What's absolutely amazing this is the package Democrats claimed was a slush fund for the GOP. LOL!

This was 3 weeks ago. Now the Democrats are trying to cover up their malfeasance by proposing a $25,000 bonus for health care workers at the same time they're standing in the way of bailing out failing small businesses. They're also pushing a bailout for their friends in the corrupt media that are working so hard to cover up their criminal acts. At the same time, their media friends are on a massive tear to stop the use of drugs that have showed promise in fighting the virus. The utter gall of these asshats.

Pelosi wants to bail out local media because without them they have difficulty spreading their socialist propaganda.

The reason journalists need bailing out with taxpayer's funds is because the public isn't watching them much anymore. Nobody trusts the media. Even Democrat voters don't trust them. They want to be able to trust them....but after being caught in so many blatant lies the last 3 years, it's next to impossible for our media to regain it's Pelosi wants them not only to be controlled by the state...but beholden to the state through funding. She's saying screw the people in this country that are suffering.....they need their propaganda machine to be pumping out their bold-faced lies 24/7. Course if you look this story up on Google...all you see is stories of how the Democrats are trying to prevent the GOP for giving money to the rich. This is horseshit, because the latest bill involves small businesses that cannot earn during the shutdown. Still....looking online you would think that the GOP was up to something and the stinking Democrats are the ones actually acting like Mother Teresa. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats are going to bankrupt this country...but they need their propaganda arm fully funded.


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What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.
The sad part is that these leftist slime balls are very transparent in their anti-America thinking, yet many democrats still prostrate at their bloody/muddy shoes as if they are little gods.

It is pathetic when people are that easily brainwashed, when their little gods are trying to implement authoritarian socialism piece by piece.
What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.

Your ignorance of how the Federal budget was STRUCTURED many years ago, is why you failed to notice it was the Democrats who created this now annual budgetary mess in the first place.
Your ignorance of how the Federal budget was STRUCTURED many years ago, is why you failed to notice it was the Democrats who created this now annual budgetary mess in the first place.

Keep carrying that water for the duopoly, slave.

Democrats have made it clear in the last few weeks who they really support. They don't support children. They don't really support black folks. They don't support the LBGT community either. Nope......they have shown who they really support by insisting on giving millions of dollars to their favorite pet projects and their made them their priorities.

Note: If the Democrats are talking about something, you can bet your non-existent paycheck that exactly the opposite is true. Democrats claim that GOP bills are just slush funds for the rich....then turn around and stuff things for their buddies in a bill meant to help people out of work.

Below is the list of folks that Democrats have blocked bills over:

  • PBS and NPR
  • Illegals
  • The Media Outlets
  • Bonuses for themselves and their staff
  • Kennedy Center For Performing Arts
  • Planned-Parenthood
  • Tax credits for solar and wind projects
  • Required same-day voting so more people can cheat
  • $300 million for National Endowment Of The Arts and National Endowment For Humanities
  • Funding for Labor Unions
What's absolutely amazing this is the package Democrats claimed was a slush fund for the GOP. LOL!

This was 3 weeks ago. Now the Democrats are trying to cover up their malfeasance by proposing a $25,000 bonus for health care workers at the same time they're standing in the way of bailing out failing small businesses. They're also pushing a bailout for their friends in the corrupt media that are working so hard to cover up their criminal acts. At the same time, their media friends are on a massive tear to stop the use of drugs that have showed promise in fighting the virus. The utter gall of these asshats.

Pelosi wants to bail out local media because without them they have difficulty spreading their socialist propaganda.

The reason journalists need bailing out with taxpayer's funds is because the public isn't watching them much anymore. Nobody trusts the media. Even Democrat voters don't trust them. They want to be able to trust them....but after being caught in so many blatant lies the last 3 years, it's next to impossible for our media to regain it's Pelosi wants them not only to be controlled by the state...but beholden to the state through funding. She's saying screw the people in this country that are suffering.....they need their propaganda machine to be pumping out their bold-faced lies 24/7. Course if you look this story up on Google...all you see is stories of how the Democrats are trying to prevent the GOP for giving money to the rich. This is horseshit, because the latest bill involves small businesses that cannot earn during the shutdown. Still....looking online you would think that the GOP was up to something and the stinking Democrats actually acting like Mother Teresa. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats are going to bankrupt this country...but they need their propaganda arm fully funded.


Complete garbage as usual.

The arts (museums, theaters, performing arts) only exist if there are audiences. They are arguably more affected than any other group. Certainly more affected than most Manufacturing, and banking which is mostly done online.

That blob supporters can’t think for themselves and therefore can’t comprehend such things that challenge them explains why they have now made this their whipping boy.
The height of Irony...
The Senate creates a bill for $250 billion for small businesses, something no one disagrees with.
The Dems call it a political stunt, and say they will create their own... which will basically include the "political stunt" measures of the Senate Bill.... but add another $250 Bn for "minority and "disadvantaged" businesses. But... THAT is not a political stunt.
You can't make this stuff up.
What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.

Your ignorance of how the Federal budget was STRUCTURED many years ago, is why you failed to notice it was the Democrats who created this now annual budgetary mess in the first place.
It's called Baseline Budgeting.
The latest was during the Obama Administration......with the help of a few RINOs like Paul Ryan.
Stop being suckers dem voters...when will you wake up and smell the coffee....the elected dems lie to you all the time...stop falling for it.....

They'll never stop falling for it and the party knows their sycophants will for vote for them anyway come election time- just like their Republican counterparts will. How many decades has the GOP claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but once elected spend like Powerball winners?
In 3 1/2 years Dems haven't been able to come up with one idea or solution for anything. They have no platform other than resist and that's why they are panicking. They just have nothing to offer, especially to the American worker. So it's only natural that when some loose money is sitting on the table, they grab for it. Actually, that's all they have been able to do for Trump's entire term. Democrats are just not equipped to lead. Not only that, but they seem to have the floozy, AOC, in mind for the next go round. Too crazy. Happy Easter.
Your ignorance of how the Federal budget was STRUCTURED many years ago, is why you failed to notice it was the Democrats who created this now annual budgetary mess in the first place.

Keep carrying that water for the duopoly, slave.
Gosh you keep trying to convince me of your ignorance, I am already convinced!

Here is a little quiz for you:

Which political party passed the following?

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Earned income tax credit, SSI, Assistance for needy families, SNAP, and a few more small mandated entitlements stuff.

All of which combined is over FIFTY PERCENT of the Federal Budget today.
Stop being suckers dem voters...when will you wake up and smell the coffee....the elected dems lie to you all the time...stop falling for it.....

They'll never stop falling for it and the party knows their sycophants will for vote for them anyway come election time- just like their Republican counterparts will. How many decades has the GOP claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but once elected spend like Powerball winners?
NEITHER party has been fiscally responsible, NEVER have, stop being a partisan hack!
What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.
not sure I understand your blind partisan rant here. I'm not for any of it. I'm also not for destruction of the economy. So what's the correct way to recover this shit fest the media wanted us in. Open it up dude, tell us how?
Stop being suckers dem voters...when will you wake up and smell the coffee....the elected dems lie to you all the time...stop falling for it.....

They'll never stop falling for it and the party knows their sycophants will for vote for them anyway come election time- just like their Republican counterparts will. How many decades has the GOP claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but once elected spend like Powerball winners?
NEITHER party has been fiscally responsible, NEVER have, stop being a partisan hack!

No shit. That's my entire point. The duopoly and their slaves are fucking killing us.
What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.
not sure I understand your blind partisan rant here. I'm not for any of it. I'm also not for destruction of the economy. So what's the correct way to recover this shit fest the media wanted us in. Open it up dude, tell us how?

Obliviously you don't understand my rant as I am not for *any* of this shit either. The Democratic and Republican parties are spending us into oblivion, but you'll keep voting for our own destruction like a good duoplists cuck. Don't despair, you'll have plenty of company.
What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.
not sure I understand your blind partisan rant here. I'm not for any of it. I'm also not for destruction of the economy. So what's the correct way to recover this shit fest the media wanted us in. Open it up dude, tell us how?

Obliviously you don't understand my rant as I am not for *any* of this shit either. The Democratic and Republican parties are spending us into oblivion, but you'll keep voting for our own destruction like a good duoplists cuck. Don't despair, you'll have plenty of company.
I'm not going to let a more ruthless vertebrae run me, so I will vote for a lesser of evil every time. I will not forfeit my vote to a person I know can't win.

More dishonesty on the left. It has been since before the earth was discovered round. They pay off challengers and own them afterward, no matter party affiliation, That's why money is the root of all evil. it comes from the left. The old, you'll do as I say or else..... line
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Stop being suckers dem voters...when will you wake up and smell the coffee....the elected dems lie to you all the time...stop falling for it.....

They'll never stop falling for it and the party knows their sycophants will for vote for them anyway come election time- just like their Republican counterparts will. How many decades has the GOP claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but once elected spend like Powerball winners?
So....wasting billions on non-related sources during a national crisis is okay because in the past, politicians from both parties spent our money like drunken sailors?

Stop being suckers dem voters...when will you wake up and smell the coffee....the elected dems lie to you all the time...stop falling for it.....

They'll never stop falling for it and the party knows their sycophants will for vote for them anyway come election time- just like their Republican counterparts will. How many decades has the GOP claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but once elected spend like Powerball winners?
So....wasting billions on non-related sources during a national crisis is okay because in the past, politicians from both parties spent our money like drunken sailors?

he's one of the ultimate fkwads in here.
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What a refreshing change of pace to see Mudwhistle show concern about bankrupting our nation. I guess the cat has finally returned his tongue. :lol:

Let’s be real: The blind partisan twats here only care about the government making it rain if they think it will go to people or groups they oppose.
not sure I understand your blind partisan rant here. I'm not for any of it. I'm also not for destruction of the economy. So what's the correct way to recover this shit fest the media wanted us in. Open it up dude, tell us how?

Obliviously you don't understand my rant as I am not for *any* of this shit either. The Democratic and Republican parties are spending us into oblivion, but you'll keep voting for our own destruction like a good duoplists cuck. Don't despair, you'll have plenty of company.
I'm not going to let a more ruthless vertebrae run me, so I will vote for a lesser of evil every time. I will not forfeit my vote to a person I know can't win.

More dishonesty on the left. It has been since before the earth was discovered round.

I have stopped voting for a President since 2006, I have come to realize voting for the lesser evil, is no longer a viable way to end this bumbling direction this country is heading. It doesn't make much difference anymore since BOTH parties are getting worse and worse over time in dealing with the economy. They waste enormous amounts of money every year now, though the budget loan they have to pay for, massively bloated military spending in peacetime is more absurd every year. The Mandated funding that slowly overwhelming the revenue inflow as it goes higher and higher over time, it will eventually reach over 90% GDP in a few decades from now.

America has been dying slowly for decades now, past history of governments of human history, tells us that a succession of bad leaders and governments has been the number one cause of the nation falling apart, it will happen unless the voters by arms, overthrow the corrupt mess that now festers Washington DC, reset it back to the Founding Fathers concept of a REPUBLIC.
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