Democrat family values? Nancy Pelosi curiously silent about the Confederate statues her dad put up


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrat family values? Nancy Pelosi curiously silent about the Confederate statues her dad put up

12 Jun 2020 ~~ By Monica Showalter
House speaker Nancy Pelosi, following the lead of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, is doing her part to address Congress's priority these days, which is Denouncing the Confederates.
She's busy calling for removal of Confederate statues from the Capitol, apparently noticing for the first time after 33 years in the House that the Confederates all around her were a problem.
According to Breitbart News:
"As I have said before, the halls of Congress are the very heart of our democracy. The statues in the Capitol should embody our highest ideals as Americans, expressing who we are and who we aspire to be as a nation," Pelosi said in her letter to Committee Chair Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Vice Chair Zoe Lofgren (D-CA).​
"Monuments to men who advocated cruelty and barbarism to achieve such a plainly racist end are a grotesque affront to these ideals," she continued. "Their statues pay homage to hate, not heritage. They must be removed."​

This leaves hanging a little problem that she has observed omertà on. Breitbart continues:
[H]er father, Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., oversaw the dedication of such a statue in Baltimore's Wyman Park — the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument — as mayor of the city in 1948. At the time, the Speaker's father said people could look to Jackson's and Lee's lives as inspiration and urged Americans to "emulate Jackson's example and stand like a stone wall against aggression in any form that would seek to destroy the liberty of the world."​
"World Wars I and II found the North and South fighting for a common cause, and the generalship and military science displayed by these two great men in the War between the States lived on and were applied in the military plans of our nation in Europe and the Pacific areas," D'Alesandro said at the dedication ceremony, as detailed by the Baltimore Sun.​
So where's her #ITakeResponsibility video clip of Mao-style self-criticism such as the Hollywood chi-chi crowd is putting out? Where's her "I will say something when my family members put up Confederate statues," or "I will take down my father's Confederate statues and repudiate his words as racist"? No #ITakeResponsibility there. She and her Democratic party are taking their policy directives from Antifa and Black Lives Matter these days, so merely kneeling in a kente cloth stole to appease leftists and not being able to get up is hardly enough.
Yet her act is so mercenary, so dishonest, so hypocritical, that one can only wonder why she's covering for family members who were all in on erecting Confederate statues as most Democrats at one time were. Seems her close-knit Italian family values might be keeping her back on that one.

Hmm...., I wonder how many of these activist loonies are planning to return their Fulbrights scholarship universities? BTW did Barry Soetoro get a Filbright scholarship?
Something for thos "Woke" people. The NFL Ravens are named in honor of Baltimore's adopted son, Edgar Allen Poe, who wrote "The Raven". Yet he fought for the South in the civil war. Is it time to change the team mascot?
Like the Taliban and ISIS destroying centuries-old religious shrines, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their terroist arm are destroying American history so they can rewrite it to suit their prejudices.
I wonder will madame Pelosi demand that Robert Byrd's statue be removed from the rotunda of Congress and destroyed
Where has Pelosi ever said that those Confederate Statues should remain?

Why not actually ask her?
we cant change the culture of racism until we change the celebration of racism, my friends

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