Democrat Insanity At its Finest


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.
As a Commercial driver for over 22 years and former school bus operator, I am vehemently opposed to this idea. Want to solve the driver shortage? Bring back neighborhood schools for one, and pay school bus drivers better, offer good benefits. The district drivers do that, it's the contractors who don't.
Schools around here hire psychotic lunatics, pedophiles, drug addicts, alcoholics, and ex-cons as school bus drivers. And they constantly and consistently run red lights, stop signs, and speed down streets, regardless of how heavy the traffic is!

They've come VERY close to "taking me out" when I'm passing a side street, from them SPEEDING through the stop signs, and the piggies nor the school district give a damn.
As a Commercial driver for over 22 years and former school bus operator, I am vehemently opposed to this idea. Want to solve the driver shortage? Bring back neighborhood schools for one, and pay school bus drivers better, offer good benefits. The district drivers do that, it's the contractors who don't.
What's a damned shame is that our highschool student's somehow became to stupid or irresponsible to drive the school buses, otherwise like they were doing when we grew up. What happened ? Oh that's right "leftism" happened. Back quite.
Schools around here hire psychotic lunatics, pedophiles, drug addicts, alcoholics, and ex-cons as school bus drivers. And they constantly and consistently run red lights, stop signs, and speed down streets, regardless of how heavy the traffic is!

They've come VERY close to "taking me out" when I'm passing a side street, from them SPEEDING through the stop signs, and the piggies nor the school district give a damn.
Where I live the school buses stop on 60 mile and hour 4 lane roadways in curves. 18 wheelers traveling 60 miles and hour downhill, then round the curve loaded, and traffic is backed up just around the curve out of site.... The truck driver takes evasive action usually totaling the truck, hurting no one but him or herself because they love the children, and don't want to hurt anyone involved. Many complaints have been made to the highway patrol, and to the school district all of which had fallen into deaf ears. The carnage continues.
Schools around here hire psychotic lunatics, pedophiles, drug addicts, alcoholics, and ex-cons as school bus drivers. And they constantly and consistently run red lights, stop signs, and speed down streets, regardless of how heavy the traffic is!

They've come VERY close to "taking me out" when I'm passing a side street, from them SPEEDING through the stop signs, and the piggies nor the school district give a damn.
Where is "around here"?

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