Democrat Duplicity in School Discipline


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So...Black males (in particular) are disciplined IN AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS at rates that are wildly disproportionate to their portion of the collective Student Body. Blah, blah, blah.

The various reports all cite the discrepancies and some CLAIM to "find" that non-Blacks get away with conduct that will get a Black kid suspended or expelled. But mostly, it's a matter of - "Hey, look at the discrepancy in disciplinary actions: IT IS PROOF OF RACIAL BIAS!"

And of course Trump/Devos is reponsible for the problem because they are scaling back an Obama program (utterly worthless) to fight the discrepancy.

In the real world we know why the discrepancy exists; it links back to the homes that they come from (not genetic predisposition to crime), and it continues in adult behavior, where Black males are responsible for vastly disproportionate share of a violent crime.

But take two steps backward, if you please. Who, exactly, is responsible for these "racist" policies and actions? Public School teachers and Administrators! THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT GROUP IN THE ENTIRE POLITICAL SPECTRUM??? THIS IS ENTIRELY A DEMOCRAT PHENOMENON. 75% of American public school teachers and administrators are DEMOCRATS. They are so fucking sensitive and NON-Racist that they are a veritable pain in the public ass on the subject.

And yet the Democrats' position on this issue is the the Public School Teachers are responsible for these actions, and that THEY ARE PRESUMED TO BE RACIST! In fact, if you claim that it's the BEHAVIOR ITSELF that is the reason for the disciplinary discrepancies, then YOU ARE THE RACIST!

Is this duplicity or what?

So...Black males (in particular) are disciplined IN AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS at rates that are wildly disproportionate to their portion of the collective Student Body. Blah, blah, blah.

The various reports all cite the discrepancies and some CLAIM to "find" that non-Blacks get away with conduct that will get a Black kid suspended or expelled. But mostly, it's a matter of - "Hey, look at the discrepancy in disciplinary actions: IT IS PROOF OF RACIAL BIAS!"

And of course Trump/Devos is reponsible for the problem because they are scaling back an Obama program (utterly worthless) to fight the discrepancy.

In the real world we know why the discrepancy exists; it links back to the homes that they come from (not genetic predisposition to crime), and it continues in adult behavior, where Black males are responsible for vastly disproportionate share of a violent crime.

But take two steps backward, if you please. Who, exactly, is responsible for these "racist" policies and actions? Public School teachers and Administrators! THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT GROUP IN THE ENTIRE POLITICAL SPECTRUM??? THIS IS ENTIRELY A DEMOCRAT PHENOMENON. 75% of American public school teachers and administrators are DEMOCRATS. They are so fucking sensitive and NON-Racist that they are a veritable pain in the public ass on the subject.

And yet the Democrats' position on this issue is the the Public School Teachers are responsible for these actions, and that THEY ARE PRESUMED TO BE RACIST! In fact, if you claim that it's the BEHAVIOR ITSELF that is the reason for the disciplinary discrepancies, then YOU ARE THE RACIST!

Is this duplicity or what?

Public school teachers and administrators do not set these policies. They are set by YOUR elected school boards. You are ignorant about this topic.
If you look at the complaints, it is not the POLICIES that are the problem; it is the application of those policies by the Teachers, Counselors, and Principals, a large portion of whom are actually "Black."

My point is that in actual practice - especially since the dawn of the Obama era - these teachers, etc., are dramatically favorable to "minorities," and IN SPITE OF THEIR FAVORABLE predisposition toward these "oppressed peoples," they STILL account for grossly disproportionate numbers of disciplinary actions.

NOTE TO "INITFORME": Please try to read what I have said and what the implications are. THESE TEACHERS (ETC) ARE NOT DISCRIMINATING AGAINST BLACK KIDS. They are treating them appropriately...but the Leftists at the Federal level PRESUME that they are "RACIST" because the numbers are disproportionate. And they are punishing them, forcing them to go through meaningless training exercises in order to further the NARRATIVE that Black & White kids have comparable levels of school mis-behavior. Which is obviously, painfully false.

If you were literate you would realize that I am not bashing the teachers. I am pointing out that they are being falsely accused and convicted for doing the right thing. My God, I hope you are not a teacher.
1. During the 44th president's administration, activists said that two ethnicities in particular were being singled out for suspension due to defiance.

2. So that administration ordered all schools (on pain of losing federal money) to stop all suspensions for defiance.

3. Here in Los Angeles, the board of education proudly announced that almost all suspensions had stopped. Many naïve people believed that the reason was that the behavior of those two ethnicities had miraculously improved.

4. I hope that if you or a loved one is thinking about becoming a public school teacher in a large city, Don't do it. I have read that many new teachers quit within a year. If you (or a loved one) is going to pursue a university degree, go into another profession. Nowadays, the inmates do, indeed, run the asylum.
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As a soldier and civilian employee, I worked for DoD for 8 years. One of the few things I learned was that management got whatever management wanted. In the Government, since it's all bullshit anyway, any desired statistical result can be manufactured.

For example, my unit managed thousands of DoD contracts, and we were told that there were TOO MANY of them that were being completed LATE! We were told to REDUCE late completions by 25%! So we modified all the contracts to extend the completion dates, thus making them look like they were finished "on time." Problem solved.

So when I hear that the Powers that Be demand "fewer school suspensions," i know EXACTLY how they are going to meet that goal: suspend fewer students. Tolerate behavior that was intolerable prior to the decree.

And this is called "progress."

4. I hope that if you or a loved one is thinking about becoming a public school teacher in a large city, Don't do it. ....

Disregard this ^^^ advice. Many inner city schools serve students who most need passionate, committed teachers. You don't do something important because it's easy, you do it because it's hard.
Any time the fed gov't gets involved in private activity sides are chosen and played to. Period.
BTW, where, in the constitution, does the fed gov't get the authority to determine education policy?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution
, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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