Democrat politicians set to rob the public to pay reperations to slaves.

One HUGE problem is that many of the figures used to determine how the handouts are distributed.and, their effectiveness are nowhere close to accurate.

I grew up in a miserably poor area. It was basically half black and half hispanic. There were a few white and Japanese residents also.

I helped a friend who had a small grocery store. On the first of the month people would hang out around the store. They'd sell their food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar. The money was used to buy booze or spent in beer joints or to buy pot.

Others worked for cash while collecting welfare for 2 or 3 kids. Many were prostitutes, some of whom lived with families who were in section 8 housing and, or, receiving other kinds of welfare.

One family consisting of a middle-aged mother,two approximately 24 and 30 years of age and a daughter about 25 years of age (who turned tricks). All lived in a Section 8 apartment for which they paid the mighty sum of THIRTY FIVE fucking dollars per month.

One woman with 3 kids collected welfare and food stamps, had a live-in boyfriend who worked. The woman also worked for her uncle who paid her 200 bucks a week and provided her with a small apartment, for free. One Christmas a local religious group was giving free turkeys and extras to the poor. This whore went and got a turkey and trimmings then, a bit later, Denny her pre-teen son to get another free turkey.

One night, instead of counting sheep, I counted women neighbors who turned tricks to supple.ent their welfare. I counted ten, before I fell asleep.

I know tons of people abusing the welfare system. That's one of the reasons I am absolutely against throwing more money away on these loafers and hustlers.

I could go on for a long, long, time, but I'm sure the idea is clear by now.

Reparations are pure bullshit. Imo, it's just another way to waste taxpayer money on worthless, lazy, scumbags.

Enjoy your joketeenth garbage day.
Your post is full of lies. Reparations are owed. Money earned off black bodies made wealth for whites that blacks have been excluded from. You talk shit while rich white men take billions from you. Dumb ass.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Corrupt stupid mayors..
Among its many other provisions, ARRA increased
monthly benefits for SNAP participants. When the
law took effect, the maximum monthly benefit for a
household of four was raised by 13.6 percent, from $588
to $668.

Okay, it's still a pittance.

668/30 comes out to $22.26. Or 5.56 a person. You try feeding a person on 5.56 a day.

Our economic war worked very well against all the Communist countries

Yeah, they went broke 20 years before we did.

An economic war against Venezuela? By obama? Link?
ILMAO you've never heard of interest & inflation I guess. Besides you're wrong. You're trying to argue those WHO PAY TAXES receive too many entitlements while THOSE WHO DON'T not enough. Your math is all fucked up from start,$1000 spread out over 50 people is different than $500 spread out over 20. Apples and oranges, they're not remotely the same thing.

I knew the math is too complicated for you. But my point stands. Middle Class Entitlements are bankrupting the country. We spend 2.5 Trillion on Middle Class entitlements and only 800 billion on poverty relief, if you count Medicaid as a poverty program. (Take out Medicaid, and it comes to less than 200 Billion).

The point is, EVERYONE Pays taxes, even the poor. The rich don't pay enough in taxes, and that's a large part of our problem.

Hey speak of the Democrats raping their country, check this out on Social Security. You probably won't find this on Youtube or facebook, them people are communists in the making Demonicrats:

Well, yeah, what that Shrill Bitch left out was that it was Ronald Reagan who reformed Social Security in the 1980's to increase the individual contribution from 1% to 6%. At the same time he cut taxes on rich people. In short, he shifted the tax burden from the wealthy (where it belongs) to working people. (As the wealthy cap out after 100K or so.)

The stuff about LBJ was bullshit. Social Security was posting surpluses all along, and it was Bush who cut taxes again and then put a war on a credit card. That's why Social Security is hurting right now.

Let's not forget all Paul Ryan's whacky Libertarian Schemes to eliminate social security, or Dubya's attempt to turn it over to Wall Street right before the market crashed in 2008.
For a time, I helped a friend who had a small grocery store. On the first of the month people would hang out around the store. They'd sell their food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar. The money was used to buy booze or spent in beer joints or to buy pot.
Okay, I remember that being a thing in the 1980's, too. Then they replaced physical food stamps with an EBT card. Problem solved.

Others worked for cash while collecting welfare for 2 or 3 kids. Many were prostitutes, some of whom lived with families who were in section 8 housing and, or, receiving other kinds of welfare.

One family consisting of a middle-aged mother,two approximately 24 and 30 years of age and a daughter about 25 years of age (who turned tricks). All lived in a Section 8 apartment for which they paid the mighty sum of THIRTY FIVE fucking dollars per month.

One woman with 3 kids collected welfare and food stamps, had a live-in boyfriend who worked. The woman also worked for her uncle who paid her 200 bucks a week, under the table, and provided her with a small apartment, for free. One Christmas a local religious group was giving free turkeys and extras to the poor. This whore went and got a turkey and trimmings then, a bit later, sent her pre-teen son to get another free turkey.

One night, instead of counting sheep, I counted women neighbors who turned tricks to supple.ent their welfare. I counted ten, before I fell asleep.

I know tons of people abusing the welfare system. That's one of the reasons I am absolutely against throwing more money away on these loafers and hustlers.

Wow, you seem to know a lot of prostitutes... I wonder why?

Sounds to me like a good reason to make prostitution legal and regulate it.

The reality is that you have a lot of "under the table" economy going on. I know a lot of union tradesmen who do electrical, plumbing and HVAC work on the side for people in their neighborhood and take cash under the table. Most waitresses under-report their tips.

Now all that said, I'm entirely for replacing welfare with workfare. You get a benefit, but you have to provide labor . Of course, the people who would be against that would be the public service unions and the companies that provide services to government agencies.
Are the Democrats going to put out an official 'Reparations' Schedule, showing the timeline they will follow to pay Nativa Americans, Japanese Americans, Irish Americans, etc... everyone who has ever been wronged in the past?

Or are 'Reparations' just a Marxist BLACK-ONLY appeasement thing?
I have no problem paying former slaves...i just wish someone should show me one. I’d like to meet the oldest person alive today

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Christ. You're as dumb as a stump and twice as racist.
One HUGE problem is that many of the figures used to determine how the handouts are distributed.and, their effectiveness are nowhere close to accurate.

I grew up in a miserably poor area. It was basically half black and half hispanic. There were a few white and Japanese residents also.

I helped a friend who had a small grocery store. On the first of the month people would hang out around the store. They'd sell their food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar. The money was used to buy booze or spent in beer joints or to buy pot.

Others worked for cash while collecting welfare for 2 or 3 kids. Many were prostitutes, some of whom lived with families who were in section 8 housing and, or, receiving other kinds of welfare.

One family consisting of a middle-aged mother,two approximately 24 and 30 years of age and a daughter about 25 years of age (who turned tricks). All lived in a Section 8 apartment for which they paid the mighty sum of THIRTY FIVE fucking dollars per month.

One woman with 3 kids collected welfare and food stamps, had a live-in boyfriend who worked. The woman also worked for her uncle who paid her 200 bucks a week and provided her with a small apartment, for free. One Christmas a local religious group was giving free turkeys and extras to the poor. This whore went and got a turkey and trimmings then, a bit later, Denny her pre-teen son to get another free turkey.

One night, instead of counting sheep, I counted women neighbors who turned tricks to supple.ent their welfare. I counted ten, before I fell asleep.

I know tons of people abusing the welfare system. That's one of the reasons I am absolutely against throwing more money away on these loafers and hustlers.

I could go on for a long, long, time, but I'm sure the idea is clear by now.

Reparations are pure bullshit. Imo, it's just another way to waste taxpayer money on worthless, lazy, scumbags.

Enjoy your joketeenth garbage day.
Your post is full of lies. Reparations are owed. Money earned off black bodies made wealth for whites that blacks have been excluded from. You talk shit while rich white men take billions from you. Dumb ass.
1. Juneteenth will go the way of kwanza....
2. Reparations are not "owed" because slavery ended more than 150 years ago. When the GOP takes control of government I hope they eliminate all references to race on all forms, especially the census. There are no "blacks" only "mixed race". The "one drop rule" is one of the last vestiges of racism that needs to be eliminated. We are all "Americans" (or not American), we need to eliminate all references to race everywhere. Its a divisive crutch that needs to be eliminated.
Are the Democrats going to put out an official 'Reparations' Schedule, showing the timeline they will follow to pay Nativa Americans, Japanese Americans, Irish Americans, etc... everyone who has ever been wronged in the past?

Or are 'Reparations' just a Marxist BLACK-ONLY appeasement thing?

Japanese Americans were already paid reparations for the one year they spent in internment during a war started by their cousins.

I have no problem paying reparations to Native Americans.

As for immigrants like the Irish and the Germans, they get "Americanized" in a generation or two... and they came here voluntarily.
1. Juneteenth will go the way of kwanza....
2. Reparations are not "owed" because slavery ended more than 150 years ago. When the GOP takes control of government I hope they eliminate all references to race on all forms, especially the census. There are no "blacks" only "mixed race". The "one drop rule" is one of the last vestiges of racism that needs to be eliminated. We are all "Americans" (or not American), we need to eliminate all references to race everywhere. Its a divisive crutch that needs to be eliminated.

This is the way you solve problems, pretending they don't exist?
1. Juneteenth will go the way of kwanza....
2. Reparations are not "owed" because slavery ended more than 150 years ago. When the GOP takes control of government I hope they eliminate all references to race on all forms, especially the census. There are no "blacks" only "mixed race". The "one drop rule" is one of the last vestiges of racism that needs to be eliminated. We are all "Americans" (or not American), we need to eliminate all references to race everywhere. Its a divisive crutch that needs to be eliminated.

This is the way you solve problems, pretending they don't exist?
The only reason race problems exist is because democrats keep playing the race card. Dems love to keep their "voters" on their urban plantations.
Now the dems upped their game by adding Marxism to their playbook. The 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory are being promoted to document that the races are not equal and that blacks are "owed" some form of compensation, because they are apparently inferior and can't survive without welfare.

In 2021 I'm saying that the playing field is level, we are color-blind and don't need to play the race card anymore.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Christ. You're as dumb as a stump and twice as racist.
Lazy & pointless post.
In 2021 I'm saying that the playing field is level, we are color-blind and don't need to play the race card anymore.

Anyone who says that is a fucking retard. I mean, that has to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen said. Racism is alive and well in 2021.

The only reason race problems exist is because democrats keep playing the race card. Dems love to keep their "voters" on their urban plantations.

I realize this is what they tell you on Hate Radio... Try having an original thought once in a while. Blacks vote Democratic because for the last 50 years, racism has been part and parcel of the GOP approach, from Nixon's Southern Strategy up to Trump's Birtherism.

Now the dems upped their game by adding Marxism to their playbook. The 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory are being promoted to document that the races are not equal and that blacks are "owed" some form of compensation, because they are apparently inferior and can't survive without welfare.

Without repeating the whole thread, the people who live on "Welfare" are White folks who get all sorts of "Entitlements", far more than we spend on poverty relief. We spend 2.5 TRILLION a year on Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, and Unemployment Insurance to benefit middle class, mostly white people.

And while people of color are overrepresented on the welfare rolls, the majority of people getting actual welfare are white.

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank's 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.

Just over 40 percent of SNAP recipients are white. Another 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American, according to a 2015 Department of Agriculture report.

Just like the primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women.

Like I said 10 years ago....... the day America pays reparations to blacks, even though almost 40% of them have no American slave descendants - is the day the race war begins.
This nation will return to the 1960's race hatred.
In 2021 I'm saying that the playing field is level, we are color-blind and don't need to play the race card anymore.

Anyone who says that is a fucking retard. I mean, that has to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen said. Racism is alive and well in 2021.

The only reason race problems exist is because democrats keep playing the race card. Dems love to keep their "voters" on their urban plantations.

I realize this is what they tell you on Hate Radio... Try having an original thought once in a while. Blacks vote Democratic because for the last 50 years, racism has been part and parcel of the GOP approach, from Nixon's Southern Strategy up to Trump's Birtherism.

Now the dems upped their game by adding Marxism to their playbook. The 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory are being promoted to document that the races are not equal and that blacks are "owed" some form of compensation, because they are apparently inferior and can't survive without welfare.

Without repeating the whole thread, the people who live on "Welfare" are White folks who get all sorts of "Entitlements", far more than we spend on poverty relief. We spend 2.5 TRILLION a year on Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, and Unemployment Insurance to benefit middle class, mostly white people.

And while people of color are overrepresented on the welfare rolls, the majority of people getting actual welfare are white.

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank's 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.

Just over 40 percent of SNAP recipients are white. Another 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American, according to a 2015 Department of Agriculture report.

Just like the primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women.

1. Racism only exists in 2021 because democrats are trying to promote it.
2. More blacks voted for Trump than any other GOP candidate ever. Maybe they prefer Trump's "color-blind" policies over the democrat's slave/reparations/equity/Marxist policies?
3. Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, and veteran benefits are benefits that are earned and paid for our entire working lives. Medicaid and welfare are unearned charity, aka "safety-nets".
Medicaid enrollment by race. Mostly minorities.

Welfare recipients by race. Again, mostly minorities, not white. So you lied.

4. WTF does affirmative action helping white women have to do with Racism? Its the 1619 Project and CRT that I'm furious about. Promoting race wars is a bad idea. Especially when there are very few "blacks" in the US population. Most are "mixed race" like Tiger Woods.
This will surprise many, but I’m fully in favor of a one-time Reparations payment to every family that can prove direct lineage to a verifiable slave.

However, at the same time ALL Federal, State and Local affirmaoaction programs are permanently disbanded.
This will surprise many, but I’m fully in favor of a one-time Reparations payment to every family that can prove direct lineage to a verifiable slave.

However, at the same time ALL Federal, State and Local affirmative-action programs are permanently disbanded.
Paying reparations won't happen outside of a few urban-plantations. Slavery ended more than 150 years ago.
I do support ending affirmative-action programs, the US needs to get past race and be color-blind.
Paying reparations won't happen outside of a few urban-plantations. Slavery ended more than 150 years ago.
I do support ending affirmative-action programs, the US needs to get past race and be color-blind
I think we can reduce the number of payouts more than just limit out to the urban cancer centers… by forcing these folks to PROVE they are descendants of actual slaves. Most won’t be able to do it.

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