Rep. Clyburn Wins In South Carolina! (Biden Now On His Own!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The South Carolina support for the Biden Nomination is now more widely known to have arisen from Rep Jim Clyburn, mostly a locally known state name. So Biden's win was exaggerated wildly--a happening--but otherwise now being measured a Clyburn turnout--not too likely in other states.

Joe Biden: James Clyburn, a South Carolina icon, helped drive comeback

The Steyer campaign took the biggest hit, but mostly Sanders did better than expected--countering the outpouring of a local, powerhouse endorsement, with support among a younger voter turnout, less reliant on any elder sense of obligation. That included Black younger voters. Now the Compare and Contrast shifts to Texas and California: With

Back to, "All politics is Local," with needed Turnout, Turnout Turnout!.

Sanders looks like the momentum candidate.

Super Tuesday: Why it's such a big day in the 2020 presidential race

It is likely that the Liberal Democrats noted the turnout dynamics, first. "The Torch has passed to a dying generation," is nowhere cited among remarks made famous! The Generational Torch is more likely getting passed from the Sanders campaign, able to create an Obama-like movement.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses seems to have ascribed, "Everlasting Life" to usury arithmetic, in another apparent fact: Deut 23: 19-20(?)!)
And when the Democrats screw Bernie again, the fireworks will be fun to watch!!!

And just to make it "fair", I'll use LIBERAL sources to make my point!!!

Superdelegates would "risk intraparty damage“ to block Sanders: report

One thing about the Global Stock Market meltdown is the Giant Basis of New Data that the Nationalist Supremacists claim of an end to outsourcing is exposed a colossal fraud. As fraud after fraud is more and more exposed, then trepidation regarding the course of future changes is more likely positive, and so not so negative.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When the Cast Out are Cast Out(?) Matt 25: 14-30--Nationalist Supremacist versions of Heaven!
One thing about the Global Stock Market meltdown is the Giant Basis of New Data that the Nationalist Supremacists claim of an end to outsourcing is exposed a colossal fraud. As fraud after fraud is more and more exposed, then trepidation regarding the course of future changes is more likely positive, and so not so negative.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When the Cast Out are Cast Out(?) Matt 25: 14-30--Nationalist Supremacist versions of Heaven!
Your open pandering of failure is about to smack you in the damn head..

The virus appears to be burning out in China and slowing everywhere else on earth so this thing could end very quickly and make no mistake, the economy will rebound very quickly... What will be your excuse for failing to take Trump out then?
Doctoral respected(?), Clueless Billy_Bob poster: fails to cite any sources, noted. Wishful blathering is about the Nationalist Supremacist brand.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Moses even created Deut 23: 19-20, according to legends!)
"Dire emergency" for China, "Grave Threat to the Rest of The World" is in the first link of illiterate Billy_Bob poster as evidence of White House solving the problem(?). Activity in China has to increase at some point, and so the threat(?): Is the message in the second link posted from illiterate Billy_Bob poster.

Socialist solutions, Senator Sanders with that momentum branded of his campaign: Are praised, in fact, in both links. Now the cases in fact are worldwide, and so crisis growing all due to clearly illiterate White House types, even hoping to pray it away(?). "Outer Darkness" is in their prayers, even!

It is mostly too late to contain the exposure, of the Nationalist Supremacist widely circulated fraud, of alleging to end job and industry outsourcing of USA worldwide. Supply-chains have been stopped, and products available from outsourced production stopped. No more inventories are under way.

White House is not showing anything socialist to even ramp up emergency production!

Goldman sees zero earnings growth for US companies this year because of coronavirus

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The "Outer Darkness" in the prayers of millions and millions: Matt 25:14-30!)

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