Democrat: gop Colleagues Say They're 'Afraid For Their Lives' If They Vote To Impeach trump


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

"If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families."

Is there evidence of these threats to kill families? IF so, did they go to the authorities to report it? Surely, their lawyers have advised they do so, as this is a high crime to do such a thing. I need more than an article to believe it like court records for instance.

It was predictable that Lynn Cheney would get on board with the second impeachment attempt-Trump called her out in his Jan 6th speech so there's no surprise there. So are we supposed to believe that if the impeachment fails it was primarily due to Republicans receiving death threats about their families? Is this accurate?
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

I’m pretty sure they have nothing to worry about.
Was it crazed GOP’ers who shot Steve Scalise, who banged on Josh Hawley’s door and harassed his wife, was it GOP backed BLM’ers who burnt shit down and demanded people in residential neighborhoods turn over their homes?
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

Fortunately there never was secrecy in how our elected representatives (House, Senate, State level, County Level, City/Town level) vote. This irrational whining is simply to try to push this into an entirely into a secretive, responsible-to-nobody society. Masks may remain in vogue a Hell of a lot longer than you might think.
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

like you really care about them.....
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

Maybe those referenced in the OP are not really as stupid as they act!

There are several online merchants offering armor topped beds with drop down sides where they might logically try for a good night's sleep.
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

Just like all the judges are afraid to hear Trump's case.
You don't like it when it happens to your side, do you?
Of course not; it's the same old pathetic group that you always loved, at least until you hated Trump more than them.
Make no mistake. I have no love for the GOP.

But there IS no GOP any more.

There is only the Trump cult
You are delusional.
Once again, the Ds and Rs are 99% compliant with each other.
According to Bernie Sanders, they get together and discuss how to vote so that it looks like they disagree...they don't.
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

Democrats are the ones who shoot and attack politicians, not republicans. We have numerous recent examples of it. :cuckoo:
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

Pure comedy gold.....
This shouldn't happen in America. A politician shouldn't fear for their lives for a vote they cast in congress. Yet that is today's reality.

What is even more wrong, it's republicans who are are afraid their constituents and fellow republicans who are threatening them and their family's lives.

If you don't like how your congressional representative votes, it's no reason to threaten to kill them or their families.

It's very sad that people need to be told this.

The twice impeached president trump has twisted the minds of the RWNJs and turned them into robotic cultists. He has them brainwashed to a level far beyond that accomplished by Reagan.

The RWNJs weren't completely crazy under Reagan's "spell", but their weasel-in-chief has made them dangerous to anyone unwilling to "drink the Kool Aide" he's serving up.

Congressional Republicans include two kinds, eager drinkers of the Kool Aide and those terrified not to. Both kinds enabled the twice impeached president trump's corruption and now his attempted coup.



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