Democrat Rep. Jim Cooper is backtracking on his comments likening South Carolina Republican voters to people with Down syndrome


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
hope he enjoys becoming a lobbyist

Down Syndrome.
Watson and Crick discovered the DNA stuff, with 23 pairs of chromosomes, all matched except for the so-called sex chromosomes XX for female, XY for male.
All fertile human gametes have 23 chromosomes which split out randomly from the paired chromosomes during meiosis.
If a gamete has only 22 chromosomes it is almost undoubtedly infertile, but if it has an extra chromosome for a total of 24 (in the case of an ovum) it may be fertile.

Trisomy 21 it is called. The 21st chromosome --- i.e. the second smallest of the non-sex pairs arranged in order of size --- allegedly has three copies rather than the usual two -- the extra has to be from the mother, because the spermatozoon is too small and too tight a package to have carried the extra chromosome.

The smaller the chromosome, of course, the easier it is for an extra copy to sneak into the mother's egg somehow during meiosis, whereas a triplicate of the 22nd chromosome, the smallest, is usually too catastrophic to allow normal development, because of the specific code it contains.

Down's Syndrome symptoms are often so subtle, that I suspect many perfectly normal people have Down's. live normal lives, have normal intelligence, and never know or realize they have the condition.
Normal human cells usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes; however, cancer cells can have 50 or more chromosomes. ... This may reveal novel ways to tackle additional changes in chromosome numbers seen in patients who suffer from BubR1 mutations.Jul 28, 2017
How human cells maintain the correct number of chromosomes ...
I think he means to say for people to re-elect Lindsey Graham must be like a cancerous group.

I don't agree with Cooper in the 2nd read, the republican party is who they are shown to be,

a lot of them stood by when they the tramp admin decided to throw out millions of citizen votes and they still are.

They are a cancer that has run through the USA.
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